/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Maxim Mamontov <faust@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* * User manipulation methods * * $Revision: 1.19 $ * $Date: 2010/01/19 11:07:25 $ * */ #include "stg/const.h" #include "firebird_store.h" #include "stg/ibpp.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::GetUsersList(vector<string> * usersList) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); string name; try { tr->Start(); st->Execute("select name from tb_users"); while (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(1, name); usersList->push_back(name); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::AddUser(const string & name) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_add_user(?, ?)"); st->Set(1, name); st->Set(2, DIR_NUM); st->Execute(); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::DelUser(const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_delete_user(?)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Execute(); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::SaveUserStat(const USER_STAT & stat, const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); return SaveStat(stat, login); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::SaveStat(const USER_STAT & stat, const string & login, int year, int month) const { IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp actTime; IBPP::Timestamp addTime; IBPP::Date dt; int i; int32_t sid, uid; try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("select pk_user from tb_users where name = ?"); st->Set(1, login); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { strError = "User \"" + login + "\" not found in database"; printfd(__FILE__, "User '%s' not found in database\n", login.c_str()); tr->Rollback(); return -1; } st->Get(1, uid); st->Close(); st->Prepare("select first 1 pk_stat from tb_stats where fk_user = ? order by stats_date desc"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "No stat info for user \"" + login + "\""; printfd(__FILE__, "No stat info for user '%s'\n", login.c_str()); return -1; } st->Get(1, sid); st->Close(); time_t2ts(stat.lastActivityTime, &actTime); time_t2ts(stat.lastCashAddTime, &addTime); if (year != 0) ym2date(year, month, &dt); else dt.Today(); st->Prepare("update tb_stats set \ cash = ?, \ free_mb = ?, \ last_activity_time = ?, \ last_cash_add = ?, \ last_cash_add_time = ?, \ passive_time = ?, \ stats_date = ? \ where pk_stat = ?"); st->Set(1, stat.cash); st->Set(2, stat.freeMb); st->Set(3, actTime); st->Set(4, stat.lastCashAdd); st->Set(5, addTime); st->Set(6, (int32_t)stat.passiveTime); st->Set(7, dt); st->Set(8, sid); st->Execute(); st->Close(); for(i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++) { st->Prepare("update tb_stats_traffic set \ upload = ?, \ download = ? \ where fk_stat = ? and dir_num = ?"); st->Set(1, (int64_t)stat.up[i]); st->Set(2, (int64_t)stat.down[i]); st->Set(3, sid); st->Set(4, i); st->Execute(); st->Close(); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::SaveUserConf(const USER_CONF & conf, const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); int i; int32_t uid; IBPP::Timestamp creditExpire; vector<string>::const_iterator it; try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("select pk_user from tb_users where name = ?"); st->Set(1, login); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { strError = "User \"" + login + "\" not found in database"; printfd(__FILE__, "User '%s' not found in database\n", login.c_str()); tr->Rollback(); return -1; } st->Get(1, uid); st->Close(); time_t2ts(conf.creditExpire, &creditExpire); st->Prepare("update tb_users set \ address = ?, \ always_online = ?, \ credit = ?, \ credit_expire = ?, \ disabled = ?, \ disabled_detail_stat = ?, \ email = ?, \ grp = ?, \ note = ?, \ passive = ?, \ passwd = ?, \ phone = ?, \ fk_tariff = (select pk_tariff from tb_tariffs \ where name = ?), \ fk_tariff_change = (select pk_tariff from tb_tariffs \ where name = ?), \ fk_corporation = (select pk_corporation from tb_corporations \ where name = ?), \ real_name = ? \ where pk_user = ?"); st->Set(1, conf.address); st->Set(2, (bool)conf.alwaysOnline); st->Set(3, conf.credit); st->Set(4, creditExpire); st->Set(5, (bool)conf.disabled); st->Set(6, (bool)conf.disabledDetailStat); st->Set(7, conf.email); st->Set(8, conf.group); st->Set(9, conf.note); st->Set(10, (bool)conf.passive); st->Set(11, conf.password); st->Set(12, conf.phone); st->Set(13, conf.tariffName); st->Set(14, conf.nextTariff); st->Set(15, conf.corp); st->Set(16, conf.realName); st->Set(17, uid); st->Execute(); st->Close(); st->Prepare("delete from tb_users_services where fk_user = ?"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); st->Close(); st->Prepare("insert into tb_users_services (fk_user, fk_service) \ values (?, (select pk_service from tb_services \ where name = ?))"); for(it = conf.service.begin(); it != conf.service.end(); ++it) { st->Set(1, uid); st->Set(2, *it); st->Execute(); } st->Close(); st->Prepare("delete from tb_users_data where fk_user = ?"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); st->Close(); i = 0; st->Prepare("insert into tb_users_data (fk_user, data, num) values (?, ?, ?)"); for (it = conf.userdata.begin(); it != conf.userdata.end(); ++it) { st->Set(1, uid); st->Set(2, *it); st->Set(3, i++); st->Execute(); } st->Close(); st->Prepare("delete from tb_allowed_ip where fk_user = ?"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); st->Prepare("insert into tb_allowed_ip (fk_user, ip, mask) values (?, ?, ?)"); for(i = 0; i < conf.ips.Count(); i++) { st->Set(1, uid); st->Set(2, (int32_t)conf.ips[i].ip); st->Set(3, (int32_t)conf.ips[i].mask); st->Execute(); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::RestoreUserStat(USER_STAT * stat, const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp actTime, addTime; int i, dir; int32_t uid, sid, passiveTime; try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("select pk_user from tb_users where name = ?"); st->Set(1, login); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { strError = "User \"" + login + "\" not found in database"; printfd(__FILE__, "User '%s' not found in database\n", login.c_str()); return -1; } st->Get(1, uid); st->Close(); st->Prepare("select first 1 pk_stat, cash, free_mb, last_activity_time, \ last_cash_add, last_cash_add_time, passive_time from tb_stats \ where fk_user = ? order by stats_date desc"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { strError = "No stat info for user \"" + login + "\""; printfd(__FILE__, "No stat info for user '%s'\n", login.c_str()); tr->Rollback(); return -1; } st->Get(1, sid); st->Get(2, stat->cash); st->Get(3, stat->freeMb); st->Get(4, actTime); st->Get(5, stat->lastCashAdd); st->Get(6, addTime); st->Get(7, passiveTime); stat->passiveTime = passiveTime; stat->lastActivityTime = ts2time_t(actTime); stat->lastCashAddTime = ts2time_t(addTime); st->Close(); st->Prepare("select * from tb_stats_traffic where fk_stat = ?"); st->Set(1, sid); st->Execute(); for(i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++) { if (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(3, dir); st->Get(5, (int64_t &)stat->up[dir]); st->Get(4, (int64_t &)stat->down[dir]); } else { break; } } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::RestoreUserConf(USER_CONF * conf, const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amRead, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); int32_t uid; int i; IBPP::Timestamp timestamp; IP_MASK im; string name; bool test; try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("select tb_users.pk_user, tb_users.address, tb_users.always_online, \ tb_users.credit, tb_users.credit_expire, tb_users.disabled, \ tb_users.disabled_detail_stat, tb_users.email, tb_users.grp, \ tb_users.note, tb_users.passive, tb_users.passwd, tb_users.phone, \ tb_users.real_name, tf1.name, tf2.name, tb_corporations.name \ from tb_users left join tb_tariffs tf1 \ on tf1.pk_tariff = tb_users.fk_tariff \ left join tb_tariffs tf2 \ on tf2.pk_tariff = tb_users.fk_tariff_change \ left join tb_corporations \ on tb_corporations.pk_corporation = tb_users.fk_corporation \ where tb_users.name = ?"); st->Set(1, login); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { strError = "User \"" + login + "\" not found in database"; printfd(__FILE__, "User '%s' not found in database", login.c_str()); tr->Rollback(); return -1; } st->Get(1, uid); // Getting base config st->Get(2, conf->address); st->Get(3, test); conf->alwaysOnline = test; st->Get(4, conf->credit); st->Get(5, timestamp); conf->creditExpire = ts2time_t(timestamp); st->Get(6, test); conf->disabled = test; st->Get(7, test); conf->disabledDetailStat = test; st->Get(8, conf->email); st->Get(9, conf->group); st->Get(10, conf->note); st->Get(11, test); conf->passive = test; st->Get(12, conf->password); st->Get(13, conf->phone); st->Get(14, conf->realName); st->Get(15, conf->tariffName); st->Get(16, conf->nextTariff); st->Get(17, conf->corp); if (conf->tariffName == "") conf->tariffName = NO_TARIFF_NAME; if (conf->corp == "") conf->corp = NO_CORP_NAME; // Services st->Close(); st->Prepare("select name from tb_services \ where pk_service in \ (select fk_service from tb_users_services \ where fk_user = ?)"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); while (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(1, name); conf->service.push_back(name); } // User data st->Close(); st->Prepare("select data, num from tb_users_data where fk_user = ? order by num"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); while (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(2, i); st->Get(1, conf->userdata[i]); } // User IPs st->Close(); st->Prepare("select ip, mask from tb_allowed_ip \ where fk_user = ?"); st->Set(1, uid); st->Execute(); conf->ips.Erase(); while (st->Fetch()) { st->Get(1, (int32_t &)im.ip); st->Get(2, (int32_t &)im.mask); conf->ips.Add(im); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::WriteUserChgLog(const string & login, const string & admLogin, uint32_t admIP, const string & paramName, const string & oldValue, const string & newValue, const string & message = "") const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp now; now.Now(); string temp = ""; // Composed message for log try { tr->Start(); temp += "Admin \"" + admLogin + "\", "; temp += inet_ntostring(admIP); temp += ": "; temp = temp + message; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checking and inserting parameters in params table st->Prepare("select pk_parameter from tb_parameters where name = ?"); st->Set(1, paramName); st->Execute(); if (!st->Fetch()) { st->Close(); st->Prepare("insert into tb_parameters (name) values (?)"); st->Set(1, paramName); st->Execute(); } st->Close(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- st->Prepare("insert into tb_params_log \ (fk_user, fk_parameter, event_time, from_val, to_val, comment) \ values ((select pk_user from tb_users \ where name = ?), \ (select pk_parameter from tb_parameters \ where name = ?), \ ?, ?, ?, ?)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Set(2, paramName); st->Set(3, now); st->Set(4, oldValue); st->Set(5, newValue); st->Set(6, temp); st->Execute(); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::WriteUserConnect(const string & login, uint32_t ip) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp now; now.Now(); try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_append_session_log(?, ?, 'c', ?)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Set(2, now); st->Set(3, (int32_t)ip); tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::WriteUserDisconnect(const string & login, const DIR_TRAFF & up, const DIR_TRAFF & down, const DIR_TRAFF & sessionUp, const DIR_TRAFF & sessionDown, double cash, double freeMb, const std::string & reason) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp now; now.Now(); int32_t id; int i; try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_append_session_log(?, ?, 'd', 0)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Set(2, now); st->Execute(); st->Get(1, id); st->Prepare("insert into tb_sessions_data \ (fk_session_log, dir_num, session_upload, \ session_download, month_upload, month_download) \ values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for(i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++) { st->Set(1, id); st->Set(2, i); st->Set(3, (int64_t)sessionUp[i]); st->Set(4, (int64_t)sessionDown[i]); st->Set(5, (int64_t)up[i]); st->Set(6, (int64_t)down[i]); st->Execute(); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::WriteDetailedStat(const map<IP_DIR_PAIR, STAT_NODE> & statTree, time_t lastStat, const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp statTime, now; now.Now(); time_t2ts(lastStat, &statTime); try { tr->Start(); map<IP_DIR_PAIR, STAT_NODE>::const_iterator it; it = statTree.begin(); st->Prepare("insert into tb_detail_stats \ (till_time, from_time, fk_user, dir_num, \ ip, download, upload, cost) \ values (?, ?, (select pk_user from tb_users \ where name = ?), \ ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); while (it != statTree.end()) { st->Set(1, now); st->Set(2, statTime); st->Set(3, login); st->Set(4, it->first.dir); st->Set(5, (int32_t)it->first.ip); st->Set(6, (int64_t)it->second.down); st->Set(7, (int64_t)it->second.up); st->Set(8, it->second.cash); st->Execute(); ++it; } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int FIREBIRD_STORE::SaveMonthStat(const USER_STAT & stat, int month, int year, const string & login) const { STG_LOCKER lock(&mutex, __FILE__, __LINE__); IBPP::Transaction tr = IBPP::TransactionFactory(db, IBPP::amWrite, til, tlr); IBPP::Statement st = IBPP::StatementFactory(db, tr); IBPP::Timestamp now; IBPP::Date nowDate; nowDate.Today(); now.Now(); int32_t id; int i; if (SaveStat(stat, login, year, month)) { return -1; } try { tr->Start(); st->Prepare("execute procedure sp_add_stat(?, 0, 0, ?, 0, ?, 0, ?)"); st->Set(1, login); st->Set(2, now); st->Set(3, now); st->Set(4, nowDate); st->Execute(); st->Get(1, id); st->Close(); st->Prepare("insert into tb_stats_traffic \ (fk_stat, dir_num, upload, download) \ values (?, ?, 0, 0)"); for(i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++) { st->Set(1, id); st->Set(2, i); st->Execute(); } tr->Commit(); } catch (IBPP::Exception & ex) { tr->Rollback(); strError = "IBPP exception"; printfd(__FILE__, ex.what()); return -1; } return 0; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------