/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Maxim Mamontov <faust@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* * Messages manipualtion methods * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * $Date: 2009/03/03 16:16:23 $ * */ #include "firebird_store.h" #include "stg/ibpp.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::AddMessage(STG_MSG * msg, const std::string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_add_message(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Set(2, (int32_t)msg->header.ver); st->Set(3, (int32_t)msg->header.type); st->Set(4, (int32_t)msg->header.lastSendTime); st->Set(5, (int32_t)msg->header.creationTime); st->Set(6, (int32_t)msg->header.showTime); st->Set(7, msg->header.repeat); st->Set(8, (int32_t)msg->header.repeatPeriod); st->Set(9, msg->text); st->Execute(); st->Get(1, (int64_t &)msg->header.id); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::EditMessage(const STG_MSG & msg, const std::string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_add_message(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); st->Set(1, (int64_t)msg.header.id); st->Set(2, login); st->Set(3, (int32_t)msg.header.ver); st->Set(4, (int32_t)msg.header.type); st->Set(5, (int32_t)msg.header.lastSendTime); st->Set(6, (int32_t)msg.header.creationTime); st->Set(7, (int32_t)msg.header.showTime); st->Set(8, msg.header.repeat); st->Set(9, (int32_t)msg.header.repeatPeriod); st->Set(10, msg.text.c_str()); st->Execute(); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::GetMessage(uint64_t id, STG_MSG * msg, const std::string &) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("select * from tb_messages where pk_message = ?"); st->Set(1, (int64_t)id); st->Execute(); if (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(1, (int64_t &)msg->header.id); st->Get(3, (int32_t &)msg->header.ver); st->Get(4, (int32_t &)msg->header.type); st->Get(5, (int32_t &)msg->header.lastSendTime); st->Get(6, (int32_t &)msg->header.creationTime); st->Get(7, (int32_t &)msg->header.showTime); st->Get(8, msg->header.repeat); st->Get(9, (int32_t &)msg->header.repeatPeriod); st->Get(10, msg->text); } else { strprintf(&strError, "Message with id = %d not found in database", id); printfd(__FILE__, "Message with id - %d not found in database\n", id); tr->Rollback(); return -1; } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::DelMessage(uint64_t id, const std::string &) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("delete from tb_messages where pk_message = ?"); st->Set(1, (int64_t)id); st->Execute(); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::GetMessageHdrs(std::vector<STG_MSG_HDR> * hdrsList, const std::string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); STG_MSG_HDR header; try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("select pk_message, ver, msg_type, \ last_send_time, creation_time, \ show_time, repeat, repeat_period \ from tb_messages where \ fk_user = (select pk_user from tb_users where name = ?)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Execute(); while (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(1, (int64_t &)header.id); st->Get(2, (int32_t &)header.ver); st->Get(3, (int32_t &)header.type); st->Get(4, (int32_t &)header.lastSendTime); st->Get(5, (int32_t &)header.creationTime); st->Get(6, (int32_t &)header.showTime); st->Get(7, header.repeat); st->Get(8, (int32_t &)header.repeatPeriod); hdrsList->push_back(header); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------