/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2009/02/06 10:25:54 $ $Author: faust $ */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "netunit.h" #include "stg/servconf_types.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include "stg/blowfish.h" #include <cstdio> #include <cerrno> #include <cstring> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> using namespace STG; namespace { const std::string::size_type MAX_XML_CHUNK_LENGTH = 2048; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SEND_DATA_ERROR "Send data error!" #define RECV_DATA_ANSWER_ERROR "Recv data answer error!" #define UNKNOWN_ERROR "Unknown error!" #define CONNECT_FAILED "Connect failed!" #define INCORRECT_LOGIN "Incorrect login!" #define INCORRECT_HEADER "Incorrect header!" #define SEND_LOGIN_ERROR "Send login error!" #define RECV_LOGIN_ANSWER_ERROR "Recv login answer error!" #define CREATE_SOCKET_ERROR "Create socket failed!" #define WSASTARTUP_FAILED "WSAStartup failed!" #define SEND_HEADER_ERROR "Send header error!" #define RECV_HEADER_ANSWER_ERROR "Recv header answer error!" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETTRANSACT::NETTRANSACT(const std::string & s, uint16_t p, const std::string & l, const std::string & pwd) : server(s), port(p), login(l), password(pwd), outerSocket(-1), RxCallBack(NULL), dataRxCallBack(NULL) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::Connect() { outerSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (outerSocket < 0) { errorMsg = CREATE_SOCKET_ERROR; return st_conn_fail; } struct sockaddr_in outerAddr; memset(&outerAddr, 0, sizeof(outerAddr)); unsigned long ip = inet_addr(server.c_str()); if (ip == INADDR_NONE) { struct hostent * phe = gethostbyname(server.c_str()); if (phe == NULL) { errorMsg = "DNS error.\nCan not reslove " + server; return st_dns_err; } struct hostent he; memcpy(&he, phe, sizeof(he)); ip = *((long *)he.h_addr_list[0]); } outerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; outerAddr.sin_port = htons(port); outerAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip; if (connect(outerSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&outerAddr, sizeof(outerAddr)) < 0) { errorMsg = CONNECT_FAILED; close(outerSocket); return st_conn_fail; } return st_ok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::Disconnect() { close(outerSocket); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::Transact(const char * data) { int ret; if ((ret = TxHeader()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = RxHeaderAnswer()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = TxLogin()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = RxLoginAnswer()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = TxLoginS()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = RxLoginSAnswer()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = TxData(data)) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } if ((ret = RxDataAnswer()) != st_ok) { Disconnect(); return ret; } return st_ok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::TxHeader() { if (send(outerSocket, STG_HEADER, strlen(STG_HEADER), 0) <= 0) { errorMsg = SEND_HEADER_ERROR; return st_send_fail; } return st_ok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::RxHeaderAnswer() { char buffer[sizeof(STG_HEADER) + 1]; if (recv(outerSocket, buffer, strlen(OK_HEADER), 0) <= 0) { printf("Receive header answer error: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); errorMsg = RECV_HEADER_ANSWER_ERROR; return st_recv_fail; } if (strncmp(OK_HEADER, buffer, strlen(OK_HEADER)) == 0) { return st_ok; } else { if (strncmp(ERR_HEADER, buffer, strlen(ERR_HEADER)) == 0) { errorMsg = INCORRECT_HEADER; return st_header_err; } else { errorMsg = UNKNOWN_ERROR; return st_unknown_err; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::TxLogin() { char loginZ[ADM_LOGIN_LEN]; memset(loginZ, 0, ADM_LOGIN_LEN); strncpy(loginZ, login.c_str(), ADM_LOGIN_LEN); if (send(outerSocket, loginZ, ADM_LOGIN_LEN, 0) <= 0) { errorMsg = SEND_LOGIN_ERROR; return st_send_fail; } return st_ok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::RxLoginAnswer() { char buffer[sizeof(OK_LOGIN) + 1]; if (recv(outerSocket, buffer, strlen(OK_LOGIN), 0) <= 0) { printf("Receive login answer error: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); errorMsg = RECV_LOGIN_ANSWER_ERROR; return st_recv_fail; } if (strncmp(OK_LOGIN, buffer, strlen(OK_LOGIN)) == 0) { return st_ok; } else { if (strncmp(ERR_LOGIN, buffer, strlen(ERR_LOGIN)) == 0) { errorMsg = INCORRECT_LOGIN; return st_login_err; } else { errorMsg = UNKNOWN_ERROR; return st_unknown_err; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::TxLoginS() { char loginZ[ADM_LOGIN_LEN]; memset(loginZ, 0, ADM_LOGIN_LEN); strncpy(loginZ, login.c_str(), ADM_LOGIN_LEN); BLOWFISH_CTX ctx; EnDecodeInit(password.c_str(), PASSWD_LEN, &ctx); for (int j = 0; j < ADM_LOGIN_LEN / ENC_MSG_LEN; j++) { char ct[ENC_MSG_LEN]; EncodeString(ct, loginZ + j * ENC_MSG_LEN, &ctx); if (send(outerSocket, ct, ENC_MSG_LEN, 0) <= 0) { errorMsg = SEND_LOGIN_ERROR; return st_send_fail; } } return st_ok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::RxLoginSAnswer() { char buffer[sizeof(OK_LOGINS) + 1]; if (recv(outerSocket, buffer, strlen(OK_LOGINS), 0) <= 0) { printf("Receive secret login answer error: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); errorMsg = RECV_LOGIN_ANSWER_ERROR; return st_recv_fail; } if (strncmp(OK_LOGINS, buffer, strlen(OK_LOGINS)) == 0) { return st_ok; } else { if (strncmp(ERR_LOGINS, buffer, strlen(ERR_LOGINS)) == 0) { errorMsg = INCORRECT_LOGIN; return st_logins_err; } else { errorMsg = UNKNOWN_ERROR; return st_unknown_err; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::TxData(const char * text) { int n = strlen(text) / ENC_MSG_LEN; int r = strlen(text) % ENC_MSG_LEN; BLOWFISH_CTX ctx; EnDecodeInit(password.c_str(), PASSWD_LEN, &ctx); char textZ[ENC_MSG_LEN]; char ct[ENC_MSG_LEN]; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { strncpy(textZ, text + j * ENC_MSG_LEN, ENC_MSG_LEN); EncodeString(ct, textZ, &ctx); if (send(outerSocket, ct, ENC_MSG_LEN, 0) <= 0) { errorMsg = SEND_DATA_ERROR; return st_send_fail; } } memset(textZ, 0, ENC_MSG_LEN); if (r) strncpy(textZ, text + n * ENC_MSG_LEN, ENC_MSG_LEN); EnDecodeInit(password.c_str(), PASSWD_LEN, &ctx); EncodeString(ct, textZ, &ctx); if (send(outerSocket, ct, ENC_MSG_LEN, 0) <= 0) { errorMsg = SEND_DATA_ERROR; return st_send_fail; } return st_ok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::TxData(char * data) { char passwd[ADM_PASSWD_LEN]; memset(passwd, 0, ADM_PASSWD_LEN); strncpy(passwd, password.c_str(), ADM_PASSWD_LEN); char buff[ENC_MSG_LEN]; memset(buff, 0, ENC_MSG_LEN); int l = strlen(data) / ENC_MSG_LEN; if (strlen(data) % ENC_MSG_LEN) l++; BLOWFISH_CTX ctx; EnDecodeInit(passwd, PASSWD_LEN, &ctx); for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { strncpy(buff, &data[j * ENC_MSG_LEN], ENC_MSG_LEN); char buffS[ENC_MSG_LEN]; EncodeString(buffS, buff, &ctx); send(outerSocket, buffS, ENC_MSG_LEN, 0); } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NETTRANSACT::RxDataAnswer() { BLOWFISH_CTX ctx; EnDecodeInit(password.c_str(), PASSWD_LEN, &ctx); std::string chunk; while (true) { char bufferS[ENC_MSG_LEN]; size_t toRead = ENC_MSG_LEN; while (toRead > 0) { int ret = recv(outerSocket, &bufferS[ENC_MSG_LEN - toRead], toRead, 0); if (ret <= 0) { printf("Receive data error: '%s'\n", strerror(errno)); close(outerSocket); errorMsg = RECV_DATA_ANSWER_ERROR; return st_recv_fail; } toRead -= ret; } char buffer[ENC_MSG_LEN]; DecodeString(buffer, bufferS, &ctx); bool final = false; size_t pos = 0; for (; pos < ENC_MSG_LEN && buffer[pos] != 0; pos++) ; if (pos < ENC_MSG_LEN && buffer[pos] == 0) final = true; if (pos > 0) chunk.append(&buffer[0], &buffer[pos]); if (chunk.length() > MAX_XML_CHUNK_LENGTH || final) { if (RxCallBack != NULL) if (!RxCallBack(dataRxCallBack, chunk, final)) return st_xml_parse_error; chunk.clear(); } if (final) return st_ok; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NETTRANSACT::SetRxCallback(void * data, RxCallback_t cb) { RxCallBack = cb; dataRxCallBack = data; }