#include "xml.h"
#include "admins.h"
+#include "tariffs.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "actions.h"
#include "config.h"
.Add("a", "address", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config, "<connection string>"), "connection params as a single string in format: <login>:<password>@<host>:<port>");
blocks.Add("Raw XML")
.Add("r", "raw", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<xml>", true, SGCONF::RawXMLFunction), "\tmake raw XML request");
-blocks.Add("Admins management options")
+blocks.Add("Admin management options")
.Add("get-admins", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, SGCONF::GetAdminsFunction), "\tget admin list")
.Add("get-admin", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<login>", true, SGCONF::GetAdminFunction), "\tget admin")
.Add("add-admin", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<login>", true, SGCONF::AddAdminFunction), "\tadd admin")
.Add("del-admin", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<login>", true, SGCONF::DelAdminFunction), "\tdel admin")
.Add("chg-admin", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<login>", true, SGCONF::ChgAdminFunction), "\tchange admin");
+blocks.Add("Tariff management options")
+ .Add("get-tariffs", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, SGCONF::GetTariffsFunction), "\tget tariff list")
+ .Add("get-tariff", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<name>", true, SGCONF::GetTariffFunction), "\tget tariff")
+ .Add("add-tariff", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<name>", true, SGCONF::AddTariffFunction), "\tadd tariff")
+ .Add("del-tariff", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<name>", true, SGCONF::DelTariffFunction), "\tdel tariff")
+ .Add("chg-tariff", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "<name>", true, SGCONF::ChgTariffFunction), "\tchange tariff");
SGCONF::PARSER_STATE state(false, argc, argv);
--- /dev/null
+#include "tariffs.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "stg/servconf.h"
+#include "stg/servconf_types.h"
+#include "stg/tariff_conf.h"
+#include "stg/os_int.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cassert>
+std::string Indent(size_t level, bool dash = false)
+if (level == 0)
+ return "";
+return dash ? std::string(level * 4 - 2, ' ') + "- " : std::string(level * 4, ' ');
+std::string PeriodToString(TARIFF::PERIOD period)
+switch (period)
+ {
+ case TARIFF::DAY:
+ return "daily";
+ return "monthly";
+ }
+return "unknown";
+std::string TraffTypeToString(int traffType)
+switch (traffType)
+ {
+ case TRAFF_UP:
+ return "upload";
+ case TRAFF_DOWN:
+ return "download";
+ return "upload + download";
+ case TRAFF_MAX:
+ return "max(upload, download)";
+ }
+return "unknown";
+std::string TimeToString(int h, int m)
+std::ostringstream stream;
+stream << (h < 10 ? "0" : "") << h << ":"
+ << (m < 10 ? "0" : "") << m;
+return stream.str();
+void PrintDirPriceData(size_t dir, const DIRPRICE_DATA & data, size_t level)
+std::string night = TimeToString(data.hNight, data.mNight);
+std::string day = TimeToString(data.hDay, data.mDay);
+std::cout << Indent(level, true) << "dir: " << dir << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "'" << night << "' - '" << day << "': " << data.priceDayA << "/" << data.priceDayB << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "'" << day << "' - '" << night << "': " << data.priceNightA << "/" << data.priceNightB << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "threshold: " << data.threshold << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "single price: " << (data.singlePrice ? "yes" : "no") << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "discount: " << (data.noDiscount ? "no" : "yes") << "\n"; // Attention!
+void PrintTariffConf(const TARIFF_CONF & conf, size_t level)
+std::cout << Indent(level, true) << "name: " << conf.name << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "fee: " << conf.fee << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "free mb: " << conf.free << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "passive cost: " << conf.passiveCost << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "traff type: " << TraffTypeToString(conf.traffType) << "\n"
+ << Indent(level) << "period: " << PeriodToString(conf.period) << "\n";
+void PrintTariff(const STG::GET_TARIFF::INFO & info, size_t level = 0)
+PrintTariffConf(info.tariffConf, level);
+std::cout << Indent(level) << "dir prices:\n";
+for (size_t i = 0; i < info.dirPrice.size(); ++i)
+ PrintDirPriceData(i, info.dirPrice[i], level + 1);
+void SimpleCallback(bool result,
+ const std::string & reason,
+ void * /*data*/)
+if (!result)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Operation failed. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+std::cout << "Success.\n";
+void GetTariffsCallback(bool result,
+ const std::string & reason,
+ const std::vector<STG::GET_TARIFF::INFO> & info,
+ void * /*data*/)
+if (!result)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Failed to get tariff list. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+std::cout << "Tariffs:\n";
+for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i)
+ PrintTariff(info[i], 1);
+void GetTariffCallback(bool result,
+ const std::string & reason,
+ const std::vector<STG::GET_TARIFF::INFO> & info,
+ void * data)
+assert(data != NULL && "Expecting pointer to std::string with the tariff's name.");
+const std::string & name = *static_cast<const std::string *>(data);
+if (!result)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Failed to get tariff. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i)
+ if (info[i].tariffConf.name == name)
+ PrintTariff(info[i]);
+bool SGCONF::GetTariffsFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & /*arg*/,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/)
+STG::SERVCONF proto(config.server.data(),
+ config.port.data(),
+ config.userName.data(),
+ config.userPass.data());
+return proto.GetTariffs(GetTariffsCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok;
+bool SGCONF::GetTariffFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/)
+STG::SERVCONF proto(config.server.data(),
+ config.port.data(),
+ config.userName.data(),
+ config.userPass.data());
+// STG currently doesn't support <GetTariff name="..."/>.
+// So get a list of tariffs and filter it. 'data' param holds a pointer to 'name'.
+std::string name(arg);
+return proto.GetTariffs(GetTariffCallback, &name) == STG::st_ok;
+bool SGCONF::DelTariffFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/)
+STG::SERVCONF proto(config.server.data(),
+ config.port.data(),
+ config.userName.data(),
+ config.userPass.data());
+return proto.DelTariff(arg, SimpleCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok;
+bool SGCONF::AddTariffFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/)
+// TODO
+std::cerr << "Unimplemented.\n";
+return false;
+bool SGCONF::ChgTariffFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & options)
+// TODO
+std::cerr << "Unimplemented.\n";
+return false;
--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+namespace SGCONF
+class CONFIG;
+bool GetTariffsFunction(const CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & /*arg*/,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/);
+bool GetTariffFunction(const CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/);
+bool DelTariffFunction(const CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & /*options*/);
+bool AddTariffFunction(const CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & options);
+bool ChgTariffFunction(const CONFIG & config,
+ const std::string & arg,
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string> & options);
+} // namespace SGCONF