]> git.stg.codes - stg.git/history - projects/stargazer/plugins/configuration/sgconfig/rsconf.cpp
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[stg.git] / projects / stargazer / plugins / configuration / sgconfig / rsconf.cpp
2014-01-06 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'new-daily-fee'
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'log-unauth-reasons'
2013-11-14 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'log-unauth-reasons'
2013-11-09 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'fix-gts-auth-errors'
2013-08-23 Maxim MamontovMerge branch 'naffanya-dev'
2013-08-05 Maxim MamontovSome refactoring.
2013-02-05 Maxim MamontovMassive refactoring.
2012-11-18 Maxim MamontovUse old password for enciphering password change answer.
2012-08-02 Maxim MamontovLog errors from plugins to server log.
2012-08-02 Maxim MamontovIntroduced logger for plugins.
2012-02-06 Maxim MamontovCheck End-Of-Transmission read result
2011-09-16 Maxim MamontovReplace deprecated usleep with POSIX-compliant nanosleep
2011-08-31 Maxim MamontovFix accessing array element above array bounds in rsconf
2011-08-31 Maxim MamontovUse WaitPackets in CONFIGPROTO network interactions
2011-08-31 Maxim MamontovFix header length in RecvHdr
2011-08-13 Maxim MamontovFix compilation errors got after API changes
2011-08-02 Maxim MamontovCosmetic changes and possible sgconfig hang's fix
2011-08-02 Maxim MamontovReplace static void * CONFIGPROTO::Run(void *) with...
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix sgconfig plugin compilation errors
2011-04-04 Maxim MamontovAdd unistd.h to rsconf.cpp
2011-03-21 Maxim MamontovFix prefix incremental operator to postfix
2011-03-18 Maxim MamontovRename BASE_AUTH and BASE_STORE to AUTH and STORE
2011-01-26 Maxim MamontovДодано пропущені заголовочні файли
2010-12-20 Maxim MamontovВиправлено помилки компілязції під FreeBSD4
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovОбласть видимості outerSocket, outerAddr і outerAddrLen...
2010-11-07 Maxim MamontovДобавление исходников