-#include "common.h"
-extern volatile const time_t stgTime;
- RADIUS * rad;
- : rad(new RADIUS())
- {
- };
- {
- delete rad;
- };
- RADIUS * GetPlugin()
- {
- return rad;
- };
-BASE_PLUGIN * GetPlugin()
-return radc.GetPlugin();
-uint16_t RAD_SETTINGS::GetPort() const
-return port;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::GetPassword(string * password) const
-*password = RAD_SETTINGS::password;
-return 0;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::GetAuthServices(list<string> * svcs) const
-*svcs = authServices;
-return 0;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::GetAcctServices(list<string> * svcs) const
-*svcs = acctServices;
-return 0;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::ParseIP(const string & str, uint32_t * IP)
-*IP = inet_addr(str.c_str());
-return *IP == INADDR_NONE ? -1 : 0;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::ParseIntInRange(const string & str, int min, int max, int * val)
-if (str2x(str.c_str(), *val))
- {
- errorStr = "Incorrect value \'" + str + "\'.";
- return -1;
- }
-if (*val < min || *val > max)
- {
- errorStr = "Value \'" + str + "\' out of range.";
- return -1;
- }
-return 0;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::ParseServices(const vector<string> & str, list<string> * lst)
- copy(str.begin(), str.end(), back_inserter(*lst));
- list<string>::iterator it(find(lst->begin(),
- lst->end(),
- "empty"));
- if (it != lst->end())
- *it = "";
- return 0;
-int RAD_SETTINGS::ParseSettings(const MODULE_SETTINGS & s)
-int p;
-vector<PARAM_VALUE>::const_iterator pvi;
-pv.param = "Port";
-pvi = find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv);
-if (pvi == s.moduleParams.end())
- {
- errorStr = "Parameter \'Port\' not found.";
- printfd(__FILE__, "Parameter 'Port' not found\n");
- return -1;
- }
-if (ParseIntInRange(pvi->value[0], 2, 65535, &p))
- {
- errorStr = "Cannot parse parameter \'Port\': " + errorStr;
- printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot parse parameter 'Port'\n");
- return -1;
- }
-port = p;
-pv.param = "Password";
-pvi = find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv);
-if (pvi == s.moduleParams.end())
- {
- errorStr = "Parameter \'Password\' not found.";
- printfd(__FILE__, "Parameter 'Password' not found\n");
- return -1;
- }
-password = pvi->value[0];
-pv.param = "AuthServices";
-pvi = find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv);
-if (pvi != s.moduleParams.end())
- {
- ParseServices(pvi->value, &authServices);
- }
-pv.param = "AcctServices";
-pvi = find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv);
-if (pvi != s.moduleParams.end())
- {
- ParseServices(pvi->value, &acctServices);
- }
-return 0;
- : nonstop(false),
- isRunning(false),
- users(NULL),
- stgSettings(NULL),
- store(NULL),
- sock(-1)
-void RADIUS::SetUsers(USERS * u)
-users = u;
-void RADIUS::SetStgSettings(const SETTINGS * s)
-stgSettings = s;
-void RADIUS::SetSettings(const MODULE_SETTINGS & s)
-settings = s;
-void RADIUS::SetStore(BASE_STORE * s)
-store = s;
-int RADIUS::ParseSettings()
-int ret = radSettings.ParseSettings(settings);
-if (ret)
- errorStr = radSettings.GetStrError();
-return ret;
-bool RADIUS::IsRunning()
-return isRunning;
-const string RADIUS::GetVersion() const
-return "RADIUS data access plugin v 0.6";
-uint16_t RADIUS::GetStartPosition() const
-// Start before any authorizers!!!
-return 20;
-uint16_t RADIUS::GetStopPosition() const
-return 20;
-void RADIUS::SetUserNotifier(user_iter)
-void RADIUS::UnSetUserNotifier(user_iter)
-int RADIUS::PrepareNet()
-sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-if (sock < 0)
- {
- errorStr = "Cannot create socket.";
- printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot create socket\n");
- return -1;
- }
-struct sockaddr_in inAddr;
-inAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-inAddr.sin_port = htons(radSettings.GetPort());
-inAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
-if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&inAddr, sizeof(inAddr)) < 0)
- {
- errorStr = "RADIUS: Bind failed.";
- printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot bind socket\n");
- return -1;
- }
-return 0;
-int RADIUS::FinalizeNet()
-return 0;
-int RADIUS::Start()
-string password;
-InitEncrypt(&ctx, password);
-nonstop = true;
-if (PrepareNet())
- {
- return -1;
- }
-if (!isRunning)
- {
- if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Run, this))
- {
- errorStr = "Cannot create thread.";
- printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot create thread\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
-errorStr = "";
-return 0;
-int RADIUS::Stop()
-if (!IsRunning())
- return 0;
-nonstop = false;
-map<string, RAD_SESSION>::iterator it;
-for (it = sessions.begin(); it != sessions.end(); ++it)
- {
- user_iter ui;
- if (users->FindByName(it->second.userName, &ui))
- {
- ui->Unauthorize(this);
- }
- }
-sessions.erase(sessions.begin(), sessions.end());
-if (isRunning)
- {
- //5 seconds to thread stops itself
- for (int i = 0; i < 25 && isRunning; i++)
- {
- usleep(200000);
- }