-if (!ucr->ips.res_empty())
- if (!u->property.ips.Set(ucr->ips.const_data(), currAdmin, login, store))
+bool check = false;
+bool alwaysOnline = u->GetProperty().alwaysOnline;
+if (!ucr->alwaysOnline.empty())
+ {
+ check = true;
+ alwaysOnline = ucr->alwaysOnline.const_data();
+ }
+bool onlyOneIP = u->GetProperty().ips.ConstData().OnlyOneIP();
+if (!ucr->ips.empty())
+ {
+ check = true;
+ onlyOneIP = ucr->ips.const_data().OnlyOneIP();
+ }
+if (check && alwaysOnline && !onlyOneIP)
+ {
+ printfd(__FILE__, "Requested change leads to a forbidden state: AlwaysOnline with multiple IP's\n");
+ GetStgLogger()("%s Requested change leads to a forbidden state: AlwaysOnline with multiple IP's", currAdmin->GetLogStr().c_str());
+ res = -1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+for (size_t i = 0; i < ucr->ips.const_data().Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ uint32_t ip = ucr->ips.const_data().operator[](i).ip;
+ if (users->IsIPInUse(ip, login, &user))
+ {
+ printfd(__FILE__, "Trying to assign an IP %s to '%s' that is already in use by '%s'\n", inet_ntostring(ip).c_str(), login.c_str(), user->GetLogin().c_str());
+ GetStgLogger()("%s trying to assign an IP %s to '%s' that is currently in use by '%s'", currAdmin->GetLogStr().c_str(), inet_ntostring(ip).c_str(), login.c_str(), user->GetLogin().c_str());