-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua>
+ */
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <sstream>
+#include "parser.h"
-#include "stg/version.h"
#include "stg/tariffs.h"
+#include "stg/admin.h"
+#include "stg/users.h"
#include "stg/user_property.h"
#include "stg/settings.h"
#include "stg/logger.h"
-#include "parser.h"
+#include "stg/version.h"
+#include "stg/store.h"
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdio> // sprintf
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
#define UNAME_LEN (256)
+std::string UserToXML(const USER & user, bool loginInStart, bool showPass, time_t lastTime = 0)
+std::string answer;
+if (loginInStart)
+ answer += "<User result=\"ok\">";
+ answer += "<User result=\"ok\" login=\"" + user.GetLogin() + "\">";
+answer += "<Login value=\"" + user.GetLogin() + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().password.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ {
+ if (showPass)
+ answer += "<Password value=\"" + user.GetProperty().password.Get() + "\" />";
+ else
+ answer += "<Password value=\"++++++\"/>";
+ }
+if (user.GetProperty().cash.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Cash value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().cash.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().freeMb.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<FreeMb value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().freeMb.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().credit.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Credit value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().credit.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().nextTariff.Get() != "")
+ {
+ if (user.GetProperty().tariffName.ModificationTime() > lastTime ||
+ user.GetProperty().nextTariff.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Tariff value=\"" + user.GetProperty().tariffName.Get() + "/" + user.GetProperty().nextTariff.Get() + "\"/>";
+ }
+ {
+ if (user.GetProperty().tariffName.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Tariff value=\"" + user.GetProperty().tariffName.Get() + "\"/>";
+ }
+if (user.GetProperty().note.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Note value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().note) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().phone.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Phone value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().phone) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().address.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Address value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().address) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().email.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Email value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().email) + "\"/>";
+std::vector<const USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<std::string> *> userdata;
+for (size_t i = 0; i < userdata.size(); i++)
+ if (userdata[i]->ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<UserData" + x2str(i) + " value=\"" + Encode12str(userdata[i]->Get()) + "\" />";
+if (user.GetProperty().realName.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Name value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().realName) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().group.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<Group value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().group) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetConnectedModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += std::string("<Status value=\"") + (user.GetConnected() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().alwaysOnline.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += std::string("<AOnline value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().alwaysOnline.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetCurrIPModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<CurrIP value=\"" + inet_ntostring(user.GetCurrIP()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetPingTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<PingTime value=\"" + x2str(user.GetPingTime()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().ips.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<IP value=\"" + user.GetProperty().ips.Get().GetIpStr() + "\"/>";
+answer += "<Traff";
+const DIR_TRAFF & upload(user.GetProperty().down.Get());
+const DIR_TRAFF & download(user.GetProperty().up.Get());
+if (user.GetProperty().up.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
+ answer += " MU" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(upload[j]) + "\"";
+if (user.GetProperty().down.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
+ answer += " MD" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(download[j]) + "\"";
+if (user.GetSessionUploadModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
+ answer += " SU" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(user.GetSessionUpload()[j]) + "\"";
+if (user.GetSessionDownloadModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
+ answer += " SD" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(user.GetSessionDownload()[j]) + "\"";
+answer += "/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().disabled.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += std::string("<Down value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().disabled.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += std::string("<DisableDetailStat value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().passive.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += std::string("<Passive value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().passive.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().lastCashAdd.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<LastCash value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().lastCashAdd.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<LastTimeCash value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().lastActivityTime.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<LastActivityTime value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().lastActivityTime.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (user.GetProperty().creditExpire.ModificationTime() > lastTime)
+ answer += "<CreditExpire value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().creditExpire.Get()) + "\"/>";
+if (lastTime == 0)
+ {
+ answer += "<AuthorizedBy>";
+ std::vector<std::string> list(user.GetAuthorizers());
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
+ answer += "<Auth name=\"" + *it + "\"/>";
+ answer += "</AuthorizedBy>";
+ }
+answer += "</User>";
+return answer;
+} // namespace anonymous
int PARSER_GET_SERVER_INFO::ParseStart(void *, const char *el, const char **)
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
if (strcasecmp(el, "GetServerInfo") == 0)
return 0;
void PARSER_GET_SERVER_INFO::CreateAnswer()
-char s[UNAME_LEN + 128];
char un[UNAME_LEN];
struct utsname utsn;
strcat(un, " ");
strcat(un, utsn.nodename);
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
-sprintf(s, "<version value=\"%s\"/>", SERVER_VERSION);
-sprintf(s, "<tariff_num value=\"%llu\"/>", static_cast<unsigned long long>(tariffs->Count()));
-sprintf(s, "<tariff value=\"%d\"/>", 2);
-sprintf(s, "<users_num value=\"%llu\"/>", static_cast<unsigned long long>(users->Count()));
-sprintf(s, "<uname value=\"%s\"/>", un);
-sprintf(s, "<dir_num value=\"%d\"/>", DIR_NUM);
-sprintf(s, "<day_fee value=\"%d\"/>", settings->GetDayFee());
+answer += "<ServerInfo>";
+answer += std::string("<version value=\"") + SERVER_VERSION + "\"/>";
+answer += "<tariff_num value=\"" + x2str(tariffs->Count()) + "\"/>";
+answer += "<tariff value=\"2\"/>";
+answer += "<user_num value=\"" + x2str(users->Count()) + "\"/>";
+answer += std::string("<uname value=\"") + un + "\"/>";
+answer += "<dir_num value=\"" + x2str(DIR_NUM) + "\"/>";
+answer += "<day_fee value=\"" + x2str(settings->GetDayFee()) + "\"/>";
-for (int i = 0; i< DIR_NUM; i++)
- {
- std::string dn2e;
- Encode12str(dn2e, settings->GetDirName(i));
- sprintf(s, "<dir_name_%d value=\"%s\"/>", i, dn2e.c_str());
- answerList->push_back(s);
- }
+for (size_t i = 0; i< DIR_NUM; i++)
+ answer += "<dir_name_" + x2str(i) + " value=\"" + Encode12str(settings->GetDirName(i)) + "\"/>";
+answer += "</ServerInfo>";
void PARSER_GET_USER::CreateAnswer()
-std::string s;
-std::string enc;
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
if (users->FindByName(login, &u))
- answerList->push_back("<user result=\"error\" reason=\"User not found.\"/>");
+ answer = "<User result=\"error\" reason=\"User not found.\"/>";
-s = "<user result=\"ok\">";
-s = "<login value=\"" + u->GetLogin() + "\"/>";
-if (currAdmin->GetPriv()->userConf || currAdmin->GetPriv()->userPasswd)
- s = "<password value=\"" + u->GetProperty().password.Get() + "\" />";
- s = "<password value=\"++++++\"/>";
-strprintf(&s, "<cash value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().cash.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<freemb value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().freeMb.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<credit value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().credit.Get());
-if (u->GetProperty().nextTariff.Get() != "")
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<tariff value=\"%s/%s\" />",
- u->GetProperty().tariffName.Get().c_str(),
- u->GetProperty().nextTariff.Get().c_str());
- }
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<tariff value=\"%s\" />",
- u->GetProperty().tariffName.Get().c_str());
- }
-Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().note);
-s = "<note value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
-Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().phone);
-s = "<phone value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
-Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().address);
-s = "<address value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
-Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().email);
-s = "<email value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
-std::vector<USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<std::string> *> userdata;
-std::string tmpI;
-for (unsigned i = 0; i < userdata.size(); i++)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, userdata[i]->Get());
- s = "<UserData" + x2str(i, tmpI) + " value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
- answerList->push_back(s);
- }
-Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().realName);
-s = "<name value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
-Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().group);
-s = "<GROUP value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
-strprintf(&s, "<status value=\"%d\" />", u->GetConnected());
-strprintf(&s, "<aonline value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().alwaysOnline.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<currip value=\"%s\" />", inet_ntostring(u->GetCurrIP()).c_str());
-strprintf(&s, "<PingTime value=\"%lu\" />", u->GetPingTime());
-std::ostringstream sstr;
-sstr << u->GetProperty().ips.Get();
-strprintf(&s, "<ip value=\"%s\" />", sstr.str().c_str());
-char * ss;
-ss = new char[DIR_NUM*25*4 + 50];
-char st[50];
-sprintf(ss, "<traff");
-DIR_TRAFF upload;
-DIR_TRAFF download;
-download = u->GetProperty().down.Get();
-upload = u->GetProperty().up.Get();
-for (int j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
- {
- std::string s;
- x2str(upload[j], s);
- sprintf(st, " MU%d=\"%s\"", j, s.c_str());
- strcat(ss, st);
- x2str(download[j], s);
- sprintf(st, " MD%d=\"%s\"", j, s.c_str());
- strcat(ss, st);
- sprintf(st, " SU%d=\"0\"", j);
- strcat(ss, st);
- sprintf(st, " SD%d=\"0\"", j);
- strcat(ss, st);
- }
-strcat(ss, " />");
-delete[] ss;
-strprintf(&s, "<down value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().disabled.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<DisableDetailStat value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<passive value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().passive.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<LastCash value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().lastCashAdd.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<LastTimeCash value=\"%ld\" />", u->GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<LastActivityTime value=\"%ld\" />", u->GetProperty().lastActivityTime.Get());
-strprintf(&s, "<CreditExpire value=\"%ld\" />", u->GetProperty().creditExpire.Get());
-s = "<AuthorizedBy>";
-std::vector<std::string> list(u->GetAuthorizers());
-for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
- s += "<Auth name=\"" + *it + "\"/>";
-s += "</AuthorizedBy>";
-strprintf(&s, "</user>");
+answer = UserToXML(*u, false, currAdmin->GetPriv()->userConf || currAdmin->GetPriv()->userPasswd);
void PARSER_GET_USERS::CreateAnswer()
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
-std::string s;
-std::string userStart;
-std::string traffStart;
-std::string traffMiddle;
-std::string traffFinish;
-std::string middle;
-std::string userFinish;
-std::string enc;
int h = users->OpenSearch();
if (!h)
-std::string updateTime;
-x2str(time(NULL), updateTime);
if (lastUpdateFound)
- answerList->push_back("<Users LastUpdate=\"" + updateTime + "\">");
+ answer += "<Users LastUpdate=\"" + x2str(time(NULL)) + "\">";
- answerList->push_back("<Users>");
-while (1)
- {
- if (users->SearchNext(h, &u))
- {
- break;
- }
- userStart = "<user login=\"" + u->GetLogin() + "\">";
- middle = "";
- if (u->GetProperty().password.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- if (currAdmin->GetPriv()->userConf || currAdmin->GetPriv()->userPasswd)
- s = "<password value=\"" + u->GetProperty().password.Get() + "\" />";
- else
- s = "<password value=\"++++++\"/>";
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().cash.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<cash value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().cash.Get());
- middle += s;
- //printfd(__FILE__, "cash value=\"%f\"\n", u->GetProperty().cash.Get());
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().freeMb.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<freemb value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().freeMb.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().credit.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<credit value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().credit.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().nextTariff.Get() != "")
- {
- if (u->GetProperty().tariffName.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime
- || u->GetProperty().nextTariff.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<tariff value=\"%s/%s\" />",
- u->GetProperty().tariffName.Get().c_str(),
- u->GetProperty().nextTariff.Get().c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (u->GetProperty().tariffName.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<tariff value=\"%s\" />",
- u->GetProperty().tariffName.Get().c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().note.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().note);
- strprintf(&s, "<note value=\"%s\" />", enc.c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().phone.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().phone);
- strprintf(&s, "<phone value=\"%s\" />", enc.c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().address.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().address);
- strprintf(&s, "<address value=\"%s\" />", enc.c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().email.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().email);
- strprintf(&s, "<email value=\"%s\" />", enc.c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- std::vector<USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<std::string> *> userdata;
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata0.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata1.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata2.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata3.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata4.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata5.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata6.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata7.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata8.GetPointer());
- userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata9.GetPointer());
- std::string tmpI;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < userdata.size(); i++)
- {
- if (userdata[i]->ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, userdata[i]->Get());
- s = "<UserData" + x2str(i, tmpI) + " value=\"" + enc + "\" />";
- middle += s;
- }
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().realName.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().realName);
- strprintf(&s, "<name value=\"%s\" />", enc.c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().group.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- Encode12str(enc, u->GetProperty().group);
- strprintf(&s, "<GROUP value=\"%s\" />", enc.c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().alwaysOnline.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<aonline value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().alwaysOnline.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetCurrIPModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<currip value=\"%s\" />", inet_ntostring(u->GetCurrIP()).c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetConnectedModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<status value=\"%d\" />", u->GetConnected());
- middle += s;
- }
+ answer += "<Users>";
- if (u->GetPingTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<PingTime value=\"%lu\" />", u->GetPingTime());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().ips.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- std::ostringstream sstr;
- sstr << u->GetProperty().ips.Get();
- strprintf(&s, "<ip value=\"%s\" />", sstr.str().c_str());
- middle += s;
- }
- char st[50];
- traffStart = "<traff";
- DIR_TRAFF upload;
- DIR_TRAFF download;
- download = u->GetProperty().down.Get();
- upload = u->GetProperty().up.Get();
- traffMiddle = "";
- if (u->GetProperty().up.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
- {
- std::string s;
- x2str(upload[j], s);
- sprintf(st, " MU%d=\"%s\" ", j, s.c_str());
- traffMiddle += st;
- }
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().down.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++)
- {
- x2str(download[j], s);
- sprintf(st, " MD%d=\"%s\" ", j, s.c_str());
- traffMiddle += st;
- }
- }
- traffFinish = " />";
- if (traffMiddle.length() > 0)
- {
- middle += traffStart;
- middle += traffMiddle;
- middle += traffFinish;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().disabled.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<down value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().disabled.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<DisableDetailStat value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- //printfd(__FILE__, ">>>>> %s\n", s.c_str());
- if (u->GetProperty().passive.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<passive value=\"%d\" />", u->GetProperty().passive.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().lastCashAdd.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<LastCash value=\"%f\" />", u->GetProperty().lastCashAdd.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<LastTimeCash value=\"%ld\" />", u->GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().lastActivityTime.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<LastActivityTime value=\"%ld\" />", u->GetProperty().lastActivityTime.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- if (u->GetProperty().creditExpire.ModificationTime() > lastUserUpdateTime)
- {
- strprintf(&s, "<CreditExpire value=\"%ld\" />", u->GetProperty().creditExpire.Get());
- middle += s;
- }
- userFinish = "</user>";
- if (middle.length() > 0)
- {
- /*printfd(__FILE__, "login: %s\n", u->GetLogin().c_str());
- printfd(__FILE__, "middle: %s\n", middle.c_str());*/
- answerList->push_back(userStart);
- answerList->push_back(middle);
- answerList->push_back(userFinish);
- }
- }
+while (users->SearchNext(h, &u) == 0)
+ answer += UserToXML(*u, true, currAdmin->GetPriv()->userConf || currAdmin->GetPriv()->userPasswd, lastUserUpdateTime);
+answer += "</Users>";
void PARSER_ADD_USER::CreateAnswer()
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
if (CheckUserData() == 0)
- {
- answerList->push_back("<AddUser result=\"ok\"/>");
- }
+ answer = "<AddUser result=\"ok\"/>";
- {
- answerList->push_back("<AddUser result=\"error\" reason=\"Access denied\"/>");
- }
+ answer = "<AddUser result=\"error\" reason=\"Access denied\"/>";
int PARSER_ADD_USER::CheckUserData()
if (strcasecmp(el, "traff") == 0)
int j = 0;
- int dir;
uint64_t t = 0;
while (attr[j])
- dir = attr[j][2] - '0';
+ int dir = attr[j][2] - '0';
if (strncasecmp(attr[j], "md", 2) == 0)
void PARSER_CHG_USER::CreateAnswer()
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
switch (res)
case 0:
- answerList->push_back("<SetUser result=\"ok\"/>");
+ answer = "<SetUser result=\"ok\"/>";
case -1:
- answerList->push_back("<SetUser result=\"error\"/>");
+ answer = "<SetUser result=\"error\"/>";
case -2:
- answerList->push_back("<SetUser result=\"error\"/>");
+ answer = "<SetUser result=\"error\"/>";
- answerList->push_back("<SetUser result=\"error\"/>");
+ answer = "<SetUser result=\"error\"/>";
void PARSER_SEND_MESSAGE::CreateAnswer()
-answerList->erase(answerList->begin(), answerList->end());
-//answerList->push_back("<SendMessageResult value=\"ok\"/>");
switch (result)
case res_ok:
- answerList->push_back("<SendMessageResult value=\"ok\"/>");
+ answer = "<SendMessageResult value=\"ok\"/>";
case res_params_error:
printfd(__FILE__, "res_params_error\n");
- answerList->push_back("<SendMessageResult value=\"Parameters error.\"/>");
+ answer = "<SendMessageResult value=\"Parameters error.\"/>";
case res_unknown:
printfd(__FILE__, "res_unknown\n");
- answerList->push_back("<SendMessageResult value=\"Unknown user.\"/>");
+ answer = "<SendMessageResult value=\"Unknown user.\"/>";
printfd(__FILE__, "res_default\n");
void PARSER_DEL_USER::CreateAnswer()
if (res)
- answerList->push_back("<DelUser value=\"error\" reason=\"User not found\"/>");
+ answer = "<DelUser value=\"error\" reason=\"User not found\"/>";
- answerList->push_back("<DelUser value=\"ok\"/>");
+ answer = "<DelUser value=\"ok\"/>";
void PARSER_CHECK_USER::CreateAnswer(const char * error)
if (error)
- answerList->push_back(std::string("<CheckUser value=\"Err\" reason=\"") + error + "\"/>");
+ answer = std::string("<CheckUser value=\"Err\" reason=\"") + error + "\"/>";
- answerList->push_back("<CheckUser value=\"Ok\"/>");
+ answer = "<CheckUser value=\"Ok\"/>";