]> git.stg.codes - stg.git/blob - stglibs/srvconf.lib/servconf.vpj
Ticket 37. if (version > 7) check added and the td->tariffConf.changePolicy variable
[stg.git] / stglibs / srvconf.lib / servconf.vpj
1 <!DOCTYPE Project SYSTEM "http://www.slickedit.com/dtd/vse/10.0/vpj.dtd">
2 <Project
3         Version="10.0"
4         VendorName="SlickEdit"
5         WorkingDir="."
6         BuildSystem="automakefile"
7         BuildMakeFile="makefile">
8         <Config
9                 Name="Debug"
10                 Type="gnuc"
11                 DebugCallbackName="gdb"
12                 OutputFile="%bdservconf.a">
13                 <Menu>
14                         <Target
15                                 Name="Compile"
16                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Compile"
17                                 OutputExts="*.o"
18                                 Dialog="_gnuc_options_form Compile"
19                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
20                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
21                                 SaveOption="SaveCurrent"
22                                 Deletable="0">
23                                 <Exec CmdLine='g++ -c %xup -pipe -g -Wall -ggdb -o "%bd%n%oe" %i "%f"'/>
24                         </Target>
25                         <Target
26                                 Name="Link"
27                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Link"
28                                 ShowOnMenu="Never"
29                                 Dialog="_gnuc_options_form Link"
30                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
31                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
32                                 SaveOption="SaveCurrent"
33                                 Deletable="0">
34                                 <Exec CmdLine='g++ %xup -pipe -g -Wall -o "%o" %f %libs'/>
35                         </Target>
36                         <Target
37                                 Name="Build"
38                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Build"
39                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
40                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
41                                 SaveOption="SaveWorkspaceFiles"
42                                 Deletable="0">
43                                 <Exec CmdLine="gmake -fMakefile"/>
44                         </Target>
45                         <Target
46                                 Name="Rebuild"
47                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Rebuild"
48                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
49                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
50                                 Deletable="0">
51                                 <Exec/>
52                         </Target>
53                         <Target
54                                 Name="Debug"
55                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Debug"
56                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
57                                 Deletable="0">
58                                 <Exec/>
59                         </Target>
60                         <Target
61                                 Name="Execute"
62                                 MenuCaption="E&amp;xecute"
63                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
64                                 Deletable="0">
65                                 <Exec/>
66                         </Target>
67                         <Target
68                                 Name="dash"
69                                 MenuCaption="-"
70                                 RunFromDir="%rw">
71                                 <Exec/>
72                         </Target>
73                         <Target
74                                 Name="GNU C Options"
75                                 MenuCaption="GNU C &amp;Options..."
76                                 ShowOnMenu="HideIfNoCmdLine"
77                                 Deletable="0">
78                                 <Exec
79                                         CmdLine="gnucoptions"
80                                         Type="Slick-C"/>
81                         </Target>
82                 </Menu>
83                 <Libs>
84                         <Lib File="/usr/lib/libexpat.a"/>
85                 </Libs>
86         </Config>
87         <Config
88                 Name="Release"
89                 Type="gnuc"
90                 DebugCallbackName="gdb"
91                 OutputFile="%bdservconf.a">
92                 <Menu>
93                         <Target
94                                 Name="Compile"
95                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Compile"
96                                 OutputExts="*.o"
97                                 Dialog="_gnuc_options_form Compile"
98                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
99                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
100                                 SaveOption="SaveCurrent"
101                                 Deletable="0">
102                                 <Exec CmdLine='g++ -c %xup -pipe -Wall -o "%bd%n%oe" %i "%f"'/>
103                         </Target>
104                         <Target
105                                 Name="Link"
106                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Link"
107                                 ShowOnMenu="Never"
108                                 Dialog="_gnuc_options_form Link"
109                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
110                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
111                                 SaveOption="SaveCurrent"
112                                 Deletable="0">
113                                 <Exec CmdLine='g++ %xup -pipe -Wall -o "%o" %f %libs'/>
114                         </Target>
115                         <Target
116                                 Name="Build"
117                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Build"
118                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
119                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
120                                 SaveOption="SaveWorkspaceFiles"
121                                 Deletable="0">
122                                 <Exec CmdLine="gmake -fMakefile"/>
123                         </Target>
124                         <Target
125                                 Name="Rebuild"
126                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Rebuild"
127                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
128                                 CaptureOutputWith="ProcessBuffer"
129                                 Deletable="0">
130                                 <Exec/>
131                         </Target>
132                         <Target
133                                 Name="Debug"
134                                 MenuCaption="&amp;Debug"
135                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
136                                 Deletable="0">
137                                 <Exec/>
138                         </Target>
139                         <Target
140                                 Name="Execute"
141                                 MenuCaption="E&amp;xecute"
142                                 RunFromDir="%rw"
143                                 Deletable="0">
144                                 <Exec/>
145                         </Target>
146                         <Target
147                                 Name="dash"
148                                 MenuCaption="-"
149                                 RunFromDir="%rw">
150                                 <Exec/>
151                         </Target>
152                         <Target
153                                 Name="GNU C Options"
154                                 MenuCaption="GNU C &amp;Options..."
155                                 ShowOnMenu="HideIfNoCmdLine"
156                                 Deletable="0">
157                                 <Exec
158                                         CmdLine="gnucoptions"
159                                         Type="Slick-C"/>
160                         </Target>
161                 </Menu>
162                 <Libs>
163                         <Lib File="/usr/lib/libexpat.a"/>
164                 </Libs>
165         </Config>
166         <Files>
167                 <Folder
168                         Name="Source Files"
169                         Filters="*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cp;*.cxx;*.prg;*.pas;*.dpr;*.asm;*.s;*.bas;*.java;*.sc;*.e;*.cob;*.html;*.rc;*.tcl;*.py;*.pl">
170                         <F N="netunit.cpp"/>
171                         <F N="parser.cpp"/>
172                         <F N="servconf.cpp"/>
173                         <F N="test.cpp"/>
174                 </Folder>
175                 <Folder
176                         Name="Header Files"
177                         Filters="*.h;*.hh;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.inc;*.sh;*.cpy;*.if">
178                         <F N="netunit.h"/>
179                         <F N="servconf.h"/>
180                 </Folder>
181                 <Folder
182                         Name="Resource Files"
183                         Filters="*.ico;*.cur;*.dlg"/>
184                 <Folder
185                         Name="Bitmaps"
186                         Filters="*.bmp;*.xpm;*.xbm"/>
187                 <Folder
188                         Name="Other Files"
189                         Filters=""/>
190         </Files>
191 </Project>