X-Git-Url: https://git.stg.codes/stg.git/blobdiff_plain/34ef822e81b9f236b2f5edf52d351a0f82d59a0c..d1d65fe3185a6c2178bbca46e9f409bd8d747c7f:/projects/sgauthstress/proto.cpp

diff --git a/projects/sgauthstress/proto.cpp b/projects/sgauthstress/proto.cpp
index 7c547daf..3150002d 100644
--- a/projects/sgauthstress/proto.cpp
+++ b/projects/sgauthstress/proto.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,37 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <csignal>
 #include <cerrno>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <cassert>
 #include <stdexcept>
+#include <algorithm>
 #include "stg/common.h"
+#include "stg/ia_packets.h"
+#include "stg/locker.h"
 #include "proto.h"
+class HasIP : public std::unary_function<std::pair<uint32_t, USER>, bool> {
+    public:
+        explicit HasIP(uint32_t i) : ip(i) {}
+        bool operator()(const std::pair<uint32_t, USER> & value) { return value.first == ip; }
+    private:
+        uint32_t ip;
 PROTO::PROTO(const std::string & server,
              uint16_t port,
              uint16_t localPort,
              int to)
-    : running(false),
-      stopped(true),
-      timeout(to)
+    : timeout(to),
+      running(false),
+      stopped(true)
 uint32_t ip = inet_addr(server.c_str());
 if (ip == INADDR_NONE)
@@ -55,23 +70,31 @@ processors["DISCONN_SYN_ACK"] = &PROTO::DISCONN_SYN_ACK_Proc;
 processors["FIN"] = &PROTO::FIN_Proc;
 processors["INFO"] = &PROTO::INFO_Proc;
 // ERR_Proc will be handled explicitly
+pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
 void * PROTO::Runner(void * data)
+sigset_t signalSet;
+pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signalSet, NULL);
 PROTO * protoPtr = static_cast<PROTO *>(data);
+return NULL;
 bool PROTO::Start()
 stopped = false;
 running = true;
-if (pthread_create(&tid, NULL, &Runner, NULL))
+if (pthread_create(&tid, NULL, &Runner, this))
     errorStr = "Failed to create listening thread: '";
     errorStr += strerror(errno);
@@ -109,62 +132,106 @@ if (pthread_join(tid, NULL))
 return true;
-void PROTO::AddUser(const USER & user)
+void PROTO::AddUser(const USER & user, bool connect)
-    users.insert(std::make_pair(user.GetIP(), user));
-    struct pollfd pfd;
-    pfd.fd = user.GetSocket();
-    pfd.events = POLLIN;
-    pfd.revents = 0;
-    pollFds.push_back(pfd);
+STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex);
+users.push_back(std::make_pair(user.GetIP(), user));
+struct pollfd pfd;
+pfd.fd = users.back().second.GetSocket();
+pfd.events = POLLIN;
+pfd.revents = 0;
+if (connect)
+    {
+    RealConnect(&users.back().second);
+    }
 bool PROTO::Connect(uint32_t ip)
-std::map<uint32_t, USER>::const_iterator it;
-it = users.find(ip);
+std::list<std::pair<uint32_t, USER> >::iterator it;
+STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex);
+it = std::find_if(users.begin(), users.end(), HasIP(ip));
 if (it == users.end())
     return false;
 // Do something
-return true;
+return RealConnect(&it->second);
 bool PROTO::Disconnect(uint32_t ip)
-std::map<uint32_t, USER>::const_iterator it;
-it = users.find(ip);
+std::list<std::pair<uint32_t, USER> >::iterator it;
+STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex);
+it = std::find_if(users.begin(), users.end(), HasIP(ip));
 if (it == users.end())
     return false;
 // Do something
-return true;
+return RealDisconnect(&it->second);
 void PROTO::Run()
 while (running)
-    int res = poll(&pollFds.front(), pollFds.size(), timeout);
+    int res;
+        {
+        STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex);
+        res = poll(&pollFds.front(), pollFds.size(), timeout);
+        }
     if (res < 0)
     if (!running)
     if (res)
+        {
+        printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::Run() - events: %d\n", res);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        CheckTimeouts();
+        }
 stopped = true;
+void PROTO::CheckTimeouts()
+STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex);
+std::list<std::pair<uint32_t, USER> >::iterator it;
+for (it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it)
+    {
+    int delta = difftime(time(NULL), it->second.GetPhaseChangeTime());
+    if ((it->second.GetPhase() == 3) &&
+        (delta > it->second.GetUserTimeout()))
+        {
+        printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::CheckTimeouts() - user alive timeout (ip: %s, login: '%s', delta: %d > %d)\n", inet_ntostring(it->second.GetIP()).c_str(), it->second.GetLogin().c_str(), delta, it->second.GetUserTimeout());
+        it->second.SetPhase(1);
+        }
+    if ((it->second.GetPhase() == 2) &&
+        (delta > it->second.GetAliveTimeout()))
+        {
+        printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::CheckTimeouts() - user connect timeout (ip: %s, login: '%s', delta: %d > %d)\n", inet_ntostring(it->second.GetIP()).c_str(), it->second.GetLogin().c_str(), delta, it->second.GetAliveTimeout());
+        it->second.SetPhase(1);
+        }
+    }
 bool PROTO::RecvPacket()
 bool result = true;
 std::vector<struct pollfd>::iterator it;
-std::map<uint32_t, USER>::iterator userIt(users.begin());
-for (it = pollFds.begin(); it != pollFds.end(); ++it)
+std::list<std::pair<uint32_t, USER> >::iterator userIt;
+STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex);
+for (it = pollFds.begin(), userIt = users.begin(); it != pollFds.end() && userIt != users.end(); ++it, ++userIt)
     if (it->revents)
@@ -173,36 +240,42 @@ for (it = pollFds.begin(); it != pollFds.end(); ++it)
         struct sockaddr_in addr;
         socklen_t fromLen = sizeof(addr);
         char buffer[2048];
-        int res = recvfrom(userIt->second.GetSocket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &fromLen);
+        int res = recvfrom(userIt->second.GetSocket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &fromLen);
         if (res == -1)
             result = false;
-            ++userIt;
-        result = result && HandlePacket(buffer, &(userIt->second));
+        result = result && HandlePacket(buffer, res, &(userIt->second));
-    ++userIt;
 return result;
-bool PROTO::HandlePacket(const char * buffer, USER * user)
+bool PROTO::HandlePacket(const char * buffer, size_t length, USER * user)
-if (strcmp(buffer + 4 + sizeof(HDR_8), "ERR"))
+if (!strncmp(buffer + 4 + sizeof(HDR_8), "ERR", 3))
     return ERR_Proc(buffer, user);
+for (size_t i = 0; i < length / 8; i++)
+    Blowfish_Decrypt(user->GetCtx(),
+                     (uint32_t *)(buffer + i * 8),
+                     (uint32_t *)(buffer + i * 8 + 4));
 std::string packetName(buffer + 12);
 std::map<std::string, PacketProcessor>::const_iterator it;
 it = processors.find(packetName);
 if (it != processors.end())
     return (this->*it->second)(buffer, user);
+printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::HandlePacket() - invalid packet signature: '%s'\n", packetName.c_str());
 return false;
@@ -220,12 +293,11 @@ SwapBytes(userTimeout);
 if (user->GetPhase() != 2)
     errorStr = "Unexpected CONN_SYN_ACK";
     printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::CONN_SYN_ACK_Proc() - wrong phase: %d\n", user->GetPhase());
+    return false;
@@ -233,6 +305,10 @@ user->SetAliveTimeout(aliveTimeout);
+printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::CONN_SYN_ACK_Proc() - user '%s' successfully logged in from IP %s\n", user->GetLogin().c_str(), inet_ntostring(user->GetIP()).c_str());
 return true;
@@ -250,16 +326,11 @@ if (user->GetPhase() != 3)
     errorStr = "Unexpected ALIVE_SYN";
     printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::ALIVE_SYN_Proc() - wrong phase: %d\n", user->GetPhase());
-    }
-if (user->GetRnd() + 1 != rnd)
-    {
-    errorStr = "Wrong control value at ALIVE_SYN";
-    printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::ALIVE_SYN_Proc() - wrong control value: %d, expected: %d\n", rnd, user->GetRnd() + 1);
+    return false;
+user->SetRnd(rnd); // Set new rnd value for ALIVE_ACK
@@ -280,6 +351,7 @@ if (user->GetPhase() != 4)
     errorStr = "Unexpected DISCONN_SYN_ACK";
     printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::DISCONN_SYN_ACK_Proc() - wrong phase: %d\n", user->GetPhase());
+    return false;
 if (user->GetRnd() + 1 != rnd)
@@ -302,6 +374,7 @@ if (user->GetPhase() != 5)
     errorStr = "Unexpected FIN";
     printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::FIN_Proc() - wrong phase: %d\n", user->GetPhase());
+    return false;
@@ -316,13 +389,8 @@ bool PROTO::INFO_Proc(const void * buffer, USER * user)
 return true;
-bool PROTO::ERR_Proc(const void * buffer, USER * user)
+bool PROTO::ERR_Proc(const void * /*buffer*/, USER * user)
-const ERR_8 * packet = static_cast<const ERR_8 *>(buffer);
-for (int i = 0; i < len/8; i++)
-    Blowfish_Decrypt(&ctxPass, (uint32_t*)(buffer + i*8), (uint32_t*)(buffer + i*8 + 4));
 //uint32_t len = packet->len;
 #ifdef ARCH_BE
@@ -349,6 +417,7 @@ packet.len = sizeof(packet);
+strncpy((char *)packet.loginS, user->GetLogin().c_str(), sizeof(packet.loginS));
 strncpy((char *)packet.type, "CONN_SYN", sizeof(packet.type));
 strncpy((char *)packet.login, user->GetLogin().c_str(), sizeof(packet.login));
 packet.dirs = 0xFFffFFff;
@@ -431,15 +500,15 @@ bool PROTO::SendPacket(const void * packet, size_t length, USER * user)
 HDR_8 hdr;
-assert(sizeof(hdr) + length < 2048 && "Packet length must not exceed 2048 bytes");
+assert(length < 2048 && "Packet length must not exceed 2048 bytes");
-strncpy((char *)hdr.magic, IA_ID, 6);
+strncpy((char *)hdr.magic, IA_ID, sizeof(hdr.magic));
 hdr.protoVer[0] = 0;
-hdr.protoVer[1] = IA_PROTO_VER;
+hdr.protoVer[1] = 8; // IA_PROTO_VER
 unsigned char buffer[2048];
+memcpy(buffer, packet, length);
 memcpy(buffer, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
-memcpy(buffer + sizeof(hdr), packet, length);
 size_t offset = sizeof(HDR_8);
 for (size_t i = 0; i < IA_LOGIN_LEN / 8; i++)
@@ -458,18 +527,18 @@ for (size_t i = 0; i < encLen; i++)
                      (uint32_t*)(buffer + offset + i * 8 + 4));
-int res = sendto(user->GetSocket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr));
+int res = sendto(user->GetSocket(), buffer, length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr));
 if (res < 0)
     errorStr = "Failed to send packet: '";
     errorStr += strerror(errno);
     errorStr += "'";
-    printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::SendPacket() - %s\n", errorStr.c_str());
+    printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::SendPacket() - %s, fd: %d\n", errorStr.c_str(), user->GetSocket());
     return false;
-if (res < sizeof(buffer))
+if (res < length)
     errorStr = "Packet sent partially";
     printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::SendPacket() - %s\n", errorStr.c_str());
@@ -478,3 +547,28 @@ if (res < sizeof(buffer))
 return true;
+bool PROTO::RealConnect(USER * user)
+if (user->GetPhase() != 1 &&
+    user->GetPhase() != 5)
+    {
+    errorStr = "Unexpected connect";
+    printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::RealConnect() - wrong phase: %d\n", user->GetPhase());
+    }
+return Send_CONN_SYN(user);
+bool PROTO::RealDisconnect(USER * user)
+if (user->GetPhase() != 3)
+    {
+    errorStr = "Unexpected disconnect";
+    printfd(__FILE__, "PROTO::RealDisconnect() - wrong phase: %d\n", user->GetPhase());
+    }
+return Send_DISCONN_SYN(user);