Added const qualifier.
[stg.git] / doc /
2014-01-29 NaffanyaSearch parameter in map case insensitive
2014-01-06 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'new-daily-fee'
2013-11-27 Maxim MamontovImplemented daily fee charge with backward compatibility.
2013-08-23 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'naffanya-dev'
2013-07-26 Maxim MamontovAdjusted XML RPC documentation.
2012-02-06 Maxim MamontovactiveUsers SNMP parameter description added
2012-02-06 Maxim Mamontov.gitignore for xmlrpc catalogue added
2011-12-26 Maxim MamontovDocumentation updated (DocBook)
2011-12-24 Maxim MamontovHelp updated
2011-12-10 Maxim MamontovDocumentation update
2011-12-01 Maxim MamontovRevert previous changes
2011-12-01 Maxim MamontovRegister smux plugin as .stg24, not as a root
2011-12-01 Maxim MamontovDocumentation intermediate update
2011-07-24 Maxim MamontovAdd missing password field in chg_admin method description
2011-06-16 Maxim MamontovLang attribute added to the book tag
2011-06-15 Maxim MamontovChapter 4 partialy complete
2011-06-15 Maxim MamontovHelp book chapter 3 complete
2011-06-15 Maxim MamontovHelp book chapter 2 complete
2011-06-15 Maxim MamontovHelp book chapter 1 complete
2011-05-28 Maxim MamontovAdd ReconnectOnTariffChange parameter description th...
2011-05-26 Maxim MamontovAdded description for the new parameter FeeChargeType
2011-04-20 Maxim MamontovPlaceholder added to the XML-RPC API documentation...
2011-04-20 Maxim Mamontovxslt filters moved upper, Makefiles fixed to use bundle...
2011-04-20 Maxim Mamontov-doc suffix removed from XML-RPC API documentation
2011-04-20 Maxim Mamontov--stringparam base.path replaces with -o
2011-04-20 Maxim MamontovDocBook documentation stub added
2011-04-19 Maxim MamontovFix some styles in help.odt
2011-04-19 Maxim MamontovStylistic changes in documentation
2011-04-18 Maxim MamontovStargazer documentation added
2011-04-12 Maxim MamontovFix encoding hint in documentation
2011-04-11 Maxim MamontovFix tariff field name in XML-RPC API documentation...
2011-04-06 Maxim MamontovRename some XML-RPC API methods
2011-04-06 Maxim Mamontovchg_tariff -> change_tariff, change_tariff -> tariff_change
2011-04-06 Maxim MamontovReplace change_tariff link to chg_tariff
2011-04-06 Maxim MamontovA bit better Makefile
2011-04-06 Maxim MamontovRename 'disabledetailstat' parameter to 'disableddetail...
2010-12-31 Maxim MamontovПравка пути к xsl для DocBook
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovГенерацію документації по XML RPC перенесено у каталог...
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovВиправлено шлях до файлів docbook-xsl-stylesheets
2010-11-22 Maxim MamontovДокументация помещена в каталог doc