/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2017 Lev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>. All rights reserved. * Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license. */ #include <asn_internal.h> #include <ANY.h> #include <errno.h> asn_OCTET_STRING_specifics_t asn_SPC_ANY_specs = { sizeof(ANY_t), offsetof(ANY_t, _asn_ctx), ASN_OSUBV_ANY }; asn_TYPE_operation_t asn_OP_ANY = { OCTET_STRING_free, OCTET_STRING_print, OCTET_STRING_compare, OCTET_STRING_decode_ber, OCTET_STRING_encode_der, OCTET_STRING_decode_xer_hex, ANY_encode_xer, #ifdef ASN_DISABLE_OER_SUPPORT 0, 0, #else 0, 0, #endif /* ASN_DISABLE_OER_SUPPORT */ #ifdef ASN_DISABLE_PER_SUPPORT 0, 0, #else ANY_decode_uper, ANY_encode_uper, #endif /* ASN_DISABLE_PER_SUPPORT */ 0, /* Random fill is not defined for ANY type */ 0 /* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */ }; asn_TYPE_descriptor_t asn_DEF_ANY = { "ANY", "ANY", &asn_OP_ANY, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, asn_generic_no_constraint }, /* No constraints */ 0, 0, /* No members */ &asn_SPC_ANY_specs, }; #undef RETURN #define RETURN(_code) \ do { \ asn_dec_rval_t tmprval; \ tmprval.code = _code; \ tmprval.consumed = consumed_myself; \ return tmprval; \ } while(0) asn_enc_rval_t ANY_encode_xer(const asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, int ilevel, enum xer_encoder_flags_e flags, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) { if(flags & XER_F_CANONICAL) { /* * Canonical XER-encoding of ANY type is not supported. */ ASN__ENCODE_FAILED; } /* Dump as binary */ return OCTET_STRING_encode_xer(td, sptr, ilevel, flags, cb, app_key); } struct _callback_arg { uint8_t *buffer; size_t offset; size_t size; }; static int ANY__consume_bytes(const void *buffer, size_t size, void *key); int ANY_fromType(ANY_t *st, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *sptr) { struct _callback_arg arg; asn_enc_rval_t erval; if(!st || !td) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if(!sptr) { if(st->buf) FREEMEM(st->buf); st->size = 0; return 0; } arg.offset = arg.size = 0; arg.buffer = 0; erval = der_encode(td, sptr, ANY__consume_bytes, &arg); if(erval.encoded == -1) { if(arg.buffer) FREEMEM(arg.buffer); return -1; } assert((size_t)erval.encoded == arg.offset); if(st->buf) FREEMEM(st->buf); st->buf = arg.buffer; st->size = arg.offset; return 0; } ANY_t * ANY_new_fromType(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *sptr) { ANY_t tmp; ANY_t *st; if(!td || !sptr) { errno = EINVAL; return 0; } memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); if(ANY_fromType(&tmp, td, sptr)) return 0; st = (ANY_t *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(ANY_t)); if(st) { *st = tmp; return st; } else { FREEMEM(tmp.buf); return 0; } } int ANY_to_type(ANY_t *st, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void **struct_ptr) { asn_dec_rval_t rval; void *newst = 0; if(!st || !td || !struct_ptr) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if(st->buf == 0) { /* Nothing to convert, make it empty. */ *struct_ptr = (void *)0; return 0; } rval = ber_decode(0, td, (void **)&newst, st->buf, st->size); if(rval.code == RC_OK) { *struct_ptr = newst; return 0; } else { /* Remove possibly partially decoded data. */ ASN_STRUCT_FREE(*td, newst); return -1; } } static int ANY__consume_bytes(const void *buffer, size_t size, void *key) { struct _callback_arg *arg = (struct _callback_arg *)key; if((arg->offset + size) >= arg->size) { size_t nsize = (arg->size ? arg->size << 2 : 16) + size; void *p = REALLOC(arg->buffer, nsize); if(!p) return -1; arg->buffer = (uint8_t *)p; arg->size = nsize; } memcpy(arg->buffer + arg->offset, buffer, size); arg->offset += size; assert(arg->offset < arg->size); return 0; } #ifndef ASN_DISABLE_PER_SUPPORT asn_dec_rval_t ANY_decode_uper(const asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, const asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void **sptr, asn_per_data_t *pd) { const asn_OCTET_STRING_specifics_t *specs = td->specifics ? (const asn_OCTET_STRING_specifics_t *)td->specifics : &asn_SPC_ANY_specs; size_t consumed_myself = 0; int repeat; ANY_t *st = (ANY_t *)*sptr; (void)opt_codec_ctx; (void)constraints; /* * Allocate the structure. */ if(!st) { st = (ANY_t *)(*sptr = CALLOC(1, specs->struct_size)); if(!st) RETURN(RC_FAIL); } ASN_DEBUG("PER Decoding ANY type"); st->size = 0; do { ssize_t raw_len; ssize_t len_bytes; ssize_t len_bits; void *p; int ret; /* Get the PER length */ raw_len = uper_get_length(pd, -1, 0, &repeat); if(raw_len < 0) RETURN(RC_WMORE); if(raw_len == 0 && st->buf) break; ASN_DEBUG("Got PER length len %" ASN_PRI_SIZE ", %s (%s)", raw_len, repeat ? "repeat" : "once", td->name); len_bytes = raw_len; len_bits = len_bytes * 8; p = REALLOC(st->buf, st->size + len_bytes + 1); if(!p) RETURN(RC_FAIL); st->buf = (uint8_t *)p; ret = per_get_many_bits(pd, &st->buf[st->size], 0, len_bits); if(ret < 0) RETURN(RC_WMORE); consumed_myself += len_bits; st->size += len_bytes; } while(repeat); st->buf[st->size] = 0; /* nul-terminate */ RETURN(RC_OK); } asn_enc_rval_t ANY_encode_uper(const asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, const void *sptr, asn_per_outp_t *po) { const ANY_t *st = (const ANY_t *)sptr; asn_enc_rval_t er = {0, 0, 0}; const uint8_t *buf; size_t size; int ret; (void)constraints; if(!st || (!st->buf && st->size)) ASN__ENCODE_FAILED; buf = st->buf; size = st->size; do { int need_eom = 0; ssize_t may_save = uper_put_length(po, size, &need_eom); if(may_save < 0) ASN__ENCODE_FAILED; ret = per_put_many_bits(po, buf, may_save * 8); if(ret) ASN__ENCODE_FAILED; buf += may_save; size -= may_save; assert(!(may_save & 0x07) || !size); if(need_eom && uper_put_length(po, 0, 0)) ASN__ENCODE_FAILED; /* End of Message length */ } while(size); ASN__ENCODED_OK(er); } #endif /* ASN_DISABLE_PER_SUPPORT */