find_path ( NFQueue_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES libnetfilter_queue/libnetfilter_queue.h DOC "Path to NFQueue header files." ) mark_as_advanced ( NFQueue_INCLUDE_DIR ) find_library ( NFQueue_LIB NAMES netfilter_queue DOC "Location of NFQueue library." ) mark_as_advanced ( NFQueue_LIB ) include ( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) find_package_handle_standard_args ( NFQueue REQUIRED_VARS NFQueue_LIB NFQueue_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR NFQueue_VERSION ) # Create the imported target if ( NFQueue_FOUND ) set ( NFQueue_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NFQueue_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set ( NFQueue_LIBRARIES ${NFQueue_LIB} ) if ( NOT TARGET NF::Queue ) add_library ( NF::Queue UNKNOWN IMPORTED ) set_target_properties ( NF::Queue PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${NFQueue_LIB}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${NFQueue_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) endif ( NOT TARGET NF::Queue ) endif ( NFQueue_FOUND )