/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko * Author : Maxim Mamontov */ #include "stg/parser_get_user.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include #include #include #include template <> bool GetValue(const char ** attr, PARSER_GET_USER::STAT & value) { if (!attr) return false; std::map props; for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; ++i) { props.insert(std::pair("su" + x2str(i), &value.su[i])); props.insert(std::pair("sd" + x2str(i), &value.sd[i])); props.insert(std::pair("mu" + x2str(i), &value.mu[i])); props.insert(std::pair("md" + x2str(i), &value.md[i])); } size_t pos = 0; while (attr[pos]) { std::string name(ToLower(attr[pos++])); std::map::iterator it(props.find(name)); if (it != props.end()) if (str2x(attr[pos++], *it->second) < 0) return false; } return true; } PARSER_GET_USER::PARSER_GET_USER() : callback(NULL), data(NULL), depth(0), parsingAnswer(false) { AddParser(propertyParsers, "login", info.login); AddParser(propertyParsers, "password", info.password); AddParser(propertyParsers, "cash", info.cash); AddParser(propertyParsers, "credit", info.credit); AddParser(propertyParsers, "creditExpire", info.creditExpire); AddParser(propertyParsers, "lastCash", info.lastCash); AddParser(propertyParsers, "prepaidTraff", info.prepaidTraff); AddParser(propertyParsers, "down", info.down); AddParser(propertyParsers, "passive", info.passive); AddParser(propertyParsers, "disableDetailStat", info.disableDetailStat); AddParser(propertyParsers, "connected", info.connected); AddParser(propertyParsers, "alwaysOnline", info.alwaysOnline); AddParser(propertyParsers, "currIP", info.ip, GetIPValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "ip", info.ips); AddParser(propertyParsers, "tariff", info.tariff); AddParser(propertyParsers, "group", info.group, GetEncodedValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "note", info.note, GetEncodedValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "email", info.email, GetEncodedValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "name", info.name, GetEncodedValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "address", info.address, GetEncodedValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "phone", info.phone, GetEncodedValue); AddParser(propertyParsers, "traff", info.stat); for (size_t i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; ++i) AddParser(propertyParsers, "userData" + x2str(i), info.userData[i], GetEncodedValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARSER_GET_USER::~PARSER_GET_USER() { PROPERTY_PARSERS::iterator it(propertyParsers.begin()); while (it != propertyParsers.end()) delete (it++)->second; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int PARSER_GET_USER::ParseStart(const char * el, const char ** attr) { depth++; if (depth == 1) ParseUser(el, attr); if (depth == 2 && parsingAnswer) ParseUserParams(el, attr); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PARSER_GET_USER::ParseEnd(const char * /*el*/) { depth--; if (depth == 0 && parsingAnswer) { if (callback) callback(error.empty(), error, info, data); error.clear(); parsingAnswer = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PARSER_GET_USER::ParseUser(const char * el, const char ** attr) { if (strcasecmp(el, "user") == 0) if (attr && attr[0] && attr[1]) { if (strcasecmp(attr[1], "error") == 0) { if (attr[2] && attr[3]) error = attr[3]; else error = "User not found."; } else parsingAnswer = true; } else parsingAnswer = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PARSER_GET_USER::ParseUserParams(const char * el, const char ** attr) { if (!TryParse(propertyParsers, ToLower(el), attr)) error = "Invalid parameter."; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PARSER_GET_USER::SetCallback(CALLBACK f, void * d) { callback = f; data = d; }