-@name int pkt_add_data(struct packet *pkt, char *data, size_t data_len)
-@desc Adds supplied data at the current active ptr position of the given packet.This basically is a memcpy() wrapper function.
-@param pkt data will be written into this packet
-@param data a pointer to the data that shall be copied into the packet
-@param data_len the amount of data (in bytes) that will be copied
-pkt_add_data(struct packet *pkt, char *data, size_t data_len)
- if (!pkt || !data)
- if (pkt->pkt_size >= (pkt->pkt_pos + data_len)) {
- memcpy(pkt->pkt_ptr, data, data_len);
- return 0;
- } else
- return EPKTRANGE;
-@name int pkt_resize(struct packet *pkt, unsigned int newsize)
-@desc The given packet will be resized to newsize
-@param pkt the packet to resize
-@param newsize the new size of the packet
-pkt_resize(struct packet *pkt, unsigned int newsize)
- unsigned char *newpkt;
- if (!pkt)
- if ((newpkt = (unsigned char *) malloc(newsize)) != NULL) {
- memset(newpkt, 0, newsize);
- memcpy(newpkt, pkt->pkt, (pkt->pkt_size < newsize ? pkt->pkt_size : newsize));
- pkt->pkt_size = newsize;
- pkt->pkt_ptr = newpkt;
- pkt->pkt_pos = 0;
- /* free old mem */
- free (pkt->pkt);
- pkt->pkt = newpkt;
- return 0;
- } else
- return EERRNO;