#include "users.h" #include "api_action.h" #include "options.h" #include "makeproto.h" #include "config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "stg/servconf.h" #include "stg/servconf_types.h" #include "stg/user_conf.h" #include "stg/user_stat.h" #include "stg/user_ips.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include "stg/splice.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { std::string Indent(size_t level, bool dash = false) { if (level == 0) return ""; return dash ? std::string(level * 4 - 2, ' ') + "- " : std::string(level * 4, ' '); } void PrintUser(const STG::GetUser::Info & info, size_t level = 0) { std::cout << Indent(level, true) << "login: " << info.login << "\n" << Indent(level) << "password: " << info.password << "\n" << Indent(level) << "cash: " << info.cash << "\n" << Indent(level) << "credit: " << info.credit << "\n" << Indent(level) << "credit expire: " << TimeToString(info.creditExpire) << "\n" << Indent(level) << "last cash add: " << info.lastCashAdd << "\n" << Indent(level) << "last cash add time: " << TimeToString(info.lastCashAddTime) << "\n" << Indent(level) << "prepaid traffic: " << info.prepaidTraff << "\n" << Indent(level) << "disabled: " << (info.disabled ? "t" : "f") << "\n" << Indent(level) << "passive: " << (info.passive ? "t" : "f") << "\n" << Indent(level) << "disabled detail stat: " << (info.disableDetailStat ? "t" : "f") << "\n" << Indent(level) << "connected: " << (info.connected ? "t" : "f") << "\n" << Indent(level) << "always on-line: " << (info.alwaysOnline ? "t" : "f") << "\n" << Indent(level) << "IP: " << inet_ntostring(info.ip) << "\n" << Indent(level) << "IPs: " << info.ips << "\n" << Indent(level) << "tariff: " << info.tariff << "\n" << Indent(level) << "group: " << info.group << "\n" << Indent(level) << "note: " << info.note << "\n" << Indent(level) << "email: " << info.email << "\n" << Indent(level) << "name: " << info.name << "\n" << Indent(level) << "address: " << info.address << "\n" << Indent(level) << "phone: " << info.phone << "\n" << Indent(level) << "corporation: " << info.corp << "\n" << Indent(level) << "last ping time: " << TimeToString(info.pingTime) << "\n" << Indent(level) << "last activity time: " << TimeToString(info.lastActivityTime) << "\n" << Indent(level) << "traffic:\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; ++i) { std::cout << Indent(level + 1, true) << "dir: " << i << "\n" << Indent(level + 1) << "session upload: " << info.stat.su[i] << "\n" << Indent(level + 1) << "session download: " << info.stat.sd[i] << "\n" << Indent(level + 1) << "month upload: " << info.stat.mu[i] << "\n" << Indent(level + 1) << "month download: " << info.stat.md[i] << "\n"; } std::cout << Indent(level) << "user data:\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; ++i) std::cout << Indent(level + 1, true) << "user data " << i << ": " << info.userData[i] << "\n"; if (!info.services.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(level) << "services:\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < info.services.size(); ++i) std::cout << Indent(level + 1, true) << info.services[i] << "\n"; } if (!info.authBy.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(level) << "auth by:\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < info.authBy.size(); ++i) std::cout << Indent(level + 1, true) << info.authBy[i] << "\n"; } } std::vector GetUserParams() { std::vector params; params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("password", "", "\tuser's password")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("cash-add", "", "cash to add (with optional comment)")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("cash-set", "", "cash to set (with optional comment)")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("credit", "", "\tuser's credit")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("credit-expire", "", "\tcredit expiration")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("free", "", "\tprepaid traffic")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("disabled", "", "\tdisable user (y|n)")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("passive", "", "\tmake user passive (y|n)")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("disable-detail-stat", "", "disable detail stat (y|n)")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("always-online", "", "\tmake user always online (y|n)")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("ips", "", "\t\tcoma-separated list of ips")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("tariff", "", "\tcurrent tariff")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("next-tariff", "", "tariff starting from the next month")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("group", "", "\t\tuser's group")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("note", "", "\t\tuser's note")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("email", "", "\t\tuser's email")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("name", "", "\tuser's real name")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("address", "
", "\tuser's postal address")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("phone", "", "\t\tuser's phone number")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("corp", "", "\tcorporation name")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("session-traffic", "", "coma-separated session upload and download")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("month-traffic", "", "coma-separated month upload and download")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("user-data", "", "coma-separated user data values")); return params; } std::vector GetCheckParams() { std::vector params; params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("password", "", "\tuser's password")); return params; } std::vector GetMessageParams() { std::vector params; params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("logins", "", "\tlist of logins to send a message")); params.push_back(SGCONF::API_ACTION::PARAM("text", "", "\t\tmessage text")); return params; } void ConvBool(const std::string & value, std::optional & res) { res = !value.empty() && value[0] == 'y'; } void Splice(std::vector > & lhs, const std::vector > & rhs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.size() && i < rhs.size(); ++i) STG::splice(lhs[i], rhs[i]); } std::optional ConvString(const std::string & value) { return std::optional(value); } void ConvStringList(std::string value, std::vector > & res) { Splice(res, Split > >(value, ',', ConvString)); } void ConvServices(std::string value, std::optional > & res) { value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end()); res = Split >(value, ','); } void ConvCreditExpire(const std::string & value, std::optional & res) { struct tm brokenTime; if (stg_strptime(value.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &brokenTime) == NULL) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Credit expiration should be in format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. Got: '" + value + "'"); res = stg_timegm(&brokenTime); } void ConvIPs(const std::string & value, std::optional & res) { res = STG::UserIPs::parse(value); } struct TRAFF { uint64_t up; uint64_t down; }; TRAFF ConvTraff(const std::string & value) { TRAFF res; size_t slashPos = value.find_first_of('/'); if (slashPos == std::string::npos) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Traffic record should be in format 'upload/download'. Got: '" + value + "'"); if (str2x(value.substr(0, slashPos), res.up) < 0) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Traffic value should be an integer. Got: '" + value.substr(0, slashPos) + "'"); if (str2x(value.substr(slashPos + 1, value.length() - slashPos), res.down) < 0) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Traffic value should be an integer. Got: '" + value.substr(slashPos + 1, value.length() - slashPos) + "'"); return res; } void ConvSessionTraff(std::string value, STG::UserStatOpt & res) { value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end()); std::vector traff(Split >(value, ',', ConvTraff)); if (traff.size() != DIR_NUM) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("There should be prcisely " + std::to_string(DIR_NUM) + " records of session traffic."); for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; ++i) { res.sessionUp[i] = traff[i].up; res.sessionDown[i] = traff[i].down; } } void ConvMonthTraff(std::string value, STG::UserStatOpt & res) { value.erase(std::remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ' '), value.end()); std::vector traff(Split >(value, ',', ConvTraff)); if (traff.size() != DIR_NUM) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("There should be prcisely " + std::to_string(DIR_NUM) + " records of month traffic."); for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; ++i) { res.monthUp[i] = traff[i].up; res.monthDown[i] = traff[i].down; } } void ConvCashInfo(const std::string & value, std::optional & res) { STG::CashInfo info; size_t pos = value.find_first_of(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { if (str2x(value, info.first) < 0) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Cash should be a double value. Got: '" + value + "'"); } else { if (str2x(value.substr(0, pos), info.first) < 0) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Cash should be a double value. Got: '" + value + "'"); info.second = value.substr(pos + 1); } res = info; } void SimpleCallback(bool result, const std::string & reason, void * /*data*/) { if (!result) { std::cerr << "Operation failed. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl; return; } std::cout << "Success.\n"; } void GetUsersCallback(bool result, const std::string & reason, const std::vector & info, void * /*data*/) { if (!result) { std::cerr << "Failed to get user list. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl; return; } std::cout << "Users:\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) PrintUser(info[i], 1); } void GetUserCallback(bool result, const std::string & reason, const STG::GetUser::Info & info, void * /*data*/) { if (!result) { std::cerr << "Failed to get user. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl; return; } PrintUser(info); } void AuthByCallback(bool result, const std::string & reason, const std::vector & info, void * /*data*/) { if (!result) { std::cerr << "Failed to get authorizer list. Reason: '" << reason << "'." << std::endl; return; } std::cout << "Authorized by:\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) std::cout << Indent(1, true) << info[i] << "\n"; } bool GetUsersFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & /*arg*/, const std::map & /*options*/) { return makeProto(config).GetUsers(GetUsersCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool GetUserFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & arg, const std::map & /*options*/) { return makeProto(config).GetUser(arg, GetUserCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool DelUserFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & arg, const std::map & /*options*/) { return makeProto(config).DelUser(arg, SimpleCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool AddUserFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & arg, const std::map & options) { STG::UserConfOpt conf; SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "password", conf.password); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "passive", conf.passive, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "disabled", conf.disabled, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "disable-detail-stat", conf.disabledDetailStat, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "always-online", conf.alwaysOnline, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "tariff", conf.tariffName); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "address", conf.address); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "phone", conf.phone); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "email", conf.email); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "note", conf.note); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "name", conf.realName); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "corp", conf.corp); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "services", conf.services, ConvServices); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "group", conf.group); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "credit", conf.credit); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "next-tariff", conf.nextTariff); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "user-data", conf.userdata, ConvStringList); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "credit-expire", conf.creditExpire, ConvCreditExpire); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "ips", conf.ips, ConvIPs); STG::UserStatOpt stat; SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "cash-set", stat.cashSet, ConvCashInfo); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "free", stat.freeMb); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "session-traffic", stat, ConvSessionTraff); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "month-traffic", stat, ConvMonthTraff); return makeProto(config).AddUser(arg, conf, stat, SimpleCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool ChgUserFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & arg, const std::map & options) { STG::UserConfOpt conf; SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "password", conf.password); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "passive", conf.passive, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "disabled", conf.disabled, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "disable-detail-stat", conf.disabledDetailStat, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "always-online", conf.alwaysOnline, ConvBool); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "tariff", conf.tariffName); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "address", conf.address); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "phone", conf.phone); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "email", conf.email); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "note", conf.note); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "name", conf.realName); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "corp", conf.corp); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "services", conf.services, ConvServices); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "group", conf.group); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "credit", conf.credit); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "next-tariff", conf.nextTariff); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "user-data", conf.userdata, ConvStringList); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "credit-expire", conf.creditExpire, ConvCreditExpire); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "ips", conf.ips, ConvIPs); STG::UserStatOpt stat; SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "cash-add", stat.cashAdd, ConvCashInfo); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "cash-set", stat.cashSet, ConvCashInfo); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "free", stat.freeMb); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "session-traffic", stat, ConvSessionTraff); SGCONF::MaybeSet(options, "month-traffic", stat, ConvMonthTraff); return makeProto(config).ChgUser(arg, conf, stat, SimpleCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool CheckUserFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & arg, const std::map & options) { std::map::const_iterator it(options.find("password")); if (it == options.end()) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Password is not specified."); return makeProto(config).CheckUser(arg, it->second, SimpleCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool SendMessageFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & /*arg*/, const std::map & options) { std::map::const_iterator it(options.find("logins")); if (it == options.end()) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Logins are not specified."); std::string logins = it->second; for (size_t i = 0; i < logins.length(); ++i) if (logins[i] == ',') logins[i] = ':'; it = options.find("text"); if (it == options.end()) throw SGCONF::ACTION::ERROR("Message text is not specified."); std::string text = it->second; return makeProto(config).SendMessage(logins, text, SimpleCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } bool AuthByFunction(const SGCONF::CONFIG & config, const std::string & arg, const std::map & /*options*/) { return makeProto(config).AuthBy(arg, AuthByCallback, NULL) == STG::st_ok; } } // namespace anonymous void SGCONF::AppendUsersOptionBlock(COMMANDS & commands, OPTION_BLOCKS & blocks) { std::vector params(GetUserParams()); blocks.Add("User management options") .Add("get-users", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, GetUsersFunction), "\tget user list") .Add("get-user", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "", GetUserFunction), "get user") .Add("add-user", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "", params, AddUserFunction), "add user") .Add("del-user", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "", DelUserFunction), "delete user") .Add("chg-user", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "", params, ChgUserFunction), "change user") .Add("check-user", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "", GetCheckParams(), CheckUserFunction), "check user existance and credentials") .Add("send-message", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, GetMessageParams(), SendMessageFunction), "send message") .Add("auth-by", SGCONF::MakeAPIAction(commands, "", AuthByFunction), "a list of authorizers user authorized by"); }