/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File : $Id: transaction.cpp,v 1.1 2007/05/05 17:00:43 faust Exp $ // Subject : IBPP, Database class implementation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright 2000-2006 T.I.P. Group S.A. and the IBPP Team (www.ibpp.org) // // The contents of this file are subject to the IBPP License (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at http://www.ibpp.org or in the 'license.txt' // file which must have been distributed along with this file. // // This software, distributed under the License, is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // COMMENTS // * Tabulations should be set every four characters when editing this file. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4786 4996) #ifndef _DEBUG #pragma warning(disable: 4702) #endif #endif #include "_ibpp.h" #ifdef HAS_HDRSTOP #pragma hdrstop #endif #include <algorithm> using namespace ibpp_internals; // (((((((( OBJECT INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION )))))))) void TransactionImpl::AttachDatabase(IBPP::Database db, IBPP::TAM am, IBPP::TIL il, IBPP::TLR lr, IBPP::TFF flags) { if (db.intf() == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AttachDatabase", _("Can't attach an unbound Database.")); AttachDatabaseImpl(dynamic_cast<DatabaseImpl*>(db.intf()), am, il, lr, flags); } void TransactionImpl::DetachDatabase(IBPP::Database db) { if (db.intf() == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::DetachDatabase", _("Can't detach an unbound Database.")); DetachDatabaseImpl(dynamic_cast<DatabaseImpl*>(db.intf())); } void TransactionImpl::AddReservation(IBPP::Database db, const std::string& table, IBPP::TTR tr) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AddReservation", _("Can't add table reservation if Transaction started.")); if (db.intf() == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AddReservation", _("Can't add table reservation on an unbound Database.")); // Find the TPB associated with this database std::vector<DatabaseImpl*>::iterator pos = std::find(mDatabases.begin(), mDatabases.end(), dynamic_cast<DatabaseImpl*>(db.intf())); if (pos != mDatabases.end()) { size_t index = pos - mDatabases.begin(); TPB* tpb = mTPBs[index]; // Now add the reservations to the TPB switch (tr) { case IBPP::trSharedWrite : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_lock_write); tpb->Insert(table); tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_shared); break; case IBPP::trSharedRead : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_lock_read); tpb->Insert(table); tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_shared); break; case IBPP::trProtectedWrite : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_lock_write); tpb->Insert(table); tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_protected); break; case IBPP::trProtectedRead : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_lock_read); tpb->Insert(table); tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_protected); break; /*default : throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AddReservation", _("Illegal TTR value detected."));*/ } } else throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AddReservation", _("The database connection you specified is not attached to this transaction.")); } void TransactionImpl::Start() { if (mHandle != 0) return; // Already started anyway if (mDatabases.empty()) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::Start", _("No Database is attached.")); struct ISC_TEB { ISC_LONG* db_ptr; ISC_LONG tpb_len; char* tpb_ptr; } * teb = new ISC_TEB[mDatabases.size()]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < mDatabases.size(); i++) { if (mDatabases[i]->GetHandle() == 0) { // All Databases must be connected to Start the transaction ! delete [] teb; throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::Start", _("All attached Database should have been connected.")); } teb[i].db_ptr = (ISC_LONG*) mDatabases[i]->GetHandlePtr(); teb[i].tpb_len = mTPBs[i]->Size(); teb[i].tpb_ptr = mTPBs[i]->Self(); } IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_start_multiple)(status.Self(), &mHandle, (short)mDatabases.size(), teb); delete [] teb; if (status.Errors()) { mHandle = 0; // Should be, but better be sure... throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Transaction::Start"); } } void TransactionImpl::Commit() { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::Commit", _("Transaction is not started.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_commit_transaction)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Transaction::Commit"); mHandle = 0; // Should be, better be sure } void TransactionImpl::CommitRetain() { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::CommitRetain", _("Transaction is not started.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_commit_retaining)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Transaction::CommitRetain"); } void TransactionImpl::Rollback() { if (mHandle == 0) return; // Transaction not started anyway IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_rollback_transaction)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Transaction::Rollback"); mHandle = 0; // Should be, better be sure } void TransactionImpl::RollbackRetain() { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::RollbackRetain", _("Transaction is not started.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_rollback_retaining)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Transaction::RollbackRetain"); } IBPP::ITransaction* TransactionImpl::AddRef() { ASSERTION(mRefCount >= 0); ++mRefCount; return this; } void TransactionImpl::Release() { // Release cannot throw, except in DEBUG builds on assertion ASSERTION(mRefCount >= 0); --mRefCount; try { if (mRefCount <= 0) delete this; } catch (...) { } } // (((((((( OBJECT INTERNAL METHODS )))))))) void TransactionImpl::Init() { mHandle = 0; mDatabases.clear(); mTPBs.clear(); mStatements.clear(); mBlobs.clear(); mArrays.clear(); } void TransactionImpl::AttachStatementImpl(StatementImpl* st) { if (st == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AttachStatement", _("Can't attach a 0 Statement object.")); mStatements.push_back(st); } void TransactionImpl::DetachStatementImpl(StatementImpl* st) { if (st == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::DetachStatement", _("Can't detach a 0 Statement object.")); mStatements.erase(std::find(mStatements.begin(), mStatements.end(), st)); } void TransactionImpl::AttachBlobImpl(BlobImpl* bb) { if (bb == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AttachBlob", _("Can't attach a 0 BlobImpl object.")); mBlobs.push_back(bb); } void TransactionImpl::DetachBlobImpl(BlobImpl* bb) { if (bb == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::DetachBlob", _("Can't detach a 0 BlobImpl object.")); mBlobs.erase(std::find(mBlobs.begin(), mBlobs.end(), bb)); } void TransactionImpl::AttachArrayImpl(ArrayImpl* ar) { if (ar == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AttachArray", _("Can't attach a 0 ArrayImpl object.")); mArrays.push_back(ar); } void TransactionImpl::DetachArrayImpl(ArrayImpl* ar) { if (ar == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::DetachArray", _("Can't detach a 0 ArrayImpl object.")); mArrays.erase(std::find(mArrays.begin(), mArrays.end(), ar)); } void TransactionImpl::AttachDatabaseImpl(DatabaseImpl* dbi, IBPP::TAM am, IBPP::TIL il, IBPP::TLR lr, IBPP::TFF flags) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AttachDatabase", _("Can't attach a Database if Transaction started.")); if (dbi == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::AttachDatabase", _("Can't attach a null Database.")); mDatabases.push_back(dbi); // Prepare a new TPB TPB* tpb = new TPB; if (am == IBPP::amRead) tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_read); else tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_write); switch (il) { case IBPP::ilConsistency : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_consistency); break; case IBPP::ilReadDirty : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_read_committed); tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_rec_version); break; case IBPP::ilReadCommitted : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_read_committed); tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_no_rec_version); break; case IBPP::ilConcurrency : tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_concurrency); break; } if (lr == IBPP::lrNoWait) tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_nowait); else tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_wait); if (flags & IBPP::tfIgnoreLimbo) tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_ignore_limbo); if (flags & IBPP::tfAutoCommit) tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_autocommit); if (flags & IBPP::tfNoAutoUndo) tpb->Insert(isc_tpb_no_auto_undo); mTPBs.push_back(tpb); // Signals the Database object that it has been attached to the Transaction dbi->AttachTransactionImpl(this); } void TransactionImpl::DetachDatabaseImpl(DatabaseImpl* dbi) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::DetachDatabase", _("Can't detach a Database if Transaction started.")); if (dbi == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Transaction::DetachDatabase", _("Can't detach a null Database.")); std::vector<DatabaseImpl*>::iterator pos = std::find(mDatabases.begin(), mDatabases.end(), dbi); if (pos != mDatabases.end()) { size_t index = pos - mDatabases.begin(); TPB* tpb = mTPBs[index]; mDatabases.erase(pos); mTPBs.erase(mTPBs.begin()+index); delete tpb; } // Signals the Database object that it has been detached from the Transaction dbi->DetachTransactionImpl(this); } TransactionImpl::TransactionImpl(DatabaseImpl* db, IBPP::TAM am, IBPP::TIL il, IBPP::TLR lr, IBPP::TFF flags) : mRefCount(0) { Init(); AttachDatabaseImpl(db, am, il, lr, flags); } TransactionImpl::~TransactionImpl() { // Rollback the transaction if it was Started try { if (Started()) Rollback(); } catch (...) { } // Let's detach cleanly all Blobs from this Transaction. // No Blob object can still maintain pointers to this // Transaction which is disappearing. // // We use a reverse traversal of the array to avoid loops. // The array shrinks on each loop (mBbCount decreases). // And during the deletion, there is a packing of the array through a // copy of elements from the end to the beginning of the array. try { while (mBlobs.size() > 0) mBlobs.back()->DetachTransactionImpl(); } catch (...) { } // Let's detach cleanly all Arrays from this Transaction. // No Array object can still maintain pointers to this // Transaction which is disappearing. try { while (mArrays.size() > 0) mArrays.back()->DetachTransactionImpl(); } catch (...) { } // Let's detach cleanly all Statements from this Transaction. // No Statement object can still maintain pointers to this // Transaction which is disappearing. try { while (mStatements.size() > 0) mStatements.back()->DetachTransactionImpl(); } catch (...) { } // Very important : let's detach cleanly all Databases from this // Transaction. No Database object can still maintain pointers to this // Transaction which is disappearing. try { while (mDatabases.size() > 0) { size_t i = mDatabases.size()-1; DetachDatabaseImpl(mDatabases[i]); // <-- remove link to database from mTPBs // array and destroy TPB object // Fixed : Maxim Abrashkin on 12 Jun 2002 //mDatabases.back()->DetachTransaction(this); } } catch (...) { } } // // EOF //