# Stargazer Configuration file #
# LOG file name
# Parameter: required
# Value: file path
# Default: /var/log/stargazer.log
LogFile = /var/log/stargazer.log
# PID file name
# Parameter: optional
# Value: file path
# Default: /var/run/stargazer.pid
PIDFile = /var/run/stargazer.pid
# Traffic classification rules
# Parameter: required
# Value: file path
# Default: /etc/stargazer/rules
Rules = /etc/stargazer/rules
# The time interval between writing detailed user's statistics into the database
# Note: With a large number of users this value should be increased,
# since writting into the database can take a long time.
# Parameter: required
# Values: 1 (hourly), 1/2 (every half hour), 1/4 (every 15 m), 1/6 (every 10 m)
# Default: 1/2
DetailStatWritePeriod = 1/2
# The time interval between writing summary user's statistics into the database
# Parameter: optional
# Value: 1 ... 1440 (minutes)
# Default: 10
StatWritePeriod = 10
# Day of charging fee
# Note: 0 - The last day of the month
# Parameter: required
# Value: 0 ... 31
# Default: 1
DayFee = 1
# Fee charged at the last (yes) or first (no) day of tariffication period.
# Defines how the fee will be charged in the transition to the new tariff.
# User has tariff A with fee 100. Changing it to tariff B with fee 200
# will result in charging user's account at 100 if DayFeeIsLastDay = yes
# and at 200, if DayFeeIsLastDay = no
# Parameter: required
# Values: yes, no
# Default: no
DayFeeIsLastDay = no
# Day of changing delayed tariffs and resetting summary user's statistics.
# Defines the edge of the tariffication period.
# Parameter: required
# Value: 0 ... 31. 0 - The last day of the month
# Default: 1
DayResetTraff = 1
# Defines whether to charge fee daily (yes) or monthly (no)
# Parameter: required
# Values: yes, no
# Default: no
SpreadFee = no
# Defines whether the user can access the internet if it has no cash,
# but remained prepaid traffic
# Parameter: required
# Values: yes, no
# Default: no
FreeMbAllowInet = no
# Defines what will be written in the traffic cost in detail_stat.
# If user still has the prepaid traffic and WriteFreeMbTraffCost = no,
# then the traffic cost willn't be written in detail_stat.
# If user doestn't have prepaid traffic and WriteFreeMbTraffCost = no,
# then the traffic cost will be written in detail_stat.
# When WriteFreeMbTraffCost = yes the traffic cost will be recorded in any case.
# Parameter: required
# Values: yes, no
# Default: yes
WriteFreeMbTraffCost = yes
# Charge a full monthly fee even if user was "frozen" a part
# of the tariffication period
# Parameter: optional
# Values: yes, no
# Default: no
FullFee = no
# Allow user to see and use a full cash (yes) or hide a part of it (no)
# for the next fee charge
# Parameter: optional
# Values: yes, no
# Default: yes
# ShowFeeInCash=yes
# The names of directions. Direction without names will not appear in
# authorizer and configurator.
# Note: Names consisting of several words should be quoted
# Parameter: optional
# Values:
DirName0 = Internet
DirName1 =
DirName2 =
DirName3 =
DirName4 =
DirName5 =
DirName6 =
DirName7 =
DirName8 =
DirName9 =
# Amount of stg-exec processes.
# These processes are responsible for the execution of scripts OnConnect,
# OnDisconnect, etc.
# Amount of processes means how many scripts can be executed simultaneously.
# Recommend to leave 1 to avoid errors when executing scripts
# Parameter: optional
# Value: 1 ... 1024
# Default: 1
ExecutersNum = 1
# Message queue identifier for the script executer.
# It may be changed if there're a needs to run multiple copies of stargazer.
# Warning: If you do not understand it, do not touch this setting!
# Parameter: optional
# Value: 0 ... 2 ^ 32
# Default: 5555
# ExecMsgKey = 5555
# The path to directory with server modules
# Parameter: required
# Value: directory path
# Default: /usr/lib/stg
ModulesPath = /usr/lib/stg
# Directory where the "monitor" files are located.
# A blank files will be created in this directory. The modification time of such
# files will be changed about once a minute. If server crashes or some of server
# component hang, the files will stop refreshing, and on this basis we can define
# the failure of the server and if necessary restart.
# If option is omitted or blank, the monitoring is not performed.
# Parameter: optional
# Value: file path
# Default: /var/stargazer/monitor
# Defines message maximum lifetime
# Note: 0 — unlimited
# Parameter: optional
# Value: any numeric
# Default: 0 (day)
# MessagesTimeout = 0
# Defines fee charging rules.
# 0 - classic rules, allow fee charge even cash is negative;
# 1 - disallow fee charge if cash value is negative;
# 2 - disallow fee charge if there is not enought cash (cash < fee).
# Parameter: optional
# Value: 0 - 2
# Default: 0 (classic)
# FeeChargeType = 0
# Enable or disable reconnect on tariff change
# Parameter: optional
# Values: yes, no
# Default: no
# ReconnectOnTariffChange = no
# Store module
# Configure the module that works with the database server
# Warning: Only one store module could be used at the same time!
# Other modules