]> git.stg.codes - stg.git/history - projects/sgconf/main.cpp
Add send message to log about excess length of params
[stg.git] / projects / sgconf / main.cpp
2014-03-17 NaffanyaMerge branch 'master' into naffanya-dev
2014-02-06 Maxim MamontovAdded XML pretty-printer.
2014-01-29 NaffanyaSearch parameter in map case insensitive
2014-01-12 Maxim MamontovAdded raw XML cli options.
2014-01-07 Maxim MamontovFixed error processing.
2014-01-07 Maxim MamontovImplemented XDG-compliant config file reading.
2014-01-07 Maxim MamontovTemporary added config dump.
2014-01-06 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'new-daily-fee'
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'log-unauth-reasons'
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:stg/stg
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'log-unauth-reasons'
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovBeautified error notification.
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovImplemented command line options parsing.
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'master' of gitorious.org:stg/stg
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovImplemented new command line options parser.
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'fix-gts-auth-errors'
2013-10-28 Maxim MamontovAdded command line parser prototype.
2013-10-20 Maxim MamontovMade short and full help.
2013-10-20 Maxim MamontovAdded all tariff options.
2013-10-20 Maxim MamontovFull description of corporations management.
2013-10-20 Maxim MamontovNew usage message.
2013-10-18 Maxim MamontovImproved CHG_USER.
2013-10-08 Maxim MamontovChanges in SendMessage method.
2013-10-07 Maxim MamontovAdded missing header.
2013-10-07 Maxim MamontovFixed compilation issues.
2013-09-15 Maxim Mamontov[NY] Cosmetic changes.
2013-09-15 Maxim Mamontov[NY] Removed commented out stuff.
2013-09-15 Maxim Mamontov[NY] Made NETUNIT private.
2013-08-23 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'naffanya-dev'
2013-08-23 Maxim MamontovImproved handling errors got from server.
2013-08-10 Maxim MamontovFixed compilation issues.
2013-08-09 Maxim MamontovFoxed compilation errors.
2013-08-08 Maxim MamontovSmall name fixes.
2013-08-08 Maxim MamontovMany changes related to getting user information via...
2013-07-26 Maxim MamontovAdded forgotten 'break'.
2013-07-26 Maxim MamontovAdded ability to list authorizers for user.
2011-04-11 Maxim MamontovAdd iconv for 'note', 'email', 'address' and 'group'
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix sgconf compilation errors
2011-03-09 Maxim MamontovAdd support of -E key for sgconf (credit timeout)
2011-03-04 Maxim MamontovAdd creditExpire setting/getting via sgconf
2011-02-04 Maxim MamontovВиправлено роботу з перекодуванням рядків
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovУ консольному конфігураторі додано завершуючий нуль...
2010-12-08 Maxim MamontovВ консольном конфигураторе исправлен потенциальный...
2010-11-07 Maxim MamontovДобавление исходников