/* $Revision: 1.44 $ $Date: 2010/09/13 05:54:43 $ $Author: faust $ */ #ifndef USER_PROPERTY_H #define USER_PROPERTY_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "store.h" #include "admin.h" #include "notifer.h" #include "stg_logger.h" #include "stg_locker.h" #include "script_executer.h" #include "noncopyable.h" extern const volatile time_t stgTime; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class USER_PROPERTY { public: USER_PROPERTY(varT & val); virtual ~USER_PROPERTY(); void Set(const varT & rvalue); USER_PROPERTY & operator= (const varT & rvalue); const varT * operator&() const throw() { return &value; } const varT & ConstData() const throw() { return value; } operator const varT&() const throw() { return value; } void AddBeforeNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n); void DelBeforeNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n); void AddAfterNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n); void DelAfterNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n); time_t ModificationTime() const throw() { return modificationTime; } void ModifyTime() throw(); private: varT & value; time_t modificationTime; std::set *> beforeNotifiers; std::set *> afterNotifiers; pthread_mutex_t mutex; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED: public USER_PROPERTY { public: USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED(varT & val, const std::string n, bool isPassword, bool isStat, STG_LOGGER & logger, const std::string & sd); virtual ~USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED() {} USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED * GetPointer() throw() { return this; } const varT & Get() const { return USER_PROPERTY::ConstData(); } const std::string & GetName() const { return name; } bool Set(const varT & val, const ADMIN * admin, const std::string & login, const STORE * store, const std::string & msg = ""); private: void WriteAccessDenied(const std::string & login, const ADMIN * admin, const std::string & parameter); void WriteSuccessChange(const std::string & login, const ADMIN * admin, const std::string & parameter, const std::string & oldValue, const std::string & newValue, const std::string & msg, const STORE * store); void OnChange(const std::string & login, const std::string & paramName, const std::string & oldValue, const std::string & newValue, const ADMIN * admin); STG_LOGGER & stgLogger; bool isPassword; bool isStat; std::string name; const std::string scriptsDir; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class USER_PROPERTIES : private NONCOPYABLE { /* В этом месте важен порядок следования приватной и открытой частей. Это связано с тем, что часть которая находится в публичной секции по сути является завуалированной ссылкой на закрытую часть. Т.о. нам нужно чтобы конструкторы из закрытой части вызвались раньше открытой. Поэтомому в начале идет закрытая секция * */ private: USER_STAT stat; USER_CONF conf; public: USER_PROPERTIES(const std::string & sd); USER_STAT & Stat() { return stat; } USER_CONF & Conf() { return conf; } const USER_STAT & GetStat() const { return stat; } const USER_CONF & GetConf() const { return conf; } void SetStat(const USER_STAT & s) { stat = s; } void SetConf(const USER_CONF & c) { conf = c; } void SetProperties(const USER_PROPERTIES & p) { stat = p.stat; conf = p.conf; } USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED cash; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED up; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED down; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED lastCashAdd; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED passiveTime; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED lastCashAddTime; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED freeMb; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED lastActivityTime; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED password; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED passive; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED disabled; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED disabledDetailStat; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED alwaysOnline; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED tariffName; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED nextTariff; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED address; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED note; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED group; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED email; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED phone; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED realName; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED credit; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED creditExpire; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED ips; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata0; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata1; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata2; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata3; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata4; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata5; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata6; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata7; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata8; USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED userdata9; }; //============================================================================= //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline USER_PROPERTY::USER_PROPERTY(varT & val) : value(val), modificationTime(stgTime) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline USER_PROPERTY::~USER_PROPERTY() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY::ModifyTime() throw() { modificationTime = stgTime; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY::Set(const varT & rvalue) { STG_LOCKER locker(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); typename std::set *>::iterator ni; varT oldVal = value; ni = beforeNotifiers.begin(); while (ni != beforeNotifiers.end()) (*ni++)->Notify(oldVal, rvalue); value = rvalue; modificationTime = stgTime; ni = afterNotifiers.begin(); while (ni != afterNotifiers.end()) (*ni++)->Notify(oldVal, rvalue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline USER_PROPERTY & USER_PROPERTY::operator= (const varT & newValue) { Set(newValue); return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY::AddBeforeNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n) { STG_LOCKER locker(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); beforeNotifiers.insert(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY::DelBeforeNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n) { STG_LOCKER locker(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); beforeNotifiers.erase(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY::AddAfterNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n) { STG_LOCKER locker(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); afterNotifiers.insert(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY::DelAfterNotifier(PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE * n) { STG_LOCKER locker(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); afterNotifiers.erase(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED::USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED(varT & val, std::string n, bool isPass, bool isSt, STG_LOGGER & logger, const std::string & sd) : USER_PROPERTY(val), stgLogger(logger), isPassword(isPass), isStat(isSt), name(n), scriptsDir(sd) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- template bool USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED::Set(const varT & val, const ADMIN * admin, const std::string & login, const STORE * store, const std::string & msg) { const PRIV * priv = admin->GetPriv(); std::string adm_login = admin->GetLogin(); std::string adm_ip = admin->GetIPStr(); if ((priv->userConf && !isStat) || (priv->userStat && isStat) || (priv->userPasswd && isPassword) || (priv->userCash && name == "cash")) { std::stringstream oldVal; std::stringstream newVal; oldVal.flags(oldVal.flags() | ios::fixed); newVal.flags(newVal.flags() | ios::fixed); oldVal << USER_PROPERTY::ConstData(); newVal << val; OnChange(login, name, oldVal.str(), newVal.str(), admin); if (isPassword) { WriteSuccessChange(login, admin, name, "******", "******", msg, store); } else { WriteSuccessChange(login, admin, name, oldVal.str(), newVal.str(), msg, store); } USER_PROPERTY::Set(val); return true; } else { WriteAccessDenied(login, admin, name); return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED::WriteAccessDenied(const std::string & login, const ADMIN * admin, const std::string & parameter) { stgLogger("%s Change user \'%s.\' Parameter \'%s\'. Access denied.", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str(), parameter.c_str()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline void USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED::WriteSuccessChange(const std::string & login, const ADMIN * admin, const std::string & parameter, const std::string & oldValue, const std::string & newValue, const std::string & msg, const STORE * store) { stgLogger("%s User \'%s\': \'%s\' parameter changed from \'%s\' to \'%s\'. %s", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str(), parameter.c_str(), oldValue.c_str(), newValue.c_str(), msg.c_str()); store->WriteUserChgLog(login, admin->GetLogin(), admin->GetIP(), parameter, oldValue, newValue, msg); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED::OnChange(const std::string & login, const std::string & paramName, const std::string & oldValue, const std::string & newValue, const ADMIN * admin) { std::string filePath = scriptsDir + "/OnChange"; if (access(filePath.c_str(), X_OK) == 0) { std::string execString("\"" + filePath + "\" \"" + login + "\" \"" + paramName + "\" \"" + oldValue + "\" \"" + newValue + "\" \"" + admin->GetLogin() + "\" \"" + admin->GetIPStr() + "\""); ScriptExec(execString); } else { stgLogger("Script OnChange cannot be executed. File %s not found.", filePath.c_str()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- template inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & stream, const USER_PROPERTY & value) { return stream << value.ConstData(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // USER_PROPERTY_H