/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Maxim Mamontov */ /* * Radius data access plugin for Stargazer * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * $Date: 2009/12/13 14:17:13 $ * */ #ifndef RADIUS_H #define RADIUS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "os_int.h" #include "base_auth.h" #include "notifer.h" #include "user_ips.h" #include "../../../user.h" #include "../../../users.h" #include "blowfish.h" #include "rad_packets.h" using namespace std; extern "C" BASE_PLUGIN * GetPlugin(); #define RAD_DEBUG (1) class RADIUS; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RAD_SETTINGS { public: virtual ~RAD_SETTINGS(){}; const string& GetStrError() const { return errorStr; }; int ParseSettings(const MODULE_SETTINGS & s); uint16_t GetPort() const; int GetPassword(string * password) const; int GetAuthServices(list * svcs) const; int GetAcctServices(list * svcs) const; private: int ParseIntInRange(const string & str, int min, int max, int * val); int ParseIP(const string & str, uint32_t * routerIP); int ParseServices(const vector & str, list * lst); uint16_t port; string errorStr; string password; list authServices; list acctServices; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct RAD_SESSION { std::string userName; std::string serviceType; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RADIUS :public BASE_AUTH { public: RADIUS(); virtual ~RADIUS(){}; void SetUsers(USERS * u); void SetTariffs(TARIFFS *){}; void SetAdmins(ADMINS *){}; void SetTraffcounter(TRAFFCOUNTER *){}; void SetStore(BASE_STORE * ); void SetStgSettings(const SETTINGS * s); void SetSettings(const MODULE_SETTINGS & s); int ParseSettings(); int Start(); int Stop(); int Reload() { return 0; }; bool IsRunning(); const string & GetStrError() const { return errorStr; }; const string GetVersion() const; uint16_t GetStartPosition() const; uint16_t GetStopPosition() const; int SendMessage(const STG_MSG &, uint32_t) const { return 0; }; private: static void * Run(void *); int PrepareNet(); int FinalizeNet(); void InitEncrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX * ctx, const string & password); void Decrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX * ctx, char * dst, const char * src, int len8); void Encrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX * ctx, char * dst, const char * src, int len8); int Send(const RAD_PACKET & packet, struct sockaddr_in * outerAddr); int RecvData(RAD_PACKET * packet, struct sockaddr_in * outerAddr); int ProcessData(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessAutzPacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessAuthPacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessPostAuthPacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessAcctStartPacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessAcctStopPacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessAcctUpdatePacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); int ProcessAcctOtherPacket(RAD_PACKET * packet); bool FindUser(user_iter * ui, const std::string & login) const; bool CanAuthService(const std::string & svc) const; bool CanAcctService(const std::string & svc) const; bool IsAllowedService(const std::string & svc) const; void SetUserNotifier(user_iter u); void UnSetUserNotifier(user_iter u); bool WaitPackets(int sd) const; void PrintServices(const std::list & svcs); struct Printer : public unary_function { void operator()(const std::string & line) { printfd("radius.cpp", "'%s'\n", line.c_str()); }; }; struct SPrinter : public unary_function, void> { void operator()(const std::pair & it) { printfd("radius.cpp", "%s - ('%s', '%s')\n", it.first.c_str(), it.second.userName.c_str(), it.second.serviceType.c_str()); }; }; BLOWFISH_CTX ctx; mutable string errorStr; RAD_SETTINGS radSettings; MODULE_SETTINGS settings; list authServices; list acctServices; map sessions; bool nonstop; bool isRunning; USERS * users; const SETTINGS * stgSettings; const BASE_STORE * store; pthread_t thread; pthread_mutex_t mutex; int sock; RAD_PACKET packet; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif