/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko */ #include "stgconfig.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include #include #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool STG_CONFIG_SETTINGS::ParseSettings(const STG::ModuleSettings & s) { STG::ParamValue pv; std::vector::const_iterator pvi; /////////////////////////// pv.param = "Port"; pvi = std::find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv); if (pvi == s.moduleParams.end() || pvi->value.empty()) { errorStr = "Parameter \'Port\' is not found."; printfd(__FILE__, "%s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return false; } int p; if (ParseIntInRange(pvi->value[0], 2, 65535, &p)) { errorStr = "Parameter \'Port\' should be an integral value in range (2, 65535). Actual value: '" + pvi->value[0] + "'."; printfd(__FILE__, "%s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return false; } m_port = static_cast(p); pv.param = "BindAddress"; pvi = std::find(s.moduleParams.begin(), s.moduleParams.end(), pv); if (pvi != s.moduleParams.end() && !pvi->value.empty()) m_bindAddress = pvi->value[0]; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" STG::Plugin * GetPlugin() { static STG_CONFIG plugin; return &plugin; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STG_CONFIG::STG_CONFIG() : nonstop(false), isRunning(false), logger(STG::PluginLogger::get("conf_sg")), config(logger) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int STG_CONFIG::ParseSettings() { if (stgConfigSettings.ParseSettings(settings)) return 0; errorStr = stgConfigSettings.GetStrError(); return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int STG_CONFIG::Start() { if (isRunning) return 0; nonstop = true; config.SetPort(stgConfigSettings.GetPort()); config.SetBindAddress(stgConfigSettings.GetBindAddress()); if (config.Prepare()) { errorStr = config.GetStrError(); return -1; } m_thread = std::jthread([this](auto token){ Run(token); }); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int STG_CONFIG::Stop() { if (!isRunning) return 0; config.Stop(); m_thread.request_stop(); //5 seconds to thread stops itself for (size_t i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { if (!isRunning) break; struct timespec ts = {0, 200000000}; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } if (isRunning) m_thread.detach(); else m_thread.join(); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void STG_CONFIG::Run(std::stop_token token) { sigset_t signalSet; sigfillset(&signalSet); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signalSet, NULL); isRunning = true; config.Run(token); isRunning = false; }