/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Date: 27.10.2002 */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* $Revision: 1.61 $ $Date: 2010/09/13 05:56:42 $ $Author: faust $ */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include <pthread.h> #include <csignal> #include <cassert> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "stg/settings.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include "users_impl.h" #include "stg_timer.h" extern volatile time_t stgTime; //#define USERS_DEBUG 1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS_IMPL::USERS_IMPL(SETTINGS_IMPL * s, STORE * st, TARIFFS * t, SERVICES & svcs, const ADMIN * sa) : settings(s), tariffs(t), m_services(svcs), store(st), sysAdmin(sa), WriteServLog(GetStgLogger()), nonstop(false), isRunning(false), handle(0) { pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &attr); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS_IMPL::~USERS_IMPL() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::FindByNameNonLock(const std::string & login, user_iter * user) { const std::map<std::string, user_iter>::const_iterator iter(loginIndex.find(login)); if (iter == loginIndex.end()) return -1; if (user) *user = iter->second; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::FindByNameNonLock(const std::string & login, const_user_iter * user) const { const std::map<std::string, user_iter>::const_iterator iter(loginIndex.find(login)); if (iter == loginIndex.end()) return -1; if (user) *user = iter->second; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::FindByName(const std::string & login, USER_PTR * user) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); user_iter u; if (FindByNameNonLock(login, &u)) return -1; *user = &(*u); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::FindByName(const std::string & login, CONST_USER_PTR * user) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); const_user_iter u; if (FindByNameNonLock(login, &u)) return -1; *user = &(*u); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::Exists(const std::string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); const std::map<std::string, user_iter>::const_iterator iter(loginIndex.find(login)); return iter != loginIndex.end(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::TariffInUse(const std::string & tariffName) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); std::list<USER_IMPL>::const_iterator iter; iter = users.begin(); while (iter != users.end()) { if (iter->GetProperty().tariffName.Get() == tariffName) return true; ++iter; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::Add(const std::string & login, const ADMIN * admin) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); const PRIV * priv = admin->GetPriv(); if (!priv->userAddDel) { WriteServLog("%s tried to add user \'%s\'. Access denied.", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str()); /*errorStr = "Admin \'" + admin->GetLogin() + "\': tried to add user \'" + ud->login + "\'. Access denied.";*/ return -1; } ////// if (store->AddUser(login)) { //TODO //WriteServLog("Admin \'%s\': tried to add user \'%s\'. Access denied.", // admin->GetLogin().c_str(), ud->login.c_str()); return -1; } ////// USER_IMPL u(settings, store, tariffs, sysAdmin, this, m_services); /*struct tm * tms; time_t t = stgTime; tms = localtime(&t); tms->tm_hour = 0; tms->tm_min = 0; tms->tm_sec = 0; if (settings->GetDayResetTraff() > tms->tm_mday) tms->tm_mon -= 1; tms->tm_mday = settings->GetDayResetTraff();*/ u.SetLogin(login); u.SetPassiveTimeAsNewUser(); u.WriteConf(); u.WriteStat(); WriteServLog("%s User \'%s\' added.", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str()); u.OnAdd(); users.push_front(u); AddUserIntoIndexes(users.begin()); { // Fire all "on add" notifiers std::set<NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_PTR> *>::iterator ni = onAddNotifiers.begin(); while (ni != onAddNotifiers.end()) { (*ni)->Notify(&users.front()); ++ni; } } { // Fire all "on add" implementation notifiers std::set<NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IMPL_PTR> *>::iterator ni = onAddNotifiersImpl.begin(); while (ni != onAddNotifiersImpl.end()) { (*ni)->Notify(&users.front()); ++ni; } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::Del(const std::string & login, const ADMIN * admin) { const PRIV * priv = admin->GetPriv(); user_iter u; if (!priv->userAddDel) { WriteServLog("%s tried to remove user \'%s\'. Access denied.", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str()); return; } { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); if (FindByNameNonLock(login, &u)) { WriteServLog("%s tried to delete user \'%s\': not found.", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str()); return; } u->SetDeleted(); } { std::set<NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_PTR> *>::iterator ni = onDelNotifiers.begin(); while (ni != onDelNotifiers.end()) { (*ni)->Notify(&(*u)); ++ni; } } { std::set<NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IMPL_PTR> *>::iterator ni = onDelNotifiersImpl.begin(); while (ni != onDelNotifiersImpl.end()) { (*ni)->Notify(&(*u)); ++ni; } } { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); u->OnDelete(); USER_TO_DEL utd; utd.iter = u; utd.delTime = stgTime; usersToDelete.push_back(utd); DelUserFromIndexes(u); WriteServLog("%s User \'%s\' deleted.", admin->GetLogStr().c_str(), login.c_str()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::Authorize(const std::string & login, uint32_t ip, uint32_t enabledDirs, const AUTH * auth) { user_iter iter; STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); if (FindByNameNonLock(login, &iter)) { WriteServLog("Attempt to authorize non-existant user '%s'", login.c_str()); return false; } if (FindByIPIdx(ip, iter)) { if (iter->GetLogin() != login) { WriteServLog("Attempt to authorize user '%s' from ip %s which already occupied by '%s'", login.c_str(), inet_ntostring(ip).c_str(), iter->GetLogin().c_str()); return false; } if (iter->Authorize(ip, enabledDirs, auth)) return false; return true; } if (iter->Authorize(ip, enabledDirs, auth)) return false; AddToIPIdx(iter); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::Unauthorize(const std::string & login, const AUTH * auth, const std::string & reason) { user_iter iter; STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); if (FindByNameNonLock(login, &iter)) { WriteServLog("Attempt to unauthorize non-existant user '%s'", login.c_str()); return false; } uint32_t ip = iter->GetCurrIP(); iter->Unauthorize(auth, reason); if (!iter->GetAuthorized()) DelFromIPIdx(ip); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::ReadUsers() { std::vector<std::string> usersList; usersList.clear(); if (store->GetUsersList(&usersList) < 0) { WriteServLog(store->GetStrError().c_str()); return -1; } user_iter ui; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < usersList.size(); i++) { USER_IMPL u(settings, store, tariffs, sysAdmin, this, m_services); u.SetLogin(usersList[i]); users.push_front(u); ui = users.begin(); AddUserIntoIndexes(ui); if (ui->ReadConf() < 0) return -1; if (ui->ReadStat() < 0) return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * USERS_IMPL::Run(void * d) { sigset_t signalSet; sigfillset(&signalSet); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signalSet, NULL); printfd(__FILE__, "=====================| pid: %d |===================== \n", getpid()); USERS_IMPL * us = static_cast<USERS_IMPL *>(d); struct tm t; time_t tt = stgTime; localtime_r(&tt, &t); int min = t.tm_min; int day = t.tm_mday; printfd(__FILE__,"Day = %d Min = %d\n", day, min); time_t touchTime = stgTime - MONITOR_TIME_DELAY_SEC; std::string monFile = us->settings->GetMonitorDir() + "/users_r"; printfd(__FILE__, "Monitor=%d file USERS %s\n", us->settings->GetMonitoring(), monFile.c_str()); us->isRunning = true; while (us->nonstop) { //printfd(__FILE__,"New Minute. old = %02d current = %02d\n", min, t->tm_min); //printfd(__FILE__,"New Day. old = %2d current = %2d\n", day, t->tm_mday); for_each(us->users.begin(), us->users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::Run)); tt = stgTime; localtime_r(&tt, &t); if (min != t.tm_min) { printfd(__FILE__,"Sec = %d\n", stgTime); printfd(__FILE__,"New Minute. old = %d current = %d\n", min, t.tm_min); min = t.tm_min; us->NewMinute(t); } if (day != t.tm_mday) { printfd(__FILE__,"Sec = %d\n", stgTime); printfd(__FILE__,"New Day. old = %d current = %d\n", day, t.tm_mday); day = t.tm_mday; us->NewDay(t); } if (us->settings->GetMonitoring() && (touchTime + MONITOR_TIME_DELAY_SEC <= stgTime)) { //printfd(__FILE__, "Monitor=%d file TRAFFCOUNTER %s\n", tc->monitoring, monFile.c_str()); touchTime = stgTime; TouchFile(monFile.c_str()); } stgUsleep(100000); } //while (us->nonstop) user_iter ui = us->users.begin(); while (ui != us->users.end()) { us->DelUserFromIndexes(ui); ++ui; } std::list<USER_TO_DEL>::iterator iter; iter = us->usersToDelete.begin(); while (iter != us->usersToDelete.end()) { iter->delTime -= 2 * userDeleteDelayTime; ++iter; } us->RealDelUser(); us->isRunning = false; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::NewMinute(const struct tm & t) { //Write traff, reset session traff. Fake disconnect-connect if (t.tm_hour == 23 && t.tm_min == 59) { printfd(__FILE__,"MidnightResetSessionStat\n"); for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::MidnightResetSessionStat)); } if (TimeToWriteDetailStat(t)) { //printfd(__FILE__, "USER::WriteInetStat\n"); int usersCnt = 0; // ðÉÛÅÍ ÀÚÅÒÏ× ÞÁÓÔÑÍÉ. ÷ ÐÅÒÅÒÙ×ÁÈ ×ÙÚÙ×ÁÅÍ USER::Run std::list<USER_IMPL>::iterator usr = users.begin(); while (usr != users.end()) { usersCnt++; usr->WriteDetailStat(); ++usr; if (usersCnt % 10 == 0) for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::Run)); } } RealDelUser(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::NewDay(const struct tm & t) { struct tm t1; time_t tt = stgTime; localtime_r(&tt, &t1); int dayFee = settings->GetDayFee(); if (dayFee == 0) dayFee = DaysInCurrentMonth(); printfd(__FILE__, "DayFee = %d\n", dayFee); printfd(__FILE__, "Today = %d DayResetTraff = %d\n", t1.tm_mday, settings->GetDayResetTraff()); printfd(__FILE__, "DayFeeIsLastDay = %d\n", settings->GetDayFeeIsLastDay()); if (!settings->GetDayFeeIsLastDay()) { printfd(__FILE__, "DayResetTraff - 1 -\n"); DayResetTraff(t1); //printfd(__FILE__, "DayResetTraff - 1 - 1 -\n"); } if (settings->GetSpreadFee()) { printfd(__FILE__, "Spread DayFee\n"); for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::ProcessDayFeeSpread)); } else { if (t.tm_mday == dayFee) { printfd(__FILE__, "DayFee\n"); for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::ProcessDayFee)); } } std::for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::ProcessDailyFee)); if (settings->GetDayFeeIsLastDay()) { printfd(__FILE__, "DayResetTraff - 2 -\n"); DayResetTraff(t1); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DayResetTraff(const struct tm & t1) { int dayResetTraff = settings->GetDayResetTraff(); if (dayResetTraff == 0) dayResetTraff = DaysInCurrentMonth(); if (t1.tm_mday == dayResetTraff) { printfd(__FILE__, "ResetTraff\n"); for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::ProcessNewMonth)); //for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::SetPrepaidTraff)); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::Start() { if (ReadUsers()) { WriteServLog("USERS: Error: Cannot read users!"); return -1; } nonstop = true; if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Run, this)) { WriteServLog("USERS: Error: Cannot start thread!"); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::Stop() { printfd(__FILE__, "USERS::Stop()\n"); if (!isRunning) { //printfd(__FILE__, "Alredy stopped\n"); return 0; } nonstop = false; //5 seconds to thread stops itself struct timespec ts = {0, 200000000}; for (size_t i = 0; i < 25 * (users.size() / 50 + 1); i++) { if (!isRunning) break; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } //after 5 seconds waiting thread still running. now kill it if (isRunning) { printfd(__FILE__, "kill USERS thread.\n"); //TODO pthread_cancel() if (pthread_kill(thread, SIGINT)) { //errorStr = "Cannot kill USERS thread."; //printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot kill USERS thread.\n"); //return 0; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERS killed\n"); } printfd(__FILE__, "Before USERS::Run()\n"); for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::Run)); // 'cause bind2st accepts only constant first param for (std::list<USER_IMPL>::iterator it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it) it->WriteDetailStat(true); for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), std::mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::WriteStat)); //for_each(users.begin(), users.end(), mem_fun_ref(&USER_IMPL::WriteConf)); printfd(__FILE__, "USERS::Stop()\n"); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::RealDelUser() { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); printfd(__FILE__, "RealDelUser() users to del: %d\n", usersToDelete.size()); std::list<USER_TO_DEL>::iterator iter; iter = usersToDelete.begin(); while (iter != usersToDelete.end()) { printfd(__FILE__, "RealDelUser() user=%s\n", iter->iter->GetLogin().c_str()); if (iter->delTime + userDeleteDelayTime < stgTime) { printfd(__FILE__, "RealDelUser() user=%s removed from DB\n", iter->iter->GetLogin().c_str()); if (store->DelUser(iter->iter->GetLogin())) { WriteServLog("Error removing user \'%s\' from database.", iter->iter->GetLogin().c_str()); } users.erase(iter->iter); usersToDelete.erase(iter++); } else { ++iter; } } return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::AddToIPIdx(user_iter user) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERS: Add IP Idx\n"); uint32_t ip = user->GetCurrIP(); //assert(ip && "User has non-null ip"); if (!ip) return; // User has disconnected STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); const std::map<uint32_t, user_iter>::iterator it( ipIndex.lower_bound(ip) ); assert((it == ipIndex.end() || it->first != ip) && "User is not in index"); ipIndex.insert(it, std::make_pair(ip, user)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DelFromIPIdx(uint32_t ip) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERS: Del IP Idx\n"); assert(ip && "User has non-null ip"); STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); const std::map<uint32_t, user_iter>::iterator it( ipIndex.find(ip) ); if (it == ipIndex.end()) return; ipIndex.erase(it); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::FindByIPIdx(uint32_t ip, user_iter & iter) const { std::map<uint32_t, user_iter>::const_iterator it(ipIndex.find(ip)); if (it == ipIndex.end()) return false; iter = it->second; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::FindByIPIdx(uint32_t ip, USER_PTR * usr) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); user_iter iter; if (FindByIPIdx(ip, iter)) { *usr = &(*iter); return 0; } return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::FindByIPIdx(uint32_t ip, USER_IMPL ** usr) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); user_iter iter; if (FindByIPIdx(ip, iter)) { *usr = &(*iter); return 0; } return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::IsIPInIndex(uint32_t ip) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); std::map<uint32_t, user_iter>::const_iterator it(ipIndex.find(ip)); return it != ipIndex.end(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::IsIPInUse(uint32_t ip, const std::string & login, CONST_USER_PTR * user) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); std::list<USER_IMPL>::const_iterator iter; iter = users.begin(); while (iter != users.end()) { if (iter->GetLogin() != login && !iter->GetProperty().ips.Get().IsAnyIP() && iter->GetProperty().ips.Get().IsIPInIPS(ip)) { if (user != NULL) *user = &(*iter); return true; } ++iter; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::AddNotifierUserAdd(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onAddNotifiers.insert(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DelNotifierUserAdd(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onAddNotifiers.erase(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::AddNotifierUserDel(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onDelNotifiers.insert(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DelNotifierUserDel(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onDelNotifiers.erase(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::AddNotifierUserAdd(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IMPL_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onAddNotifiersImpl.insert(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DelNotifierUserAdd(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IMPL_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onAddNotifiersImpl.erase(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::AddNotifierUserDel(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IMPL_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onDelNotifiersImpl.insert(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DelNotifierUserDel(NOTIFIER_BASE<USER_IMPL_PTR> * n) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); onDelNotifiersImpl.erase(n); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::OpenSearch() { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); handle++; searchDescriptors[handle] = users.begin(); return handle; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::SearchNext(int h, USER_PTR * user) { USER_IMPL * ptr = NULL; if (SearchNext(h, &ptr)) return -1; *user = ptr; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::SearchNext(int h, USER_IMPL ** user) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); if (searchDescriptors.find(h) == searchDescriptors.end()) { WriteServLog("USERS. Incorrect search handle."); return -1; } if (searchDescriptors[h] == users.end()) return -1; while (searchDescriptors[h]->GetDeleted()) { ++searchDescriptors[h]; if (searchDescriptors[h] == users.end()) { return -1; } } *user = &(*searchDescriptors[h]); ++searchDescriptors[h]; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int USERS_IMPL::CloseSearch(int h) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); if (searchDescriptors.find(h) != searchDescriptors.end()) { searchDescriptors.erase(searchDescriptors.find(h)); return 0; } WriteServLog("USERS. Incorrect search handle."); return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::AddUserIntoIndexes(user_iter user) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); loginIndex.insert(make_pair(user->GetLogin(), user)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void USERS_IMPL::DelUserFromIndexes(user_iter user) { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); loginIndex.erase(user->GetLogin()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool USERS_IMPL::TimeToWriteDetailStat(const struct tm & t) { int statTime = settings->GetDetailStatWritePeriod(); switch (statTime) { case dsPeriod_1: if (t.tm_min == 0) return true; break; case dsPeriod_1_2: if (t.tm_min % 30 == 0) return true; break; case dsPeriod_1_4: if (t.tm_min % 15 == 0) return true; break; case dsPeriod_1_6: if (t.tm_min % 10 == 0) return true; break; } return false; }