# clients.conf - client configuration directives

#  Definition of a RADIUS client (usually a NAS).
#  The information given here over rides anything given in the
#  'clients' file, or in the 'naslist' file.  The configuration here
#  contains all of the information from those two files, and allows
#  for more configuration items.
#  The "shortname" is be used for logging.  The "nastype", "login" and
#  "password" fields are mainly used for checkrad and are optional.

#  Defines a RADIUS client.  The format is 'client [hostname|ip-address]'
#  '' is another name for 'localhost'.  It is enabled by default,
#  to allow testing of the server after an initial installation.  If you
#  are not going to be permitting RADIUS queries from localhost, we suggest
#  that you delete, or comment out, this entry.
client {
	#  The shared secret use to "encrypt" and "sign" packets between
	#  the NAS and FreeRADIUS.  You MUST change this secret from the
	#  default, otherwise it's not a secret any more!
	#  The secret can be any string, up to 31 characters in length.
	secret		= testing123

	#  The short name is used as an alias for the fully qualified
	#  domain name, or the IP address.
	shortname	= localhost

	# the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
	# checkrad.pl for simultaneous use checks

	# The nastype tells 'checkrad.pl' which NAS-specific method to
	#  use to query the NAS for simultaneous use.
	#  Permitted NAS types are:
	#	cisco
	#	computone
	#	livingston
	#	max40xx
	#	multitech
	#	netserver
	#	pathras
	#	patton
	#	portslave
	#	tc
	#	usrhiper
	#	other		# for all other types

	nastype     = other	# localhost isn't usually a NAS...

	#  The following two configurations are for future use.
	#  The 'naspasswd' file is currently used to store the NAS
	#  login name and password, which is used by checkrad.pl
	#  when querying the NAS for simultaneous use.
#	login       = !root
#	password    = someadminpas