/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* $Revision: 1.124 $ $Date: 2010/10/04 20:19:12 $ $Author: faust $ */ #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/msg.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> // S_IRUSR #include <fcntl.h> // create #include <csignal> #include <cerrno> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> // srandom, exit #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <list> #include "stg/user.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include "stg/plugin.h" #include "stg/logger.h" #include "stg/scriptexecuter.h" #include "stg/version.h" #include "stg_timer.h" #include "settings_impl.h" #include "users_impl.h" #include "admins_impl.h" #include "tariffs_impl.h" #include "services_impl.h" #include "corps_impl.h" #include "traffcounter_impl.h" #include "plugin_runner.h" #include "store_loader.h" #include "pidfile.h" #include "eventloop.h" #ifdef DEBUG #define MAIN_DEBUG (1) #define NO_DAEMON (1) #endif #define START_FILE "/._ST_ART_ED_" namespace { std::set<pid_t> executersPid; bool StartModCmp(const PLUGIN_RUNNER & lhs, const PLUGIN_RUNNER & rhs); bool StopModCmp(const PLUGIN_RUNNER & lhs, const PLUGIN_RUNNER & rhs); void StartTimer(); int StartScriptExecuter(char * procName, int msgKey, int * msgID, SETTINGS_IMPL * settings); int ForkAndWait(const std::string & confDir); void KillExecuters(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool StartModCmp(const PLUGIN_RUNNER & lhs, const PLUGIN_RUNNER & rhs) { return lhs.GetStartPosition() < rhs.GetStartPosition(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool StopModCmp(const PLUGIN_RUNNER & lhs, const PLUGIN_RUNNER & rhs) { return lhs.GetStopPosition() > rhs.GetStopPosition(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StartTimer() { STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); if (RunStgTimer()) { WriteServLog("Cannot start timer. Fatal."); //printfd(__FILE__, "Cannot start timer. Fatal.\n"); exit(1); } else { WriteServLog("Timer thread started successfully."); //printfd(__FILE__, "Timer thread started successfully.\n"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(LINUX) || defined(DARWIN) int StartScriptExecuter(char * procName, int msgKey, int * msgID, SETTINGS_IMPL * settings) #else int StartScriptExecuter(char *, int msgKey, int * msgID, SETTINGS_IMPL * settings) #endif { STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); if (*msgID == -11) // If msgID == -11 - first call. Create queue { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { *msgID = msgget(msgKey, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0600); if (*msgID == -1) { *msgID = msgget(msgKey, 0); if (*msgID == -1) { WriteServLog("Message queue not created."); return -1; } else { msgctl(*msgID, IPC_RMID, NULL); } } else { WriteServLog("Message queue created successfully. msgKey=%d msgID=%d", msgKey, *msgID); break; } } } pid_t executerPid = fork(); switch (executerPid) { case -1: WriteServLog("Fork error!"); return -1; case 0: delete settings; #if defined(LINUX) || defined(DARWIN) Executer(*msgID, executerPid, procName); #else Executer(*msgID, executerPid); #endif return 1; default: if (executersPid.empty()) { #if defined(LINUX) || defined(DARWIN) Executer(*msgID, executerPid, NULL); #else Executer(*msgID, executerPid); #endif } executersPid.insert(executerPid); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef NO_DAEMON int ForkAndWait(const std::string & confDir) #else int ForkAndWait(const std::string &) #endif { #ifndef NO_DAEMON pid_t childPid = fork(); std::string startFile = confDir + START_FILE; unlink(startFile.c_str()); switch (childPid) { case -1: return -1; break; case 0: close(1); close(2); setsid(); break; default: struct timespec ts = {0, 200000000}; for (int i = 0; i < 120 * 5; i++) { if (access(startFile.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) { unlink(startFile.c_str()); exit(0); } nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } unlink(startFile.c_str()); exit(1); break; } #endif return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KillExecuters() { std::set<pid_t>::iterator pid; pid = executersPid.begin(); while (pid != executersPid.end()) { printfd(__FILE__, "KillExecuters pid=%d\n", *pid); kill(*pid, SIGUSR1); ++pid; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace anonymous //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { SETTINGS_IMPL * settings = NULL; STORE * dataStore = NULL; TARIFFS_IMPL * tariffs = NULL; ADMINS_IMPL * admins = NULL; USERS_IMPL * users = NULL; TRAFFCOUNTER_IMPL * traffCnt = NULL; SERVICES_IMPL * services = NULL; CORPORATIONS_IMPL * corps = NULL; int msgID = -11; { STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); WriteServLog.SetLogFileName("/var/log/stargazer.log"); } std::vector<MODULE_SETTINGS> modSettings; std::list<PLUGIN_RUNNER> modules; std::list<PLUGIN_RUNNER>::iterator modIter; if (getuid()) { printf("You must be root. Exit.\n"); exit(1); } if (argc == 2) settings = new SETTINGS_IMPL(argv[1]); else settings = new SETTINGS_IMPL(); if (settings->ReadSettings()) { STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); if (settings->GetLogFileName() != "") WriteServLog.SetLogFileName(settings->GetLogFileName()); WriteServLog("ReadSettings error. %s", settings->GetStrError().c_str()); exit(1); } #ifndef NO_DAEMON std::string startFile(settings->GetConfDir() + START_FILE); #endif if (ForkAndWait(settings->GetConfDir()) < 0) { STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); WriteServLog("Fork error!"); exit(1); } STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); WriteServLog.SetLogFileName(settings->GetLogFileName()); WriteServLog("Stg v. %s", SERVER_VERSION); for (size_t i = 0; i < settings->GetExecutersNum(); i++) { int ret = StartScriptExecuter(argv[0], settings->GetExecMsgKey(), &msgID, settings); if (ret < 0) { STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog = GetStgLogger(); WriteServLog("Start Script Executer error!"); return 1; } if (ret == 1) { // Stopping child return 0; } } PIDFile pidFile(settings->GetPIDFileName()); sigset_t signalSet; sigfillset(&signalSet); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signalSet, NULL); StartTimer(); WaitTimer(); if (!IsStgTimerRunning()) { printfd(__FILE__, "Timer thread not started in 1 sec!\n"); WriteServLog("Timer thread not started in 1 sec!"); } EVENT_LOOP & loop(EVENT_LOOP_SINGLETON::GetInstance()); STORE_LOADER storeLoader(*settings); if (storeLoader.Load()) { WriteServLog("Storage plugin: '%s'", storeLoader.GetStrError().c_str()); goto exitLblNotStarted; } if (loop.Start()) { WriteServLog("Event loop not started."); goto exitLblNotStarted; } dataStore = storeLoader.GetStore(); WriteServLog("Storage plugin: %s. Loading successfull.", dataStore->GetVersion().c_str()); tariffs = new TARIFFS_IMPL(dataStore); admins = new ADMINS_IMPL(dataStore); users = new USERS_IMPL(settings, dataStore, tariffs, admins->GetSysAdmin()); traffCnt = new TRAFFCOUNTER_IMPL(users, settings->GetRulesFileName()); services = new SERVICES_IMPL(dataStore); corps = new CORPORATIONS_IMPL(dataStore); traffCnt->SetMonitorDir(settings->GetMonitorDir()); modSettings = settings->GetModulesSettings(); for (size_t i = 0; i < modSettings.size(); i++) { std::string modulePath = settings->GetModulesPath(); modulePath += "/mod_"; modulePath += modSettings[i].moduleName; modulePath += ".so"; printfd(__FILE__, "Module: %s\n", modulePath.c_str()); modules.push_back( PLUGIN_RUNNER(modulePath, modSettings[i], admins, tariffs, users, services, corps, traffCnt, dataStore, settings) ); } modIter = modules.begin(); while (modIter != modules.end()) { if (modIter->Load()) { WriteServLog("Error loading module '%s': %s", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); goto exitLblNotStarted; } ++modIter; } if (users->Start()) { goto exitLblNotStarted; } WriteServLog("Users started successfully."); if (traffCnt->Start()) { goto exitLblNotStarted; } WriteServLog("Traffcounter started successfully."); //Sort by start order modules.sort(StartModCmp); modIter = modules.begin(); while (modIter != modules.end()) { if (modIter->Start()) { WriteServLog("Error starting module '%s': %s", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); goto exitLbl; } WriteServLog("Module: '%s'. Start successfull.", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str()); ++modIter; } srandom(static_cast<unsigned int>(stgTime)); WriteServLog("Stg started successfully."); WriteServLog("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); #ifndef NO_DAEMON creat(startFile.c_str(), S_IRUSR); #endif while (true) { sigfillset(&signalSet); int sig = 0; sigwait(&signalSet, &sig); bool stop = false; int status; pid_t childPid; std::set<pid_t>::iterator it; switch (sig) { case SIGHUP: traffCnt->Reload(); modIter = modules.begin(); for (; modIter != modules.end(); ++modIter) { if (modIter->Reload()) { WriteServLog("Error reloading module '%s': '%s'", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); printfd(__FILE__, "Error reloading module '%s': '%s'\n", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); } } break; case SIGTERM: stop = true; break; case SIGINT: stop = true; break; case SIGPIPE: WriteServLog("Broken pipe!"); break; case SIGCHLD: childPid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG); it = executersPid.find(childPid); if (it != executersPid.end()) { executersPid.erase(it); if (executersPid.empty()) stop = true; } break; default: WriteServLog("Ignore signel %d", sig); break; } if (stop) break; } exitLbl: WriteServLog("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); //Sort by start order modules.sort(StopModCmp); modIter = modules.begin(); while (modIter != modules.end()) { std::string name = modIter->GetFileName(); printfd(__FILE__, "Stopping module '%s'\n", name.c_str()); if (modIter->Stop()) { WriteServLog("Error stopping module '%s': %s", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); printfd(__FILE__, "Error stopping module '%s': '%s'\n", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); } else { WriteServLog("Module: '%s'. Stop successfull.", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str()); } ++modIter; } if (loop.Stop()) { WriteServLog("Event loop not stopped."); } exitLblNotStarted: modIter = modules.begin(); while (modIter != modules.end()) { std::string name = modIter->GetFileName(); if (modIter->IsRunning()) { printfd(__FILE__, "Passing module '%s' `cause it's still running\n", name.c_str()); } else { printfd(__FILE__, "Unloading module '%s'\n", name.c_str()); if (modIter->Unload()) { WriteServLog("Error unloading module '%s': '%s'", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); printfd(__FILE__, "Error unloading module '%s': '%s'\n", modIter->GetPlugin()->GetVersion().c_str(), modIter->GetStrError().c_str()); } } ++modIter; } if (traffCnt) { traffCnt->Stop(); WriteServLog("Traffcounter: Stop successfull."); } if (users) { users->Stop(); WriteServLog("Users: Stop successfull."); } sleep(1); int res = msgctl(msgID, IPC_RMID, NULL); if (res) WriteServLog("Queue was not removed. id=%d", msgID); else WriteServLog("Queue removed successfully."); KillExecuters(); StopStgTimer(); WriteServLog("StgTimer: Stop successfull."); delete corps; delete services; delete traffCnt; delete users; delete admins; delete tariffs; delete settings; WriteServLog("Stg stopped successfully."); WriteServLog("---------------------------------------------"); return 0; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------