/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File : $Id: blob.cpp,v 1.2 2009/03/19 20:00:28 faust Exp $ // Subject : IBPP, Blob class implementation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // (C) Copyright 2000-2006 T.I.P. Group S.A. and the IBPP Team (www.ibpp.org) // // The contents of this file are subject to the IBPP License (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at http://www.ibpp.org or in the 'license.txt' // file which must have been distributed along with this file. // // This software, distributed under the License, is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // COMMENTS // * Tabulations should be set every four characters when editing this file. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4786 4996) #ifndef _DEBUG #pragma warning(disable: 4702) #endif #endif #include "_ibpp.h" #ifdef HAS_HDRSTOP #pragma hdrstop #endif #include <cstring> using namespace ibpp_internals; // (((((((( OBJECT INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION )))))))) void BlobImpl::Open() { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Open", _("Blob already opened.")); if (mDatabase == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Open", _("No Database is attached.")); if (mTransaction == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Open", _("No Transaction is attached.")); if (! mIdAssigned) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Open", _("Blob Id is not assigned.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_open_blob2)(status.Self(), mDatabase->GetHandlePtr(), mTransaction->GetHandlePtr(), &mHandle, &mId, 0, 0); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Open", _("isc_open_blob2 failed.")); mWriteMode = false; } void BlobImpl::Create() { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Create", _("Blob already opened.")); if (mDatabase == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Create", _("No Database is attached.")); if (mTransaction == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Create", _("No Transaction is attached.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_create_blob2)(status.Self(), mDatabase->GetHandlePtr(), mTransaction->GetHandlePtr(), &mHandle, &mId, 0, 0); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Create", _("isc_create_blob failed.")); mIdAssigned = true; mWriteMode = true; } void BlobImpl::Close() { if (mHandle == 0) return; // Not opened anyway IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_close_blob)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Close", _("isc_close_blob failed.")); mHandle = 0; } void BlobImpl::Cancel() { if (mHandle == 0) return; // Not opened anyway if (! mWriteMode) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Cancel", _("Can't cancel a Blob opened for read")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_cancel_blob)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Cancel", _("isc_cancel_blob failed.")); mHandle = 0; mIdAssigned = false; } int BlobImpl::Read(void* buffer, int size) { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Read", _("The Blob is not opened")); if (mWriteMode) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Read", _("Can't read from Blob opened for write")); if (size < 1 || size > (64*1024-1)) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Read", _("Invalid segment size (max 64Kb-1)")); IBS status; unsigned short bytesread; int result = (*gds.Call()->m_get_segment)(status.Self(), &mHandle, &bytesread, (unsigned short)size, (char*)buffer); if (result == isc_segstr_eof) return 0; // Fin du blob if (result != isc_segment && status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Read", _("isc_get_segment failed.")); return (int)bytesread; } void BlobImpl::Write(const void* buffer, int size) { if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Write", _("The Blob is not opened")); if (! mWriteMode) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Write", _("Can't write to Blob opened for read")); if (size < 1 || size > (64*1024-1)) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Write", _("Invalid segment size (max 64Kb-1)")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_put_segment)(status.Self(), &mHandle, (unsigned short)size, (char*)buffer); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Write", _("isc_put_segment failed.")); } void BlobImpl::Info(int* Size, int* Largest, int* Segments) { char items[] = {isc_info_blob_total_length, isc_info_blob_max_segment, isc_info_blob_num_segments}; if (mHandle == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::GetInfo", _("The Blob is not opened")); IBS status; RB result(100); (*gds.Call()->m_blob_info)(status.Self(), &mHandle, sizeof(items), items, (short)result.Size(), result.Self()); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::GetInfo", _("isc_blob_info failed.")); if (Size != 0) *Size = result.GetValue(isc_info_blob_total_length); if (Largest != 0) *Largest = result.GetValue(isc_info_blob_max_segment); if (Segments != 0) *Segments = result.GetValue(isc_info_blob_num_segments); } void BlobImpl::Save(const std::string& data) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Save", _("Blob already opened.")); if (mDatabase == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Save", _("No Database is attached.")); if (mTransaction == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Save", _("No Transaction is attached.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_create_blob2)(status.Self(), mDatabase->GetHandlePtr(), mTransaction->GetHandlePtr(), &mHandle, &mId, 0, 0); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Save", _("isc_create_blob failed.")); mIdAssigned = true; mWriteMode = true; size_t pos = 0; size_t len = data.size(); while (len != 0) { size_t blklen = (len < 32*1024-1) ? len : 32*1024-1; status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_put_segment)(status.Self(), &mHandle, (unsigned short)blklen, const_cast<char*>(data.data()+pos)); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Save", _("isc_put_segment failed.")); pos += blklen; len -= blklen; } status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_close_blob)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Save", _("isc_close_blob failed.")); mHandle = 0; } void BlobImpl::Load(std::string& data) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Load", _("Blob already opened.")); if (mDatabase == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Load", _("No Database is attached.")); if (mTransaction == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Load", _("No Transaction is attached.")); if (! mIdAssigned) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::Load", _("Blob Id is not assigned.")); IBS status; (*gds.Call()->m_open_blob2)(status.Self(), mDatabase->GetHandlePtr(), mTransaction->GetHandlePtr(), &mHandle, &mId, 0, 0); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Load", _("isc_open_blob2 failed.")); mWriteMode = false; size_t blklen = 32*1024-1; data.resize(blklen); size_t size = 0; size_t pos = 0; for (;;) { status.Reset(); unsigned short bytesread; int result = (*gds.Call()->m_get_segment)(status.Self(), &mHandle, &bytesread, (unsigned short)blklen, const_cast<char*>(data.data()+pos)); if (result == isc_segstr_eof) break; // End of blob if (result != isc_segment && status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Load", _("isc_get_segment failed.")); pos += bytesread; size += bytesread; data.resize(size + blklen); } data.resize(size); status.Reset(); (*gds.Call()->m_close_blob)(status.Self(), &mHandle); if (status.Errors()) throw SQLExceptionImpl(status, "Blob::Load", _("isc_close_blob failed.")); mHandle = 0; } IBPP::Database BlobImpl::DatabasePtr() const { if (mDatabase == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::DatabasePtr", _("No Database is attached.")); return mDatabase; } IBPP::Transaction BlobImpl::TransactionPtr() const { if (mTransaction == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::TransactionPtr", _("No Transaction is attached.")); return mTransaction; } IBPP::IBlob* BlobImpl::AddRef() { ASSERTION(mRefCount >= 0); ++mRefCount; return this; } void BlobImpl::Release() { // Release cannot throw, except in DEBUG builds on assertion ASSERTION(mRefCount >= 0); --mRefCount; try { if (mRefCount <= 0) delete this; } catch (...) { } } // (((((((( OBJECT INTERNAL METHODS )))))))) void BlobImpl::Init() { mIdAssigned = false; mWriteMode = false; mHandle = 0; mDatabase = 0; mTransaction = 0; } void BlobImpl::SetId(ISC_QUAD* quad) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("BlobImpl::SetId", _("Can't set Id on an opened BlobImpl.")); if (quad == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("BlobImpl::SetId", _("Null Id reference detected.")); memcpy(&mId, quad, sizeof(mId)); mIdAssigned = true; } void BlobImpl::GetId(ISC_QUAD* quad) { if (mHandle != 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("BlobImpl::GetId", _("Can't get Id on an opened BlobImpl.")); if (! mWriteMode) throw LogicExceptionImpl("BlobImpl::GetId", _("Can only get Id of a newly created Blob.")); if (quad == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("BlobImpl::GetId", _("Null Id reference detected.")); memcpy(quad, &mId, sizeof(mId)); } void BlobImpl::AttachDatabaseImpl(DatabaseImpl* database) { if (database == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::AttachDatabase", _("Can't attach a NULL Database object.")); if (mDatabase != 0) mDatabase->DetachBlobImpl(this); mDatabase = database; mDatabase->AttachBlobImpl(this); } void BlobImpl::AttachTransactionImpl(TransactionImpl* transaction) { if (transaction == 0) throw LogicExceptionImpl("Blob::AttachTransaction", _("Can't attach a NULL Transaction object.")); if (mTransaction != 0) mTransaction->DetachBlobImpl(this); mTransaction = transaction; mTransaction->AttachBlobImpl(this); } void BlobImpl::DetachDatabaseImpl() { if (mDatabase == 0) return; mDatabase->DetachBlobImpl(this); mDatabase = 0; } void BlobImpl::DetachTransactionImpl() { if (mTransaction == 0) return; mTransaction->DetachBlobImpl(this); mTransaction = 0; } BlobImpl::BlobImpl(DatabaseImpl* database, TransactionImpl* transaction) : mRefCount(0) { Init(); AttachDatabaseImpl(database); if (transaction != 0) AttachTransactionImpl(transaction); } BlobImpl::~BlobImpl() { try { if (mHandle != 0) { if (mWriteMode) Cancel(); else Close(); } } catch (...) { } try { if (mTransaction != 0) mTransaction->DetachBlobImpl(this); } catch (...) { } try { if (mDatabase != 0) mDatabase->DetachBlobImpl(this); } catch (...) { } } // // EOF //