+blocks.Add("General options")
+ .Add("c", "config", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.configFile, std::string("~/.config/stg/sgconf.conf"), "<config file>"), "override default config file")
+ .Add("h", "help", SGCONF::MakeFunc0Action(bind0(Method1Adapt(&SGCONF::OPTION_BLOCKS::Help, blocks), 0)), "\t\tshow this help and exit")
+ .Add("help-all", SGCONF::MakeFunc0Action(UsageAll), "\t\tshow full help and exit")
+ .Add("v", "version", SGCONF::MakeFunc0Action(Version), "\t\tshow version information and exit");
+SGCONF::OPTION_BLOCK & block = blocks.Add("Connection options")
+ .Add("s", "server", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.server, std::string("localhost"), "<address>"), "\t\thost to connect")
+ .Add("p", "port", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.port, uint16_t(5555), "<port>"), "\t\tport to connect")
+ .Add("u", "username", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.userName, std::string("admin"), "<username>"), "\tadministrative login")
+ .Add("w", "userpass", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.userPass, "<password>"), "\tpassword for the administrative login")
+ .Add("a", "address", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config, "<connection string>"), "connection params as a single string in format: <login>:<password>@<host>:<port>");
+blocks.Add("Raw XML")
+ .Add("r", "raw", SGCONF::MakeFunc1Action(), "\t\tmake raw XML request")
+/*blocks.Add("Admins management options")
+ .Add("get-admins", SGCONF::MakeConfAction())
+ .Add("get-admin", SGCONF::MakeConfAction())
+ .Add("add-admin", SGCONF::MakeConfAction())
+ .Add("del-admin", SGCONF::MakeConfAction())
+ .Add("chg-admin", SGCONF::MakeConfAction());*/
+SGCONF::PARSER_STATE state(false, argc, argv);
+state = blocks.Parse(--argc, ++argv); // Skipping self name
+catch (const SGCONF::OPTION::ERROR& ex)
+std::cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
+return -1;
+if (state.stop)
+ return 0;
+if (state.argc > 0)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Unknown option: '" << *state.argv << "'\n";
+ return -1;
+ }
+SGCONF::CONFIG configOverride(config);
+if (config.configFile.empty())
+ {
+ const char * mainConfigFile = "/etc/sgconf/sgconf.conf";
+ if (access(mainConfigFile, R_OK) == 0)
+ block.ParseFile(mainConfigFile);
+ ReadUserConfigFile(block);
+ }
+ {
+ block.ParseFile(config.configFile.data());
+ }
+config = configOverride;
+catch (const std::exception& ex)
+std::cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
+return -1;
+std::cerr << "Config: " << config.Serialize() << std::endl;
+return 0;
+if (argc < 2)
+ {
+ Usage();
+ return 1;
+ }