Process services on daily basis.
[stg.git] / projects / rscriptd / main.cpp
2014-10-03 Maxim MamontovRemoved "using namespace std;" from rscriptd.
2011-09-20 Maxim MamontovShut up compiler about unused parameter on non-linux...
2011-09-20 Maxim MamontovDo not pass proc name to Executer in FreeBSD
2011-09-16 Maxim MamontovDo not use pthread_kill to stop a thread
2011-09-16 Maxim MamontovReplace deprecated usleep with POSIX-compliant nanosleep
2011-07-27 Maxim Mamontovscriptexecuter become a plain C library
2011-04-15 Maxim MamontovAdd waiting for empty queue in rscriptd
2011-04-11 Maxim MamontovRemove wait after fork in rscriptd
2011-04-08 Maxim MamontovRemove 'stg' prefixes from headers and add it to libraries
2011-04-07 Maxim MamontovFix rscriptd compilation errors
2011-01-27 Maxim MamontovВидалено пустий рядок у кінці файлу
2010-12-18 Maxim MamontovУ сервер rscriptd додано необхідний заголовочний файл
2010-11-07 Maxim MamontovДобавление исходников