/*- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Lev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>. All rights reserved. * Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license. */ #include <asn_internal.h> #include <ber_tlv_length.h> #include <ber_tlv_tag.h> ssize_t ber_fetch_length(int _is_constructed, const void *bufptr, size_t size, ber_tlv_len_t *len_r) { const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *)bufptr; unsigned oct; if(size == 0) return 0; /* Want more */ oct = *(const uint8_t *)buf; if((oct & 0x80) == 0) { /* * Short definite length. */ *len_r = oct; /* & 0x7F */ return 1; } else { ber_tlv_len_t len; size_t skipped; if(_is_constructed && oct == 0x80) { *len_r = -1; /* Indefinite length */ return 1; } if(oct == 0xff) { /* Reserved in standard for future use. */ return -1; } oct &= 0x7F; /* Leave only the 7 LS bits */ for(len = 0, buf++, skipped = 1; oct && (++skipped <= size); buf++, oct--) { len = (len << 8) | *buf; if(len < 0 || (len >> ((8 * sizeof(len)) - 8) && oct > 1)) { /* * Too large length value. */ return -1; } } if(oct == 0) { ber_tlv_len_t lenplusepsilon = (size_t)len + 1024; /* * Here length may be very close or equal to 2G. * However, the arithmetics used in some decoders * may add some (small) quantities to the length, * to check the resulting value against some limits. * This may result in integer wrap-around, which * we try to avoid by checking it earlier here. */ if(lenplusepsilon < 0) { /* Too large length value */ return -1; } *len_r = len; return skipped; } return 0; /* Want more */ } } ssize_t ber_skip_length(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, int _is_constructed, const void *ptr, size_t size) { ber_tlv_len_t vlen; /* Length of V in TLV */ ssize_t ll; /* Length of L in TLV */ size_t skip; /* * Make sure we didn't exceed the maximum stack size. */ if(_ASN_STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK(opt_codec_ctx)) return -1; /* * Determine the size of L in TLV. */ ll = ber_fetch_length(_is_constructed, ptr, size, &vlen); if(ll <= 0) return ll; /* * Definite length. */ if(vlen >= 0) { skip = ll + vlen; if(skip > size) return 0; /* Want more */ return skip; } /* * Indefinite length! */ ASN_DEBUG("Skipping indefinite length"); for(skip = ll, ptr = ((const char *)ptr) + ll, size -= ll;;) { ber_tlv_tag_t tag; /* Fetch the tag */ ssize_t tl = ber_fetch_tag(ptr, size, &tag); if(tl <= 0) return tl; ll = ber_skip_length(opt_codec_ctx, BER_TLV_CONSTRUCTED(ptr), ((const char *)ptr) + tl, size - tl); if(ll <= 0) return ll; skip += tl + ll; /* * This may be the end of the indefinite length structure, * two consecutive 0 octets. * Check if it is true. */ if(((const uint8_t *)ptr)[0] == 0 && ((const uint8_t *)ptr)[1] == 0) return skip; ptr = ((const char *)ptr) + tl + ll; size -= tl + ll; } /* UNREACHABLE */ } size_t der_tlv_length_serialize(ber_tlv_len_t len, void *bufp, size_t size) { size_t required_size; /* Size of len encoding */ uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)bufp; uint8_t *end; size_t i; if(len <= 127) { /* Encoded in 1 octet */ if(size) *buf = (uint8_t)len; return 1; } /* * Compute the size of the subsequent bytes. */ for(required_size = 1, i = 8; i < 8 * sizeof(len); i += 8) { if(len >> i) required_size++; else break; } if(size <= required_size) return required_size + 1; *buf++ = (uint8_t)(0x80 | required_size); /* Length of the encoding */ /* * Produce the len encoding, space permitting. */ end = buf + required_size; for(i -= 8; buf < end; i -= 8, buf++) *buf = (uint8_t)(len >> i); return required_size + 1; }