#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asn1/OpenPDU.h" #include "asn1/ClosePDU.h" #include "asn1/RReqPDU.h" #include "asn1/OBJECT_IDENTIFIER.h" #include "asn1/ber_decoder.h" #include "asn1/der_encoder.h" #include "snmp.h" #include "stg/common.h" bool WaitPackets(int sd); class SNMP_AGENT_CREATOR { private: SNMP_AGENT * snmpAgent; public: SNMP_AGENT_CREATOR() : snmpAgent(new SNMP_AGENT()) { }; ~SNMP_AGENT_CREATOR() { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT_CREATOR::~SNMP_AGENT_CREATOR()\n"); delete snmpAgent; }; SNMP_AGENT * GetPlugin() { return snmpAgent; }; }; SNMP_AGENT_CREATOR sac; PLUGIN * GetPlugin() { return sac.GetPlugin(); } int SendOpenPDU(int fd) { const char * description = "Stg SNMP Agent"; int oid[] = {1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9363, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1}; asn_enc_rval_t error; OpenPDU_t msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.present = OpenPDU_PR_simple; asn_long2INTEGER(&msg.choice.simple.version, SimpleOpen__version_version_1); OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_set_arcs(&msg.choice.simple.identity, oid, sizeof(oid[0]), 7); OCTET_STRING_fromString(&msg.choice.simple.description, description); OCTET_STRING_fromString(&msg.choice.simple.password, ""); char buffer[1024]; error = der_encode_to_buffer(&asn_DEF_OpenPDU, &msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (error.encoded == -1) { printfd(__FILE__, "Could not encode OpenPDU (at %s)\n", error.failed_type ? error.failed_type->name : "unknown"); return -1; } else { write(fd, buffer, error.encoded); printfd(__FILE__, "OpenPDU encoded successfully to %d bytes\n", error.encoded); } return 0; } int SendClosePDU(int fd) { ClosePDU_t msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); asn_long2INTEGER(&msg, ClosePDU_goingDown); char buffer[1024]; asn_enc_rval_t error; error = der_encode_to_buffer(&asn_DEF_ClosePDU, &msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (error.encoded == -1) { printfd(__FILE__, "Could not encode ClosePDU (at %s)\n", error.failed_type ? error.failed_type->name : "unknown"); return -1; } else { write(fd, buffer, error.encoded); printfd(__FILE__, "ClosePDU encoded successfully\n"); } return 0; } int SendRReqPDU(int fd) { int oid[] = {1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 9363, 1}; asn_enc_rval_t error; RReqPDU_t msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.priority = 0; asn_long2INTEGER(&msg.operation, RReqPDU__operation_readOnly); OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_set_arcs(&msg.subtree, oid, sizeof(oid[0]), 8); char buffer[1024]; error = der_encode_to_buffer(&asn_DEF_RReqPDU, &msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (error.encoded == -1) { printfd(__FILE__, "Could not encode RReqPDU (at %s)\n", error.failed_type ? error.failed_type->name : "unknown"); return -1; } else { write(fd, buffer, error.encoded); printfd(__FILE__, "RReqPDU encoded successfully to %d bytes\n", error.encoded); } return 0; } SMUX_PDUs_t * RecvSMUXPDUs(int fd) { char buffer[1024]; SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus = NULL; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); size_t length = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (length < 1) return NULL; asn_dec_rval_t error; error = ber_decode(0, &asn_DEF_SMUX_PDUs, (void **)&pdus, buffer, length); if(error.code != RC_OK) { printfd(__FILE__, "Failed to decode PDUs at byte %ld\n", (long)error.consumed); return NULL; } return pdus; } int ParseIntInRange(const std::string & str, int min, int max, int * val) { if (str2x(str.c_str(), *val)) { return -1; } if (*val < min || *val > max) { return -1; } return 0; } SNMP_AGENT_SETTINGS::SNMP_AGENT_SETTINGS() : ip(0), port(0) {} int SNMP_AGENT_SETTINGS::ParseSettings(const MODULE_SETTINGS & s) { PARAM_VALUE pv; std::vector::const_iterator pvi; int p; /////////////////////////// pv.param = "Port"; pvi = std::find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv); if (pvi == s.moduleParams.end()) { errorStr = "Parameter \'Port\' not found."; printfd(__FILE__, "Parameter 'Port' not found\n"); return -1; } if (ParseIntInRange(pvi->value[0], 2, 65535, &p)) { errorStr = "Cannot parse parameter \'Port\': " + errorStr; printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot parse parameter 'Port'\n"); return -1; } port = p; pv.param = "Password"; pvi = std::find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv); if (pvi == s.moduleParams.end()) { errorStr = "Parameter \'Password\' not found."; printfd(__FILE__, "Parameter 'Password' not found\n"); password = ""; } else { password = pvi->value[0]; } pv.param = "Server"; pvi = std::find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv); if (pvi == s.moduleParams.end()) { errorStr = "Parameter \'Server\' not found."; printfd(__FILE__, "Parameter 'Server' not found\n"); return -1; } ip = inet_strington(pvi->value[0]); return 0; } SNMP_AGENT::SNMP_AGENT() : PLUGIN(), running(false), stopped(true), sock(-1) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); handlers[SMUX_PDUs_PR_close] = &SNMP_AGENT::CloseHandler; handlers[SMUX_PDUs_PR_registerResponse] = &SNMP_AGENT::RegisterResponseHandler; handlers[SMUX_PDUs_PR_pdus] = &SNMP_AGENT::PDUsHandler; handlers[SMUX_PDUs_PR_commitOrRollback] = &SNMP_AGENT::CommitOrRollbackHandler; } SNMP_AGENT::~SNMP_AGENT() { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::~SNMP_AGENT()\n"); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); } int SNMP_AGENT::ParseSettings() { return snmpAgentSettings.ParseSettings(settings); } int SNMP_AGENT::Start() { if (PrepareNet()) return -1; if (!running) { if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Runner, this)) { errorStr = "Cannot create thread."; printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot create thread\n"); return -1; } } return 0; } int SNMP_AGENT::Stop() { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Stop() - Before\n"); running = false; if (!stopped) { //5 seconds to thread stops itself for (int i = 0; i < 25 && !stopped; i++) { struct timespec ts = {0, 200000000}; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } //after 5 seconds waiting thread still running. now killing it if (!stopped) { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Stop() - failed to stop thread, killing it\n"); if (pthread_kill(thread, SIGINT)) { errorStr = "Cannot kill thread."; printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Stop() - Cannot kill thread\n"); return -1; } printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Stop() - killed Run\n"); } } pthread_join(thread, NULL); close(sock); printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Stop() - After\n"); return 0; } void * SNMP_AGENT::Runner(void * d) { SNMP_AGENT * snmpAgent = static_cast(d); snmpAgent->Run(); return NULL; } void SNMP_AGENT::Run() { SendOpenPDU(sock); SendRReqPDU(sock); running = true; stopped = false; printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Run() - Before\n"); while(running) { if (WaitPackets(sock)) { SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus = RecvSMUXPDUs(sock); if (pdus) DispatchPDUs(pdus); } if (!running) break; } printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::Run() - After\n"); SendClosePDU(sock); stopped = true; } bool SNMP_AGENT::PrepareNet() { sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { errorStr = "Cannot create socket."; printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot create socket\n"); return true; } struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(snmpAgentSettings.GetPort()); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = snmpAgentSettings.GetIP(); if (connect(sock, reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(addr))) { errorStr = "Cannot connect."; printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot connect. Message: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); return true; } return false; } bool WaitPackets(int sd) { fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sd, &rfds); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500000; int res = select(sd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (res == -1) // Error { if (errno != EINTR) { printfd(__FILE__, "Error on select: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); } return false; } if (res == 0) // Timeout { return false; } return true; } bool SNMP_AGENT::DispatchPDUs(const SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus) { std::map::iterator it; it = handlers.find(pdus->present); if (it != handlers.end()) { return (this->*(it->second))(pdus); } else { switch (pdus->present) { case SMUX_PDUs_PR_NOTHING: printfd(__FILE__, "PDUs: nothing\n"); break; case SMUX_PDUs_PR_open: printfd(__FILE__, "PDUs: open\n"); break; case SMUX_PDUs_PR_registerRequest: printfd(__FILE__, "PDUs: registerRequest\n"); break; default: printfd(__FILE__, "PDUs: undefined\n"); } asn_fprint(stderr, &asn_DEF_SMUX_PDUs, pdus); } return false; } bool SNMP_AGENT::CloseHandler(const SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus) { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::CloseHandler()\n"); asn_fprint(stderr, &asn_DEF_SMUX_PDUs, pdus); return false; } bool SNMP_AGENT::RegisterResponseHandler(const SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus) { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::RegisterResponseHandler()\n"); asn_fprint(stderr, &asn_DEF_SMUX_PDUs, pdus); return false; } bool SNMP_AGENT::PDUsHandler(const SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus) { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::PDUsHandler()\n"); asn_fprint(stderr, &asn_DEF_SMUX_PDUs, pdus); return false; } bool SNMP_AGENT::CommitOrRollbackHandler(const SMUX_PDUs_t * pdus) { printfd(__FILE__, "SNMP_AGENT::CommitOrRollbackHandler()\n"); asn_fprint(stderr, &asn_DEF_SMUX_PDUs, pdus); return false; }