/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Maxim Mamontov <faust@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* * Firebird storage class definition * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * $Date: 2010/01/19 11:07:25 $ * */ #ifndef FIREBIRD_STORE_H #define FIREBIRD_STORE_H #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include "base_store.h" #include "stg_locker.h" #include "ibpp.h" //#include "firebird_database.h" struct ToLower { char operator() (char c) const { return std::tolower(c); } }; extern "C" BASE_STORE * GetStore(); class FIREBIRD_STORE : public BASE_STORE { public: FIREBIRD_STORE(); virtual ~FIREBIRD_STORE(); int GetUsersList(std::vector<std::string> * usersList) const; int AddUser(const std::string & login) const; int DelUser(const std::string & login) const; int SaveUserStat(const USER_STAT & stat, const std::string & login) const; int SaveUserConf(const USER_CONF & conf, const std::string & login) const; int RestoreUserStat(USER_STAT * stat, const std::string & login) const; int RestoreUserConf(USER_CONF * conf, const std::string & login) const; int WriteUserChgLog(const std::string & login, const std::string & admLogin, uint32_t admIP, const std::string & paramName, const std::string & oldValue, const std::string & newValue, const std::string & message) const; int WriteUserConnect(const std::string & login, uint32_t ip) const; int WriteUserDisconnect(const std::string & login, const DIR_TRAFF & up, const DIR_TRAFF & down, const DIR_TRAFF & sessionUp, const DIR_TRAFF & sessionDown, double cash, double freeMb, const std::string & reason) const; int WriteDetailedStat(const std::map<IP_DIR_PAIR, STAT_NODE> & statTree, time_t lastStat, const std::string & login) const; int AddMessage(STG_MSG * msg, const std::string & login) const; int EditMessage(const STG_MSG & msg, const std::string & login) const; int GetMessage(uint64_t id, STG_MSG * msg, const std::string & login) const; int DelMessage(uint64_t id, const std::string & login) const; int GetMessageHdrs(std::vector<STG_MSG_HDR> * hdrsList, const std::string & login) const; int SaveMonthStat(const USER_STAT & stat, int month, int year, const std::string & login) const; int GetAdminsList(std::vector<std::string> * adminsList) const; int SaveAdmin(const ADMIN_CONF & ac) const; int RestoreAdmin(ADMIN_CONF * ac, const std::string & login) const; int AddAdmin(const std::string & login) const; int DelAdmin(const std::string & login) const; int GetTariffsList(std::vector<std::string> * tariffsList) const; int AddTariff(const std::string & name) const; int DelTariff(const string & name) const; int SaveTariff(const TARIFF_DATA & td, const std::string & tariffName) const; int RestoreTariff(TARIFF_DATA * td, const std::string & tariffName) const; int GetCorpsList(std::vector<std::string> * corpsList) const; int SaveCorp(const CORP_CONF & cc) const; int RestoreCorp(CORP_CONF * cc, const std::string & name) const; int AddCorp(const std::string & name) const; int DelCorp(const std::string & name) const; inline void SetSettings(const MODULE_SETTINGS & s) { settings = s; }; int ParseSettings(); inline const string & GetStrError() const { return strError; }; inline const string & GetVersion() const { return version; }; int GetServicesList(std::vector<std::string> * servicesList) const; int SaveService(const SERVICE_CONF & sc) const; int RestoreService(SERVICE_CONF * sc, const std::string & name) const; int AddService(const std::string & name) const; int DelService(const std::string & name) const; private: std::string version; mutable std::string strError; mutable std::string db_server, db_database, db_user, db_password; MODULE_SETTINGS settings; mutable IBPP::Database db; mutable pthread_mutex_t mutex; mutable IBPP::TIL til; mutable IBPP::TLR tlr; int SaveStat(const USER_STAT & stat, const std::string & login, int year = 0, int month = 0) const; time_t ts2time_t(const IBPP::Timestamp & ts) const; void time_t2ts(time_t t, IBPP::Timestamp * ts) const; void ym2date(int year, int month, IBPP::Date * date) const; }; #endif //FIREBIRD_STORE_H