/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File : $Id: database.cpp,v 1.1 2007/05/05 17:00:42 faust Exp $ // Subject : IBPP, Database class implementation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright 2000-2006 T.I.P. Group S.A. and the IBPP Team (www.ibpp.org) // // The contents of this file are subject to the IBPP License (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at http://www.ibpp.org or in the 'license.txt' // file which must have been distributed along with this file. // // This software, distributed under the License, is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // COMMENTS // * Tabulations should be set every four characters when editing this file. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4786 4996) #ifndef _DEBUG #pragma warning(disable: 4702) #endif #endif #include "_ibpp.h" #ifdef HAS_HDRSTOP #pragma hdrstop #endif #include <algorithm> using namespace ibpp_internals; // (((((((( OBJECT INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION )))))))) void DatabaseImpl::Create(int dialect) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Create", _("Database is already connected.")); if (mDatabaseName.empty()) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Create", _("Unspecified database name.")); if (mUserName.empty()) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Create", _("Unspecified user name.")); if (dialect != 1 && dialect != 3) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Create", _("Only dialects 1 and 3 are supported.")); // Build the SQL Create Statement std::string create; create.assign("CREATE DATABASE '"); if (! mServerName.empty()) create.append(mServerName).append(":"); create.append(mDatabaseName).append("' "); create.append("USER '").append(mUserName).append("' "); if (! mUserPassword.empty()) create.append("PASSWORD '").append(mUserPassword).append("' "); if (! mCreateParams.empty()) create.append(mCreateParams); // Call ExecuteImmediate to create the database isc_tr_handle tr_handle = 0; IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_dsql_execute_immediate)(status.Self(), &mHandle, &tr_handle, 0, const_cast<char*>(create.c_str()), short(dialect), NULL); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Create", _("isc_dsql_execute_immediate failed")); Disconnect(); } void DatabaseImpl::Connect() { if (mHandle != 0) return; // Already connected if (mDatabaseName.empty()) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Connect", _("Unspecified database name.")); if (mUserName.empty()) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Connect", _("Unspecified user name.")); // Build a DPB based on the properties DPB dpb; dpb.Insert(isc_dpb_user_name, mUserName.c_str()); dpb.Insert(isc_dpb_password, mUserPassword.c_str()); if (! mRoleName.empty()) dpb.Insert(isc_dpb_sql_role_name, mRoleName.c_str()); if (! mCharSet.empty()) dpb.Insert(isc_dpb_lc_ctype, mCharSet.c_str()); std::string connect; if (! mServerName.empty()) connect.assign(mServerName).append(":"); connect.append(mDatabaseName); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_attach_database)(status.Self(), (short)connect.size(), const_cast<char*>(connect.c_str()), &mHandle, dpb.Size(), dpb.Self()); if (status.Errors()) { mHandle = 0; // Should be, but better be sure... throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Connect", _("isc_attach_database failed")); } // Now, get ODS version information and dialect. // If ODS major is lower of equal to 9, we reject the connection. // If ODS major is 10 or higher, this is at least an InterBase 6.x Server // OR FireBird 1.x Server. char items[] = {isc_info_ods_version, isc_info_db_SQL_dialect, isc_info_end}; RB result(100); status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_database_info)(status.Self(), &mHandle, sizeof(items), items, result.Size(), result.Self()); if (status.Errors()) { status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_detach_database)(status.Self(), &mHandle); mHandle = 0; // Should be, but better be sure... throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Connect", _("isc_database_info failed")); } int ODS = result.GetValue(isc_info_ods_version); if (ODS <= 9) { status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_detach_database)(status.Self(), &mHandle); mHandle = 0; // Should be, but better be sure... throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Connect", _("Unsupported Server : wrong ODS version (%d), at least '10' required."), ODS); } mDialect = result.GetValue(isc_info_db_SQL_dialect); if (mDialect != 1 && mDialect != 3) { status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_detach_database)(status.Self(), &mHandle); mHandle = 0; // Should be, but better be sure... throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Connect", _("Dialect 1 or 3 required")); } // Now, verify the GDS32.DLL we are using is compatible with the server if (ODS >= 10 && gds.Call()->mGDSVersion < 60) { status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_detach_database)(status.Self(), &mHandle); mHandle = 0; // Should be, but better be sure... throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Connect", _("GDS32.DLL version 5 against IBSERVER 6")); } } void DatabaseImpl::Inactivate() { if (mHandle == 0) return; // Not connected anyway IBS status; // Rollback any started transaction... for (unsigned i = 0; i < mTransactions.size(); i++) { if (mTransactions[i]->Started()) mTransactions[i]->Rollback(); } // Cancel all pending event traps for (unsigned i = 0; i < mEvents.size(); i++) mEvents[i]->Clear(); // Let's detach from all Blobs while (mBlobs.size() > 0) mBlobs.back()->DetachDatabaseImpl(); // Let's detach from all Arrays while (mArrays.size() > 0) mArrays.back()->DetachDatabaseImpl(); // Let's detach from all Statements while (mStatements.size() > 0) mStatements.back()->DetachDatabaseImpl(); // Let's detach from all Transactions while (mTransactions.size() > 0) mTransactions.back()->DetachDatabaseImpl(this); // Let's detach from all Events while (mEvents.size() > 0) mEvents.back()->DetachDatabaseImpl(); } void DatabaseImpl::Disconnect() { if (mHandle == 0) return; // Not connected anyway // Put the connection to rest Inactivate(); // Detach from the server IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_detach_database)(status.Self(), &mHandle); // Should we throw, set mHandle to 0 first, because Disconnect() may // be called from Database destructor (keeps the object coherent). mHandle = 0; if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Disconnect", _("isc_detach_database failed")); } void DatabaseImpl::Drop() { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Drop", _("Database must be connected.")); // Put the connection to a rest Inactivate(); IBS vector; (*gds.Call()->m_drop_database)(vector.Self(), &mHandle); if (vector.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(vector, "Database::Drop", _("isc_drop_database failed")); mHandle = 0; } void DatabaseImpl::Info(int* ODSMajor, int* ODSMinor, int* PageSize, int* Pages, int* Buffers, int* Sweep, bool* Sync, bool* Reserve) { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Info", _("Database is not connected.")); char items[] = {isc_info_ods_version, isc_info_ods_minor_version, isc_info_page_size, isc_info_allocation, isc_info_num_buffers, isc_info_sweep_interval, isc_info_forced_writes, isc_info_no_reserve, isc_info_end}; IBS status; RB result(256); status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_database_info)(status.Self(), &mHandle, sizeof(items), items, result.Size(), result.Self()); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Info", _("isc_database_info failed")); if (ODSMajor != 0) *ODSMajor = result.GetValue(isc_info_ods_version); if (ODSMinor != 0) *ODSMinor = result.GetValue(isc_info_ods_minor_version); if (PageSize != 0) *PageSize = result.GetValue(isc_info_page_size); if (Pages != 0) *Pages = result.GetValue(isc_info_allocation); if (Buffers != 0) *Buffers = result.GetValue(isc_info_num_buffers); if (Sweep != 0) *Sweep = result.GetValue(isc_info_sweep_interval); if (Sync != 0) *Sync = result.GetValue(isc_info_forced_writes) == 1 ? true : false; if (Reserve != 0) *Reserve = result.GetValue(isc_info_no_reserve) == 1 ? false : true; } void DatabaseImpl::Statistics(int* Fetches, int* Marks, int* Reads, int* Writes) { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Statistics", _("Database is not connected.")); char items[] = {isc_info_fetches, isc_info_marks, isc_info_reads, isc_info_writes, isc_info_end}; IBS status; RB result(128); status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_database_info)(status.Self(), &mHandle, sizeof(items), items, result.Size(), result.Self()); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Statistics", _("isc_database_info failed")); if (Fetches != 0) *Fetches = result.GetValue(isc_info_fetches); if (Marks != 0) *Marks = result.GetValue(isc_info_marks); if (Reads != 0) *Reads = result.GetValue(isc_info_reads); if (Writes != 0) *Writes = result.GetValue(isc_info_writes); } void DatabaseImpl::Counts(int* Insert, int* Update, int* Delete, int* ReadIdx, int* ReadSeq) { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Counts", _("Database is not connected.")); char items[] = {isc_info_insert_count, isc_info_update_count, isc_info_delete_count, isc_info_read_idx_count, isc_info_read_seq_count, isc_info_end}; IBS status; RB result(1024); status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_database_info)(status.Self(), &mHandle, sizeof(items), items, result.Size(), result.Self()); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Counts", _("isc_database_info failed")); if (Insert != 0) *Insert = result.GetCountValue(isc_info_insert_count); if (Update != 0) *Update = result.GetCountValue(isc_info_update_count); if (Delete != 0) *Delete = result.GetCountValue(isc_info_delete_count); if (ReadIdx != 0) *ReadIdx = result.GetCountValue(isc_info_read_idx_count); if (ReadSeq != 0) *ReadSeq = result.GetCountValue(isc_info_read_seq_count); } void DatabaseImpl::Users(std::vector<std::string>& users) { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::Users", _("Database is not connected.")); char items[] = {isc_info_user_names, isc_info_end}; IBS status; RB result(8000); status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_database_info)(status.Self(), &mHandle, sizeof(items), items, result.Size(), result.Self()); if (status.Errors()) { status.Reset(); throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Database::Users", _("isc_database_info failed")); } users.clear(); char* p = result.Self(); while (*p == isc_info_user_names) { p += 3; // Get to the length byte (there are two undocumented bytes which we skip) int len = (int)(*p); ++p; // Get to the first char of username if (len != 0) users.push_back(std::string().append(p, len)); p += len; // Skip username } return; } IBPP::IDatabase* DatabaseImpl::AddRef() { ASSERTION(mRefCount >= 0); ++mRefCount; return this; } void DatabaseImpl::Release() { // Release cannot throw, except in DEBUG builds on assertion ASSERTION(mRefCount >= 0); --mRefCount; try { if (mRefCount <= 0) delete this; } catch (...) { } } // (((((((( OBJECT INTERNAL METHODS )))))))) void DatabaseImpl::AttachTransactionImpl(TransactionImpl* tr) { if (tr == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::AttachTransaction", _("Transaction object is null.")); mTransactions.push_back(tr); } void DatabaseImpl::DetachTransactionImpl(TransactionImpl* tr) { if (tr == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::DetachTransaction", _("ITransaction object is null.")); mTransactions.erase(std::find(mTransactions.begin(), mTransactions.end(), tr)); } void DatabaseImpl::AttachStatementImpl(StatementImpl* st) { if (st == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::AttachStatement", _("Can't attach a null Statement object.")); mStatements.push_back(st); } void DatabaseImpl::DetachStatementImpl(StatementImpl* st) { if (st == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::DetachStatement", _("Can't detach a null Statement object.")); mStatements.erase(std::find(mStatements.begin(), mStatements.end(), st)); } void DatabaseImpl::AttachBlobImpl(BlobImpl* bb) { if (bb == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::AttachBlob", _("Can't attach a null Blob object.")); mBlobs.push_back(bb); } void DatabaseImpl::DetachBlobImpl(BlobImpl* bb) { if (bb == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::DetachBlob", _("Can't detach a null Blob object.")); mBlobs.erase(std::find(mBlobs.begin(), mBlobs.end(), bb)); } void DatabaseImpl::AttachArrayImpl(ArrayImpl* ar) { if (ar == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::AttachArray", _("Can't attach a null Array object.")); mArrays.push_back(ar); } void DatabaseImpl::DetachArrayImpl(ArrayImpl* ar) { if (ar == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::DetachArray", _("Can't detach a null Array object.")); mArrays.erase(std::find(mArrays.begin(), mArrays.end(), ar)); } void DatabaseImpl::AttachEventsImpl(EventsImpl* ev) { if (ev == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::AttachEventsImpl", _("Can't attach a null Events object.")); mEvents.push_back(ev); } void DatabaseImpl::DetachEventsImpl(EventsImpl* ev) { if (ev == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Database::DetachEventsImpl", _("Can't detach a null Events object.")); mEvents.erase(std::find(mEvents.begin(), mEvents.end(), ev)); } DatabaseImpl::DatabaseImpl(const std::string& ServerName, const std::string& DatabaseName, const std::string& UserName, const std::string& UserPassword, const std::string& RoleName, const std::string& CharSet, const std::string& CreateParams) : mRefCount(0), mHandle(0), mServerName(ServerName), mDatabaseName(DatabaseName), mUserName(UserName), mUserPassword(UserPassword), mRoleName(RoleName), mCharSet(CharSet), mCreateParams(CreateParams), mDialect(3) { } DatabaseImpl::~DatabaseImpl() { try { if (Connected()) Disconnect(); } catch(...) { } } // // EOF //