-time_t stgTime;
-struct option long_options_get[] = {
-{"server", 1, 0, 's'}, //Server
-{"port", 1, 0, 'p'}, //Port
-{"admin", 1, 0, 'a'}, //Admin
-{"admin_pass", 1, 0, 'w'}, //passWord
-{"user", 1, 0, 'u'}, //User
-{"addcash", 0, 0, 'c'}, //Add Cash
-//{"setcash", 0, 0, 'v'}, //Set Cash
-{"credit", 0, 0, 'r'}, //cRedit
-{"tariff", 0, 0, 't'}, //Tariff
-{"message", 0, 0, 'm'}, //message
-{"password", 0, 0, 'o'}, //password
-{"down", 0, 0, 'd'}, //down
-{"passive", 0, 0, 'i'}, //passive
-{"disable-stat",0, 0, 'S'}, //disable detail stat
-{"always-online",0, 0, 'O'}, //always online
-{"session-upload", 1, 0, 500}, //SU0
-{"session-download", 1, 0, 501}, //SD0
-{"month-upload", 1, 0, 502}, //MU0
-{"month-download", 1, 0, 503}, //MD0
-{"user-data", 1, 0, 700}, //UserData0
-{"prepaid", 0, 0, 'e'}, //prepaid traff
-{"create", 0, 0, 'n'}, //create
-{"delete", 0, 0, 'l'}, //delete
-{"note", 0, 0, 'N'}, //Note
-{"name", 0, 0, 'A'}, //nAme
-{"address", 0, 0, 'D'}, //aDdress
-{"email", 0, 0, 'L'}, //emaiL
-{"phone", 0, 0, 'P'}, //phone
-{"group", 0, 0, 'G'}, //Group
-{"ip", 0, 0, 'I'}, //IP-address of user
-{"authorized-by",0, 0, 800}, //always online
-{0, 0, 0, 0}};
-struct option long_options_set[] = {
-{"server", 1, 0, 's'}, //Server
-{"port", 1, 0, 'p'}, //Port
-{"admin", 1, 0, 'a'}, //Admin
-{"admin_pass", 1, 0, 'w'}, //passWord
-{"user", 1, 0, 'u'}, //User
-{"addcash", 1, 0, 'c'}, //Add Cash
-{"setcash", 1, 0, 'v'}, //Set Cash
-{"credit", 1, 0, 'r'}, //cRedit
-{"tariff", 1, 0, 't'}, //Tariff
-{"message", 1, 0, 'm'}, //message
-{"password", 1, 0, 'o'}, //password
-{"down", 1, 0, 'd'}, //down
-{"passive", 1, 0, 'i'}, //passive
-{"disable-stat",1, 0, 'S'}, //disable detail stat
-{"always-online",1, 0, 'O'}, //always online
-{"session-upload", 1, 0, 500}, //U0
-{"session-download", 1, 0, 501}, //U1
-{"month-upload", 1, 0, 502}, //U2
-{"month-download", 1, 0, 503}, //U3
-{"user-data", 1, 0, 700}, //UserData
-{"prepaid", 1, 0, 'e'}, //prepaid traff
-{"create", 1, 0, 'n'}, //create
-{"delete", 1, 0, 'l'}, //delete
-{"note", 1, 0, 'N'}, //Note
-{"name", 1, 0, 'A'}, //nAme
-{"address", 1, 0, 'D'}, //aDdress
-{"email", 1, 0, 'L'}, //emaiL
-{"phone", 1, 0, 'P'}, //phone
-{"group", 1, 0, 'G'}, //Group
-{"ip", 0, 0, 'I'}, //IP-address of user
-{0, 0, 0, 0}};
-CASH_INFO ParseCash(const char * str)
-//-c 123.45:log message
-std::string cashString;
-std::string message;
-const char * pos = strchr(str, ':');
-if (pos != NULL)
- {
- cashString.append(str, pos);
- message.append(pos + 1);
- }
- cashString = str;
-double cash = 0;
-if (strtodouble2(cashString, cash) != 0)
- {
- printf("Incorrect cash value %s\n", str);
- }
-return CASH_INFO(cash, message);
-double ParseCredit(const char * c)
-double credit;
-if (strtodouble2(c, credit) != 0)
- {
- printf("Incorrect credit value %s\n", c);
- }
-return credit;
-double ParsePrepaidTraffic(const char * c)
-double credit;
-if (strtodouble2(c, credit) != 0)
- {
- printf("Incorrect prepaid traffic value %s\n", c);
- }
-return credit;
-int64_t ParseTraff(const char * c)
-int64_t traff;
-if (str2x(c, traff) != 0)
- {
- printf("Incorrect credit value %s\n", c);
- }
-return traff;
-bool ParseDownPassive(const char * dp)
-if (!(dp[1] == 0 && (dp[0] == '1' || dp[0] == '0')))
- {
- printf("Incorrect value %s\n", dp);
- }
-return dp[0] - '0';
-void ParseTariff(const char * str, RESETABLE<std::string> & tariffName, RESETABLE<std::string> & nextTariff)
-const char * pos = strchr(str, ':');
-if (pos != NULL)
- {
- std::string tariff(str, pos);
- if (strcmp(pos + 1, "now") == 0)
- tariffName = tariff;
- else if (strcmp(pos + 1, "delayed") == 0)
- nextTariff = tariff;
- else
- {
- printf("Incorrect tariff value '%s'. Should be '<tariff>', '<tariff>:now' or '<tariff>:delayed'.\n", str);
- }
- }
- tariffName = str;
-time_t ParseCreditExpire(const char * str)
-struct tm brokenTime;
-brokenTime.tm_wday = 0;
-brokenTime.tm_yday = 0;
-brokenTime.tm_isdst = 0;
-brokenTime.tm_hour = 0;
-brokenTime.tm_min = 0;
-brokenTime.tm_sec = 0;
-stg_strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d", &brokenTime);
-return stg_timegm(&brokenTime);
-void ParseAnyString(const char * c, string * msg, const char * enc)
-iconv_t cd;
-char * ob = new char[strlen(c) + 1];
-char * ib = new char[strlen(c) + 1];
-strcpy(ib, c);
-char * outbuf = ob;
-char * inbuf = ib;
-setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
-char charsetF[255];
-strncpy(charsetF, nl_langinfo(CODESET), 255);
-const char * charsetT = enc;
-size_t nconv = 1;
-size_t insize = strlen(ib);
-size_t outsize = strlen(ib);
-insize = strlen(c);
-cd = iconv_open(charsetT, charsetF);
-if (cd == (iconv_t) -1)
- {
- if (errno == EINVAL)
- {
- printf("Warning: iconv from %s to %s failed\n", charsetF, charsetT);
- *msg = c;
- return;
- }
- else
- printf("error iconv_open\n");
- }
-#if defined(FREE_BSD) || defined(FREE_BSD5)
-nconv = iconv (cd, (const char**)&inbuf, &insize, &outbuf, &outsize);
-nconv = iconv (cd, &inbuf, &insize, &outbuf, &outsize);
-//printf("nconv=%d outsize=%d\n", nconv, outsize);
-if (nconv == (size_t) -1)
- {
- if (errno != EINVAL)
- {
- printf("iconv error\n");
- }
- }
-*outbuf = L'\0';
-*msg = ob;
-delete[] ob;
-delete[] ib;
-void CreateRequestSet(REQUEST * req, char * r)
-const int strLen = 10024;
-char str[strLen];
-memset(str, 0, strLen);
-r[0] = 0;
-if (!req->usrMsg.empty())
- {
- string msg;
- Encode12str(msg, req->usrMsg.data());
- sprintf(str, "<Message login=\"%s\" msgver=\"1\" msgtype=\"1\" repeat=\"0\" repeatperiod=\"0\" showtime=\"0\" text=\"%s\"/>", req->login.const_data().c_str(), msg.c_str());
- //sprintf(str, "<message login=\"%s\" priority=\"0\" text=\"%s\"/>\n", req->login, msg);
- strcat(r, str);
- return;
- }
-if (req->deleteUser)
- {
- sprintf(str, "<DelUser login=\"%s\"/>", req->login.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- //printf("%s\n", r);
- return;
- }
-if (req->createUser)
- {
- sprintf(str, "<AddUser> <login value=\"%s\"/> </AddUser>", req->login.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- //printf("%s\n", r);
- return;
- }
-strcat(r, "<SetUser>\n");
-sprintf(str, "<login value=\"%s\"/>\n", req->login.const_data().c_str());
-strcat(r, str);
-if (!req->credit.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<credit value=\"%f\"/>\n", req->credit.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->creditExpire.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<creditExpire value=\"%ld\"/>\n", req->creditExpire.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->prepaidTraff.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<FreeMb value=\"%f\"/>\n", req->prepaidTraff.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->cash.empty())
- {
- string msg;
- Encode12str(msg, req->message);
- sprintf(str, "<cash add=\"%f\" msg=\"%s\"/>\n", req->cash.const_data(), msg.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->setCash.empty())
- {
- string msg;
- Encode12str(msg, req->message);
- sprintf(str, "<cash set=\"%f\" msg=\"%s\"/>\n", req->setCash.const_data(), msg.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->usrPasswd.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<password value=\"%s\" />\n", req->usrPasswd.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->down.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<down value=\"%d\" />\n", req->down.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->passive.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<passive value=\"%d\" />\n", req->passive.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->disableDetailStat.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<disableDetailStat value=\"%d\" />\n", req->disableDetailStat.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->alwaysOnline.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<aonline value=\"%d\" />\n", req->alwaysOnline.const_data());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-// IP-address of user
-if (!req->ips.empty())
- {
- sprintf(str, "<ip value=\"%s\" />\n", req->ips.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-int uPresent = false;
-int dPresent = false;
-for (int i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++)
- {
- if (!req->monthUpload[i].empty())
- {
- if (!uPresent && !dPresent)
- {
- sprintf(str, "<traff ");
- strcat(r, str);
- uPresent = true;
- }
- stringstream ss;
- ss << req->monthUpload[i].const_data();
- //sprintf(str, "MU%d=\"%lld\" ", i, req->u[i].const_data());
- sprintf(str, "MU%d=\"%s\" ", i, ss.str().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
- if (!req->monthDownload[i].empty())
- {
- if (!uPresent && !dPresent)
- {
- sprintf(str, "<traff ");
- strcat(r, str);
- dPresent = true;
- }
- stringstream ss;
- ss << req->monthDownload[i].const_data();
- sprintf(str, "MD%d=\"%s\" ", i, ss.str().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
- if (!req->sessionUpload[i].empty())
- {
- if (!uPresent && !dPresent)
- {
- sprintf(str, "<traff ");
- strcat(r, str);
- uPresent = true;
- }
- stringstream ss;
- ss << req->sessionUpload[i].const_data();
- //sprintf(str, "MU%d=\"%lld\" ", i, req->u[i].const_data());
- sprintf(str, "MU%d=\"%s\" ", i, ss.str().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
- if (!req->sessionDownload[i].empty())
- {
- if (!uPresent && !dPresent)
- {
- sprintf(str, "<traff ");
- strcat(r, str);
- dPresent = true;
- }
- stringstream ss;
- ss << req->sessionDownload[i].const_data();
- sprintf(str, "MD%d=\"%s\" ", i, ss.str().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
- }
-if (uPresent || dPresent)
- {
- strcat(r, "/>");
- }
-//printf("%s\n", r);
-if (!req->tariff.empty())
- {
- switch (req->chgTariff)
- {
- case TARIFF_NOW:
- sprintf(str, "<tariff now=\"%s\"/>\n", req->tariff.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- break;
- case TARIFF_REC:
- sprintf(str, "<tariff recalc=\"%s\"/>\n", req->tariff.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- break;
- case TARIFF_DEL:
- sprintf(str, "<tariff delayed=\"%s\"/>\n", req->tariff.const_data().c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- break;
- }
- }
-if (!req->note.empty())
- {
- string note;
- Encode12str(note, req->note.data());
- sprintf(str, "<note value=\"%s\"/>", note.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->name.empty())
- {
- string name;
- Encode12str(name, req->name.data());
- sprintf(str, "<name value=\"%s\"/>", name.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->address.empty())
- {
- string address;
- Encode12str(address, req->address.data());
- sprintf(str, "<address value=\"%s\"/>", address.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->email.empty())
- {
- string email;
- Encode12str(email, req->email.data());
- sprintf(str, "<email value=\"%s\"/>", email.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->phone.empty())
- {
- string phone;
- Encode12str(phone, req->phone.data());
- sprintf(str, "<phone value=\"%s\"/>", phone.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-if (!req->group.empty())
- {
- string group;
- Encode12str(group, req->group.data());
- sprintf(str, "<group value=\"%s\"/>", group.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
-for (int i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; i++)
- {
- if (!req->userData[i].empty())
- {
- string ud;
- Encode12str(ud, req->userData[i].data());
- sprintf(str, "<userdata%d value=\"%s\"/>", i, ud.c_str());
- strcat(r, str);
- }
- }
-strcat(r, "</SetUser>\n");