/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Maxim Mamontov */ #include "stg_client.h" #include "stg/json_parser.h" #include "stg/json_generator.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // UNIX #include // IP #include // TCP #include using STG::JSON::Parser; using STG::JSON::PairsParser; using STG::JSON::EnumParser; using STG::JSON::NodeParser; using STG::JSON::Gen; using STG::JSON::MapGen; using STG::JSON::StringGen; namespace { double CONN_TIMEOUT = 5; double PING_TIMEOUT = 1; STG_CLIENT* stgClient = NULL; std::string toStage(STG_CLIENT::TYPE type) { switch (type) { case STG_CLIENT::AUTHORIZE: return "authorize"; case STG_CLIENT::AUTHENTICATE: return "authenticate"; case STG_CLIENT::POST_AUTH: return "postauth"; case STG_CLIENT::PRE_ACCT: return "preacct"; case STG_CLIENT::ACCOUNT: return "accounting"; } return ""; } enum Packet { PING, PONG, DATA }; std::map packetCodes; std::map resultCodes; class PacketParser : public EnumParser { public: PacketParser(NodeParser* next, Packet& packet, std::string& packetStr) : EnumParser(next, packet, packetStr, packetCodes) { if (!packetCodes.empty()) return; packetCodes["ping"] = PING; packetCodes["pong"] = PONG; packetCodes["data"] = DATA; } }; class ResultParser : public EnumParser { public: ResultParser(NodeParser* next, bool& result, std::string& resultStr) : EnumParser(next, result, resultStr, resultCodes) { if (!resultCodes.empty()) return; resultCodes["no"] = false; resultCodes["ok"] = true; } }; class TopParser : public NodeParser { public: TopParser() : m_packetParser(this, m_packet, m_packetStr), m_resultParser(this, m_result, m_resultStr), m_replyParser(this, m_reply), m_modifyParser(this, m_modify) {} virtual NodeParser* parseStartMap() { return this; } virtual NodeParser* parseMapKey(const std::string& value) { std::string key = ToLower(value); if (key == "packet") return &m_packetParser; else if (key == "result") return &m_resultParser; else if (key == "reply") return &m_replyParser; else if (key == "modify") return &m_modifyParser; return this; } virtual NodeParser* parseEndMap() { return this; } const std::string& packetStr() const { return m_packetStr; } Packet packet() const { return m_packet; } const std::string& resultStr() const { return m_resultStr; } bool result() const { return m_result; } const PairsParser::Pairs& reply() const { return m_reply; } const PairsParser::Pairs& modify() const { return m_modify; } private: std::string m_packetStr; Packet m_packet; std::string m_resultStr; bool m_result; PairsParser::Pairs m_reply; PairsParser::Pairs m_modify; PacketParser m_packetParser; ResultParser m_resultParser; PairsParser m_replyParser; PairsParser m_modifyParser; }; class ProtoParser : public Parser { public: ProtoParser() : Parser( &m_topParser ) {} const std::string& packetStr() const { return m_topParser.packetStr(); } Packet packet() const { return m_topParser.packet(); } const std::string& resultStr() const { return m_topParser.resultStr(); } bool result() const { return m_topParser.result(); } const PairsParser::Pairs& reply() const { return m_topParser.reply(); } const PairsParser::Pairs& modify() const { return m_topParser.modify(); } private: TopParser m_topParser; }; class PacketGen : public Gen { public: PacketGen(const std::string& type) : m_type(type) { m_gen.add("packet", m_type); } void run(yajl_gen_t* handle) const { m_gen.run(handle); } PacketGen& add(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { m_gen.add(key, new StringGen(value)); return *this; } PacketGen& add(const std::string& key, MapGen* map) { m_gen.add(key, map); return *this; } private: MapGen m_gen; StringGen m_type; }; } class STG_CLIENT::Impl { public: Impl(const std::string& address, Callback callback, void* data); ~Impl(); bool stop(); bool request(TYPE type, const std::string& userName, const std::string& password, const PAIRS& pairs); private: ChannelConfig m_config; int m_sock; bool m_running; bool m_stopped; time_t m_lastPing; time_t m_lastActivity; pthread_t m_thread; pthread_mutex_t m_mutex; Callback m_callback; void* m_data; ProtoParser m_parser; void m_writeHeader(TYPE type, const std::string& userName, const std::string& password); void m_writePairBlock(const PAIRS& source); PAIRS m_readPairBlock(); static void* run(void* ); void runImpl(); int connect(); int connectTCP(); int connectUNIX(); bool read(); bool tick(); bool process(); bool processPing(); bool processPong(); bool processData(); bool sendPing(); bool sendPong(); static bool write(void* data, const char* buf, size_t size); }; ChannelConfig::ChannelConfig(std::string addr) { // unix:pass@/var/run/stg.sock // tcp:secret@ // udp:key@isp.com.ua:54321 size_t pos = addr.find_first_of(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) throw Error("Missing transport name."); transport = ToLower(addr.substr(0, pos)); addr = addr.substr(pos + 1); if (addr.empty()) throw Error("Missing address to connect to."); pos = addr.find_first_of('@'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { key = addr.substr(0, pos); addr = addr.substr(pos + 1); if (addr.empty()) throw Error("Missing address to connect to."); } if (transport == "unix") { address = addr; return; } pos = addr.find_first_of(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) throw Error("Missing port."); address = addr.substr(0, pos); portStr = addr.substr(pos + 1); if (str2x(portStr, port)) throw Error("Invalid port value."); } STG_CLIENT::STG_CLIENT(const std::string& address, Callback callback, void* data) : m_impl(new Impl(address, callback, data)) { } STG_CLIENT::~STG_CLIENT() { } bool STG_CLIENT::stop() { return m_impl->stop(); } bool STG_CLIENT::request(TYPE type, const std::string& userName, const std::string& password, const PAIRS& pairs) { return m_impl->request(type, userName, password, pairs); } STG_CLIENT* STG_CLIENT::get() { return stgClient; } bool STG_CLIENT::configure(const std::string& address, Callback callback, void* data) { if ( stgClient != NULL && stgClient->stop() ) delete stgClient; try { stgClient = new STG_CLIENT(address, callback, data); return true; } catch (const ChannelConfig::Error& ex) { // TODO: Log it } return false; } STG_CLIENT::Impl::Impl(const std::string& address, Callback callback, void* data) : m_config(address), m_sock(connect()), m_running(false), m_stopped(true), m_lastPing(time(NULL)), m_lastActivity(m_lastPing), m_callback(callback), m_data(data) { int res = pthread_create(&m_thread, NULL, run, this); if (res != 0) throw Error("Failed to create thread: " + std::string(strerror(errno))); } STG_CLIENT::Impl::~Impl() { stop(); shutdown(m_sock, SHUT_RDWR); close(m_sock); } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::stop() { if (m_stopped) return true; m_running = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < 25 && !m_stopped; i++) { struct timespec ts = {0, 200000000}; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } if (m_stopped) { pthread_join(m_thread, NULL); return true; } return false; } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::request(TYPE type, const std::string& userName, const std::string& password, const PAIRS& pairs) { boost::scoped_ptr map(new MapGen); for (PAIRS::const_iterator it = pairs.begin(); it != pairs.end(); ++it) map->add(it->first, new StringGen(it->second)); map->add("Radius-Username", new StringGen(userName)); map->add("Radius-Userpass", new StringGen(password)); PacketGen gen("data"); gen.add("stage", toStage(type)) .add("pairs", map.get()); m_lastPing = time(NULL); return generate(gen, &STG_CLIENT::Impl::write, this); } void STG_CLIENT::Impl::runImpl() { m_running = true; while (m_running) { fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(m_sock, &fds); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500000; int res = select(m_sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (res < 0) { //m_error = std::string("'select' is failed: '") + strerror(errno) + "'."; //m_logger(m_error); break; } if (!m_running) break; if (res > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(m_sock, &fds)) m_running = read(); } else m_running = tick(); } m_stopped = true; } int STG_CLIENT::Impl::connect() { if (m_config.transport == "tcp") return connectTCP(); else if (m_config.transport == "unix") return connectUNIX(); throw Error("Invalid transport type: '" + m_config.transport + "'. Should be 'tcp' or 'unix'."); } int STG_CLIENT::Impl::connectTCP() { addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; /* Allow IPv4 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* Stream socket */ hints.ai_flags = 0; /* For wildcard IP address */ hints.ai_protocol = 0; /* Any protocol */ hints.ai_canonname = NULL; hints.ai_addr = NULL; hints.ai_next = NULL; addrinfo* ais = NULL; int res = getaddrinfo(m_config.address.c_str(), m_config.portStr.c_str(), &hints, &ais); if (res != 0) throw Error("Error resolvin address '" + m_config.address + "': " + gai_strerror(res)); for (addrinfo* ai = ais; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next) { int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { Error error(std::string("Error creating TCP socket: ") + strerror(errno)); freeaddrinfo(ais); throw error; } if (::connect(fd, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) == -1) { shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(fd); // TODO: log it. continue; } freeaddrinfo(ais); return fd; } freeaddrinfo(ais); throw Error("Failed to resolve '" + m_config.address); }; int STG_CLIENT::Impl::connectUNIX() { int fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) throw Error(std::string("Error creating UNIX socket: ") + strerror(errno)); struct sockaddr_un addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.sun_path, m_config.address.c_str(), m_config.address.length()); if (::connect(fd, reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(addr)) == -1) { Error error(std::string("Error binding UNIX socket: ") + strerror(errno)); shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(fd); throw error; } return fd; } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::read() { static std::vector buffer(1024); ssize_t res = ::read(m_sock, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); if (res < 0) { //m_logger("Failed to read data from '" + m_remote + "': " + strerror(errno)); return false; } m_lastActivity = time(NULL); if (res == 0) { if (!m_parser.done()) { //m_logger("Failed to read data from '" + m_remote + "': " + strerror(errno)); return false; } return process(); } return m_parser.append(buffer.data(), res); } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::tick() { time_t now = time(NULL); if (difftime(now, m_lastActivity) > CONN_TIMEOUT) { //m_logger("Connection to " + m_remote + " timed out."); return false; } if (difftime(now, m_lastPing) > PING_TIMEOUT) sendPing(); return true; } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::process() { switch (m_parser.packet()) { case PING: return processPing(); case PONG: return processPong(); case DATA: return processData(); } //m_logger("Received invalid packet type: " + m_parser.packetStr()); return false; } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::processPing() { return sendPong(); } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::processPong() { m_lastActivity = time(NULL); return true; } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::processData() { RESULT result; for (PairsParser::Pairs::const_iterator it = m_parser.reply().begin(); it != m_parser.reply().end(); ++it) result.reply.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, it->second)); for (PairsParser::Pairs::const_iterator it = m_parser.modify().begin(); it != m_parser.modify().end(); ++it) result.modify.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, it->second)); return m_callback(m_data, result); } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::sendPing() { PacketGen gen("ping"); m_lastPing = time(NULL); return generate(gen, &STG_CLIENT::Impl::write, this); } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::sendPong() { PacketGen gen("pong"); m_lastPing = time(NULL); return generate(gen, &STG_CLIENT::Impl::write, this); } bool STG_CLIENT::Impl::write(void* data, const char* buf, size_t size) { STG_CLIENT::Impl& impl = *static_cast(data); while (size > 0) { ssize_t res = ::write(impl.m_sock, buf, size); if (res < 0) { //conn.m_logger("Failed to write pong to '" + conn.m_remote + "': " + strerror(errno)); return false; } size -= res; } return true; } void* STG_CLIENT::Impl::run(void* data) { Impl& impl = *static_cast(data); impl.runImpl(); return NULL; }