]> git.stg.codes - stg.git/history - projects/stargazer/inst/var
Removed unused constant from netunit.cpp.
[stg.git] / projects / stargazer / inst / var /
2014-01-29 NaffanyaSearch parameter in map case insensitive
2014-01-06 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'new-daily-fee'
2013-11-27 Maxim MamontovImplemented daily fee charge with backward compatibility.
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovAdded migration scripts for new daily fee algo.
2011-11-30 Maxim MamontovSome comments removed from Firebird db creation script
2011-02-22 Maxim MamontovOld comment removed from the postgresql db creation...
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovУ скрипт створення структури бази додано додавання...
2010-11-07 Maxim MamontovДобавление исходников