+void ConvPeriod(const std::string & value, RESETABLE<TARIFF::PERIOD> & res)
+std::string lowered = ToLower(value);
+if (lowered == "daily")
+ res = TARIFF::DAY;
+else if (lowered == "monthly")
+ res = TARIFF::MONTH;
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Period should be 'daily' or 'monthly'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+void ConvChangePolicy(const std::string & value, RESETABLE<TARIFF::CHANGE_POLICY> & res)
+std::string lowered = ToLower(value);
+if (lowered == "allow")
+ res = TARIFF::ALLOW;
+else if (lowered == "to_cheap")
+else if (lowered == "to_expensive")
+else if (lowered == "deny")
+ res = TARIFF::DENY;
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Change policy should be 'allow', 'to_cheap', 'to_expensive' or 'deny'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+void ConvChangePolicyTimeout(const std::string & value, RESETABLE<time_t> & res)
+struct tm brokenTime;
+if (stg_strptime(value.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &brokenTime) == NULL)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Credit expiration should be in format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+res = stg_timegm(&brokenTime);
+void ConvTraffType(const std::string & value, RESETABLE<TARIFF::TRAFF_TYPE> & res)
+std::string lowered = ToLower(value);
+lowered.erase(std::remove(lowered.begin(), lowered.end(), ' '), lowered.end());
+if (lowered == "upload")
+else if (lowered == "download")
+else if (lowered == "upload+download")
+else if (lowered.substr(0, 3) == "max")
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Traff type should be 'upload', 'download', 'upload + download' or 'max'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+DIRPRICE_DATA_RES ConvTimeSpan(const std::string & value)
+size_t dashPos = value.find_first_of('-');
+if (dashPos == std::string::npos)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Time span should be in format 'hh:mm-hh:mm'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+size_t fromColon = value.find_first_of(':');
+if (fromColon == std::string::npos || fromColon > dashPos)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Time span should be in format 'hh:mm-hh:mm'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+size_t toColon = value.find_first_of(':', dashPos);
+if (toColon == std::string::npos)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Time span should be in format 'hh:mm-hh:mm'. Got: '" + value + "'");
+res.hDay = FromString<int>(value.substr(0, fromColon));
+if (res.hDay.data() < 0 || res.hDay.data() > 23)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Invalid 'from' hours. Got: '" + value.substr(0, fromColon) + "'");
+res.mDay = FromString<int>(value.substr(fromColon + 1, dashPos - fromColon - 1));
+if (res.mDay.data() < 0 || res.mDay.data() > 59)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Invalid 'from' minutes. Got: '" + value.substr(fromColon + 1, dashPos - fromColon - 1) + "'");
+res.hNight = FromString<int>(value.substr(dashPos + 1, toColon - dashPos - 1));
+if (res.hNight.data() < 0 || res.hNight.data() > 23)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Invalid 'to' hours. Got: '" + value.substr(dashPos + 1, toColon - dashPos - 1) + "'");
+res.mNight = FromString<int>(value.substr(toColon + 1, value.length() - toColon));
+if (res.mNight.data() < 0 || res.mNight.data() > 59)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Invalid 'to' minutes. Got: '" + value.substr(toColon + 1, value.length() - toColon) + "'");
+return res;
+void Splice(std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> & lhs, const std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> & rhs)
+for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size() && i < rhs.size(); ++i)
+ lhs[i].Splice(rhs[i]);
+void ConvTimes(std::string value, std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> & res)
+value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end());
+Splice(res, Split<std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> >(value, ',', ConvTimeSpan));
+struct ConvPrice : public std::unary_function<std::string, DIRPRICE_DATA_RES>
+ typedef RESETABLE<double> (DIRPRICE_DATA_RES::* MemPtr);
+ ConvPrice(MemPtr before, MemPtr after)
+ : m_before(before), m_after(after)
+ {}
+ DIRPRICE_DATA_RES operator()(const std::string & value)
+ {
+ size_t slashPos = value.find_first_of('/');
+ if (slashPos == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ double price = 0;
+ if (str2x(value, price) < 0)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Price should be a floating point number. Got: '" + value + "'");
+ (res.*m_before) = (res.*m_after) = price;
+ res.noDiscount = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double price = 0;
+ if (str2x(value.substr(0, slashPos), price) < 0)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Price should be a floating point number. Got: '" + value.substr(0, slashPos) + "'");
+ (res.*m_before) = price;
+ if (str2x(value.substr(slashPos + 1, value.length() - slashPos), price) < 0)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Price should be a floating point number. Got: '" + value.substr(slashPos + 1, value.length() - slashPos) + "'");
+ (res.*m_after) = price;
+ res.noDiscount = false;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ MemPtr m_before;
+ MemPtr m_after;
+void ConvDayPrices(std::string value, std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> & res)
+value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end());
+Splice(res, Split<std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> >(value, ',', ConvPrice(&DIRPRICE_DATA_RES::priceDayA, &DIRPRICE_DATA_RES::priceDayB)));
+void ConvNightPrices(std::string value, std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> & res)
+value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end());
+Splice(res, Split<std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> >(value, ',', ConvPrice(&DIRPRICE_DATA_RES::priceNightA, &DIRPRICE_DATA_RES::priceNightB)));
+DIRPRICE_DATA_RES ConvThreshold(std::string value)
+double threshold = 0;
+if (str2x(value, threshold) < 0)
+ throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Threshold should be a floating point value. Got: '" + value + "'");
+res.threshold = threshold;
+return res;
+void ConvThresholds(std::string value, std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> & res)
+value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end());
+Splice(res, Split<std::vector<DIRPRICE_DATA_RES> >(value, ',', ConvThreshold));