/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Date: 27.10.2002 */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2009/06/22 16:26:54 $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "settings.h" #include "common.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTINGS::SETTINGS(const char * cf) { confFile = string(cf); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTINGS::~SETTINGS() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* int SETTINGS::ParseYesNo(const string & value, bool * val) { if (0 == strcasecmp(value.c_str(), "yes")) { *val = true; return 0; } if (0 == strcasecmp(value.c_str(), "no")) { *val = false; return 0; } strError = "Incorrect value \'" + value + "\'."; return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SETTINGS::ParseInt(const string & value, int * val) { char *res; *val = strtol(value.c_str(), &res, 10); if (*res != 0) { strError = "Cannot convert \'" + value + "\' to integer."; return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SETTINGS::ParseIntInRange(const string & value, int min, int max, int * val) { if (ParseInt(value, val) != 0) return -1; if (*val < min || *val > max) { strError = "Value \'" + value + "\' out of range."; return -1; } return 0; } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SETTINGS::ParseModuleSettings(const DOTCONFDocumentNode * node, vector<PARAM_VALUE> * params) { /*if (!node) return 0;*/ const DOTCONFDocumentNode * childNode; PARAM_VALUE pv; const char * value; pv.param = node->getName(); if (node->getValue(1)) { strError = "Unexpected value \'" + string(node->getValue(1)) + "\'."; return -1; } value = node->getValue(0); if (!value) { strError = "Module name expected."; return -1; } childNode = node->getChildNode(); while (childNode) { pv.param = childNode->getName(); int i = 0; while ((value = childNode->getValue(i)) != NULL) { //printfd(__FILE__, "--> param=\'%s\' value=\'%s\'\n", childNode->getName(), value); pv.value.push_back(value); i++; } params->push_back(pv); pv.value.clear(); childNode = childNode->getNextNode(); } /*for (unsigned i = 0; i < params->size(); i++) { printfd(__FILE__, "param \'%s\'\n", (*params)[i].param.c_str()); for (unsigned j = 0; j < (*params)[i].value.size(); j++) { printfd(__FILE__, "value \'%s\'\n", (*params)[i].value[j].c_str()); } }*/ return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- string SETTINGS::GetStrError() const { return strError; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SETTINGS::ReadSettings() { const char * requiredOptions[] = { "ModulesPath", "SourceStoreModule", "DestStoreModule", NULL }; int sourceStoreModulesCount = 0; int destStoreModulesCount = 0; DOTCONFDocument conf(DOTCONFDocument::CASEINSENSITIVE); conf.setRequiredOptionNames(requiredOptions); //printfd(__FILE__, "Conffile: %s\n", confFile.c_str()); if(conf.setContent(confFile.c_str()) != 0) { strError = "Cannot read file " + confFile + "."; return -1; } const DOTCONFDocumentNode * node = conf.getFirstNode(); while (node) { if (strcasecmp(node->getName(), "ModulesPath") == 0) { modulesPath = node->getValue(0); //printfd(__FILE__, "ModulesPath: %s\n", logFile.c_str()); } if (strcasecmp(node->getName(), "SourceStoreModule") == 0) { // íÙ ×ÎÕÔÒÉ ÓÅËÃÉÉ StoreModule //printfd(__FILE__, "StoreModule\n"); if (node->getValue(1)) { // StoreModule ÄÏÌÖÅÎ ÉÍÅÔØ 1 ÁÔÒÉÂÕÔ strError = "Unexpected \'" + string(node->getValue(1)) + "\'."; return -1; } if (sourceStoreModulesCount) { // äÏÌÖÅÎ ÂÙÔØ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÏÄÉÎ ÍÏÄÕÌØ StoreModule! strError = "Should be only one source StoreModule."; return -1; } sourceStoreModulesCount++; //storeModuleSettings.clear(); //TODO To make constructor //printfd(__FILE__, "StoreModule %s\n", node->getValue()); sourceStoreModuleSettings.moduleName = node->getValue(0); ParseModuleSettings(node, &sourceStoreModuleSettings.moduleParams); } if (strcasecmp(node->getName(), "DestStoreModule") == 0) { // íÙ ×ÎÕÔÒÉ ÓÅËÃÉÉ StoreModule //printfd(__FILE__, "StoreModule\n"); if (node->getValue(1)) { // StoreModule ÄÏÌÖÅÎ ÉÍÅÔØ 1 ÁÔÒÉÂÕÔ strError = "Unexpected \'" + string(node->getValue(1)) + "\'."; return -1; } if (destStoreModulesCount) { // äÏÌÖÅÎ ÂÙÔØ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÏÄÉÎ ÍÏÄÕÌØ StoreModule! strError = "Should be only one dest StoreModule."; return -1; } destStoreModulesCount++; //storeModuleSettings.clear(); //TODO To make constructor //printfd(__FILE__, "StoreModule %s\n", node->getValue()); destStoreModuleSettings.moduleName = node->getValue(0); ParseModuleSettings(node, &destStoreModuleSettings.moduleParams); } node = node->getNextNode(); } //sort(modulesSettings.begin(), modulesSettings.end()); //modulesSettings.erase(unique(modulesSettings.begin(), modulesSettings.end()), modulesSettings.end()); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SETTINGS::Reload () { return ReadSettings(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const MODULE_SETTINGS & SETTINGS::GetSourceStoreModuleSettings() const { return sourceStoreModuleSettings; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const MODULE_SETTINGS & SETTINGS::GetDestStoreModuleSettings() const { return destStoreModuleSettings; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const string & SETTINGS::GetModulesPath() const { return modulesPath; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------