Merge branch 'stg-2.409'
[stg.git] / projects / stargazer / plugins / store /
2016-11-13 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'stg-2.409'
2016-09-17 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'stg-2.409'
2016-09-17 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'stg-2.409'
2016-08-20 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'stg-2.409'
2016-07-19 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'stg-2.409'
2016-07-19 Maxim Mamontovstg-2.409 pre-merge.
2016-03-17 Elena MamontovaMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/stg-2.409' into...
2015-12-20 Maxim MamontovFixed editing tariffs.
2015-12-14 Maxim MamontovMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ticket42' into...
2015-10-18 Maxim MamontovFixed parsing parameters with empty values.
2015-02-01 Maxim MamontovFixes in dealing with external libs.
2015-01-25 Maxim MamontovAdded some handy funcs to work with IBPP statements.
2015-01-25 Maxim MamontovAdded in-to-traff-type conversion.
2015-01-10 Maxim MamontovUse common case-conversion functions.
2015-01-10 Maxim MamontovRemoved "using namespace std;" from stargazer.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovFixed compilation with new TRAFF_TYPE.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovSome changes in crypto.lib. Added tests.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovSimplified STG_LOCKER.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovFixed compilation issue.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovAnother set of minor fixes.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovLots of stylistic fixes.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovRemoved obsolete stuff.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovFixed stupid things in MySQL backend.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovFixed merge issues.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'new-daily-fee'
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovUSER_STAT refactoring.
2015-01-09 Maxim MamontovUse ::tolower from cctype in std::transform.
2014-10-25 Maxim MamontovImplemented storing services.
2014-10-03 Maxim MamontovRemoved "using namespace std;" from stargazer.
2014-09-17 Maxim MamontovFixed compilation with new TRAFF_TYPE.
2014-06-21 Maxim MamontovSome changes in crypto.lib. Added tests.
2014-06-09 Maxim MamontovSimplified STG_LOCKER.
2014-06-08 Maxim MamontovFixed compilation issue.
2014-06-08 Maxim MamontovAnother set of minor fixes.
2014-06-08 Maxim MamontovLots of stylistic fixes.
2014-06-08 Maxim MamontovRemoved obsolete stuff.
2014-06-08 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'naffanya-dev'
2014-05-29 Maxim MamontovFixed storing relation between users and services.
2014-03-17 NaffanyaMerge branch 'master' into naffanya-dev
2014-03-17 Maxim MamontovFixed stupid things in MySQL backend.
2014-01-29 NaffanyaSearch parameter in map case insensitive
2014-01-06 Maxim MamontovFixed merge issues.
2014-01-06 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'new-daily-fee'
2013-11-27 Maxim MamontovImplemented daily fee charge with backward compatibility.
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'log-unauth-reasons'
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'log-unauth-reasons'
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'fix-gts-auth-errors'
2013-10-08 Maxim MamontovUSER_STAT refactoring.
2013-10-07 Maxim MamontovUse ::tolower from cctype in std::transform.
2013-08-23 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'naffanya-dev'
2013-08-10 Maxim MamontovRenamed a variable.
2013-08-10 Maxim MamontovCosmetic changes.
2013-07-26 Maxim MamontovCheck that IP is not in use before changing.
2013-02-05 Maxim MamontovMassive refactoring.
2013-01-01 Maxim MamontovCode cleanup.
2012-11-11 Maxim MamontovAdded missing dependency.
2012-08-02 Maxim MamontovIntroduced logger for plugins.
2012-02-26 Maxim MamontovFix dependency on fbclient for
2012-02-07 Maxim MamontovVariable scope narrowed
2011-09-20 Maxim MamontovFix projects and plugins building system to support...
2011-09-15 Maxim MamontovHide or add proper copy ctor and assignement operator...
2011-09-15 Maxim MamontovHide or add proper copy ctor and assignement operator...
2011-09-14 Maxim MamontovShut up compilers
2011-09-10 Maxim MamontovFix service payDay type for correct work on 32/64-bit
2011-09-10 Maxim MamontovFix unsigned types while working with IBPP
2011-09-10 Maxim MamontovFix creator method call
2011-09-01 Maxim MamontovShut up compiler about printing size_t variable
2011-08-31 Maxim MamontovFix resource leak in file_store
2011-08-13 Maxim MamontovService and corporation permissions added
2011-08-02 Maxim MamontovReplcae GetStore with new GetPlugin method from plugin...
2011-07-25 Maxim MamontovCode deduplication (plugin creation via template PLUGIN...
2011-05-31 Maxim MamontovFix uninitialized variabled in mod_store_mysql
2011-05-30 Maxim MamontovDB store plugin params unified
2011-05-28 Maxim MamontovReplace RemoveDir with more efficient implementation
2011-05-25 Maxim MamontovMembers initialization order fixed in PostgreSQL storag...
2011-05-25 Maxim Mamontov'retries' parameter added to PostgreSQL storage plugin
2011-04-12 Maxim MamontovCommented debug ouput removed
2011-04-08 Maxim MamontovRemove 'stg' prefixes from headers and add it to libraries
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovRemove const qualifier from function definitions
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix file store plugin compilation errors
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix firebird store plugin compilation errors
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix mysql store plugin compilation errors
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix postgresql store plugin compilation errors
2011-03-22 Maxim MamontovCatch exception via const referense, not a value
2011-03-21 Maxim MamontovCatch exception via const reference instead of value
2011-03-18 Maxim MamontovFix compilation issues
2011-03-18 Maxim MamontovRename BASE_AUTH and BASE_STORE to AUTH and STORE
2011-02-09 Maxim MamontovДодано розширений формат помісячної статистики
2011-02-09 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'master' of
2011-02-06 Maxim MamontovПрибрано непотрібну залежність від -lconffiles у плагін...
2011-01-14 Maxim MamontovВиправлено помилку що призводила до падіння системи...
2011-01-13 Maxim MamontovВиправлено помилку компыляцыъ модуля store_firebird
2010-12-30 Maxim MamontovИсправлена старая ошибка с "перепутыванием" полей userdata
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovВиправлено помилки компіляції на FreeBSD4
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovВидалено сміття що залишилось від роботи CVS
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovДодано ініціалізацію члена version у конструкторі POSTG...
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovЗмінено порядок слідування методів і членів класу POSTG...
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovУ плагіні файлового сховища виправлена втрата файлового...
2010-12-17 Maxim MamontovРефакторинг метода FILE_STORE::GetFilesList
2010-12-17 Maxim MamontovИсправлена ошибка компиляции файлового плагина