/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Date: 18.09.2002 */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stg.dp.ua> */ /* $Revision: 1.21 $ $Date: 2009/03/19 20:03:35 $ $Author: faust $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "debug_cap.h" #include "../../../traffcounter.h" #include "libpal.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WriteStat(uint32_t u, uint32_t d) { FILE * f; f = fopen("/tmp/cap.stat", "at"); fprintf(f, "up %5.2f Mbit, down %5.2f Mbit, sum %5.2f Mbit\n", u / (1000000*8.0), d / (1000000*8.0), (u + d) / (1000000*8.0)); fclose(f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CAP_DEBUG_CREATOR { private: DEBUG_CAP * dc; public: CAP_DEBUG_CREATOR() : dc(new DEBUG_CAP()) { }; ~CAP_DEBUG_CREATOR() { delete dc; }; DEBUG_CAP * GetCapturer() { return dc; }; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAW_PACKET MakeTCPPacket(const char * src, const char * dst, uint16_t sport, uint16_t dport, uint16_t len); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAP_DEBUG_CREATOR cdc; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASE_PLUGIN * GetPlugin() { return cdc.GetCapturer(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const string DEBUG_CAP::GetVersion() const { return "Debug_cap v.0.01a"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG_CAP::DEBUG_CAP() { isRunning = false; nonstop = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DEBUG_CAP::SetTraffcounter(TRAFFCOUNTER * tc) { traffCnt = tc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const string & DEBUG_CAP::GetStrError() const { return errorStr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int DEBUG_CAP::Start() { if (isRunning) return 0; printfd(__FILE__, "DEBUG_CAP::Start()\n"); nonstop = true; if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Run1, this) == 0) { return 0; } errorStr = "Cannot create thread."; return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int DEBUG_CAP::Stop() { if (!isRunning) return 0; nonstop = false; //5 seconds to thread stops itself int i; for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) { if (!isRunning) break; stgUsleep(200000); //printf("."); } /*if (i) printf("\n");*/ //after 5 seconds waiting thread still running. now killing it if (isRunning) { //TODO pthread_cancel() if (pthread_kill(thread, SIGINT)) { errorStr = "Cannot kill thread."; return -1; } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DEBUG_CAP::IsRunning() { return nonstop; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * DEBUG_CAP::Run1(void * data) { printfd(__FILE__, "=====================| pid: %d |===================== \n", getpid()); DEBUG_CAP * dc = (DEBUG_CAP *)data; dc->isRunning = true; RAW_PACKET rp; rp = MakeTCPPacket("", "", 255, 255, 200); int a = 0; sleep(3); struct tm * tm; time_t t; uint32_t u = 0; uint32_t d = 0; //2 upload : 3 download int usize; int dsize; t = stgTime; tm = localtime(&t); int min = tm->tm_min; int sec = tm->tm_sec; char cliIP[20]; char srvIP[20]; char trashIP1[20]; char trashIP2[20]; while (dc->nonstop) { for (int i = 8; i <= 252; i++) { usize = random()%100 + 100; dsize = random()%500 + 900; for (int j = 2; j < 11; j++) { sprintf(cliIP, "192.168.%d.%d", j, i); sprintf(srvIP, "10.1.%d.%d", random()%8, 1); rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP, cliIP, 80, random()%2 + 2000, dsize); d += dsize; dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(cliIP, srvIP, random()%2 + 2000, 80, usize); u += usize; dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); } } usleep(100000); t = stgTime; if (min != localtime(&t)->tm_min) { min = localtime(&t)->tm_min; WriteStat(u, d); u = d = 0; } a++; } dc->isRunning = false; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * DEBUG_CAP::Run2(void * data) { printfd(__FILE__, "=====================| pid: %d |===================== \n", getpid()); DEBUG_CAP * dc = (DEBUG_CAP *)data; dc->isRunning = true; RAW_PACKET rp; rp = MakeTCPPacket("", "", 255, 255, 200); int a = 0; sleep(3); struct tm * tm; time_t t; uint32_t u = 0; uint32_t d = 0; //2 upload : 3 download int usize = 200; int dsize = 1500; t = stgTime; tm = localtime(&t); int min = tm->tm_min; char cliIP[20]; char srvIP[20]; while (dc->nonstop) { for (int i = 101; i <= 150; i++) { sprintf(cliIP, "192.168.1.%d", i); for (int dp = 0; dp < 1; dp++) { //sprintf(srvIP, "10.1.%d.%d", i, 10 + dp); sprintf(srvIP, "10.1.%d.%d", i, 10 + dp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP, cliIP, 80, 10000 + i + dp, dsize); d += dsize; dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP, cliIP, 80, 10000 + i + dp, dsize); d += dsize; dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP, cliIP, 80, 10000 + i + dp, dsize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); d += dsize; rp = MakeTCPPacket(cliIP, srvIP, 10000 + i + dp, 80, usize); u += usize; dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(cliIP, srvIP, 10000 + i + dp, 80, usize); u += usize; dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); } } //usleep(20000); t = stgTime; if (min != localtime(&t)->tm_min) { min = localtime(&t)->tm_min; WriteStat(u, d); u = d = 0; } a++; } dc->isRunning = false; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * DEBUG_CAP::Run3(void * data) { printfd(__FILE__, "=====================| pid: %d |===================== \n", getpid()); DEBUG_CAP * dc = (DEBUG_CAP *)data; dc->isRunning = true; RAW_PACKET rp; rp = MakeTCPPacket("", "", 255, 255, 200); int a = 0; sleep(3); struct tm * tm; time_t t; uint32_t u = 0; uint32_t d = 0; //2 upload : 3 download int usize = 200; int dsize = 1500; t = stgTime; tm = localtime(&t); char cliIP[20]; char srvIP1[20]; char srvIP2[20]; char srvIP3[20]; int firstTime = true; while (dc->nonstop) { if (firstTime) { sprintf(srvIP1, "10.1.%d.%d", random() % 14 + 153, random() % 11 + 35); sprintf(srvIP2, "%d.%d.%d.%d", random() % 20 + 81, random() % 28 + 153, random() % 28 + 37, random() % 28 + 13); sprintf(srvIP3, "%d.%d.%d.%d", random() % 20 + 81, random() % 28 + 153, random() % 28 + 37, random() % 28 + 13); printfd(__FILE__, "firstTime=false\n"); firstTime = false; } int rnd = random() % 400; if (rnd < 5) { sprintf(srvIP1, "10.1.%d.%d", random() % 14 + 153, random() % 11 + 35); printfd(__FILE__, "srvIP1=%s\n", srvIP1); } if (rnd == 9) { sprintf(srvIP2, "%d.%d.%d.%d", random() % 20 + 81, random() % 28 + 153, random() % 28 + 37, random() % 28 + 13); printfd(__FILE__, "srvIP2=%s\n", srvIP2); } if (rnd == 5) { sprintf(srvIP2, "%d.%d.%d.%d", random() % 20 + 81, random() % 28 + 153, random() % 28 + 37, random() % 28 + 13); printfd(__FILE__, "srvIP3=%s\n", srvIP3); } for (int i = 2; i < 52; i++) { sprintf(cliIP, "192.168.1.%d", i); for (int dp = 0; dp < 1; dp++) { usize = 50 + random() % 100; dsize = 1000 + random() % 400; rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP1, cliIP, 80, 10000 + i + dp, dsize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP2, cliIP, 80, 10000 + i + dp, dsize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(srvIP3, cliIP, 80, 10000 + i + dp, dsize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(cliIP, srvIP1, 10000 + i + dp, 80, usize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(cliIP, srvIP2, 10000 + i + dp, 80, usize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); rp = MakeTCPPacket(cliIP, srvIP3, 10000 + i + dp, 80, usize); dc->traffCnt->Process(rp); } } usleep(300000); /*t = stgTime; if (min != localtime(&t)->tm_min) { min = localtime(&t)->tm_min; WriteStat(u, d); u = d = 0; }*/ a++; } dc->isRunning = false; return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint16_t DEBUG_CAP::GetStartPosition() const { return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint16_t DEBUG_CAP::GetStopPosition() const { return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAW_PACKET MakeTCPPacket(const char * src, const char * dst, uint16_t sport, uint16_t dport, uint16_t len) { struct packet pkt; if (pkt_init(&pkt, 0, 100)) { printfd(__FILE__, "pkt_init error!\n"); } in_addr_t sip = inet_addr(src); in_addr_t dip = inet_addr(dst); pkt_ip_header(&pkt, 5, //header len 4, 0, len, //total len 0, 0, 64, //ttl 6, //TCP 0, *(uint32_t*)&sip, *(uint32_t*)&dip); pkt_move_actptr(&pkt, 20); pkt_tcp_header(&pkt, sport, dport, 1, // seq, 1, // ackseq, 5, // headerlen, 0, // reserved, 0, // flags, 0, // window, 0, // checksum, 0); // urgent RAW_PACKET rp; memcpy(&rp, pkt.pkt, sizeof(rp)); if (pkt_free(&pkt)) { printfd(__FILE__, "pkt_free error!\n"); } rp.dataLen = -1; strcpy(rp.iface, "eth0"); return rp; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------