#include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <cerrno> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <csignal> #include "common.h" #include "../../../users.h" #include "userstat.h" BASE_PLUGIN * GetPlugin() { return new USERSTAT(); } USERSTAT::USERSTAT() : isRunning(false), nonstop(false), errorStr(""), version(USTAT_VERSION), listenSocket(-1), maxThreads(16), port(5555), thread(0), users(NULL), store(NULL) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); } USERSTAT::~USERSTAT() { } int USERSTAT::ParseSettings() { vector<PARAM_VALUE>::iterator i; string s; for(i = settings.moduleParams.begin(); i != settings.moduleParams.end(); ++i) { s = i->param; transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), USERSTAT::ToLower()); if (s == "port") { if (str2x<uint16_t>(*(i->value.begin()), port)) { errorStr = "'Port' parameter must be a numeric value"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::ParseSettings() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } } if (s == "maxthreads") { if (str2x<unsigned>(*(i->value.begin()), maxThreads)) { errorStr = "'MaxThreads' parameter must be a numeric value"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::ParseSettings() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } } } return 0; } int USERSTAT::Prepare() { listenSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listenSocket < 0) { errorStr = "Create USERSTAT socket failed."; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() socket - ok\n"); listenAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; listenAddr.sin_port = htons(port); listenAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); int lng = 1; if (0 != setsockopt(listenSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &lng, 4)) { errorStr = "Setsockopt failed. " + string(strerror(errno)); printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() setsockopt - ok\n"); int res = bind(listenSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&listenAddr, sizeof(listenAddr)); if (res == -1) { errorStr = "Bind USERSTAT socket failed"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() bind - ok port: %d\n", port); res = listen(listenSocket, 0); if (res == -1) { errorStr = "Listen USERSTAT socket failed"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Prepare() listen - ok\n"); errorStr = ""; return 0; } int USERSTAT::Finalize() { return close(listenSocket); } int USERSTAT::Start() { if (users == NULL) { errorStr = "Users must be set"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Start() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } if (store == NULL) { errorStr = "Store must be set"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Start() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } if (Prepare()) { return -1; } nonstop = true; if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Run, this)) { errorStr = "Cannot create thread"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Start() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } return 0; } int USERSTAT::Stop() { nonstop = false; if (pthread_kill(thread, SIGTERM)) { errorStr = "Cannot send signal to thread"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Stop() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { if (!isRunning) break; usleep(200000); } if (isRunning) { errorStr = "Cannot stop thread"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Stop() %s\n", errorStr.c_str()); return -1; } return 0; } void * USERSTAT::Run(void * t) { USERSTAT * us = reinterpret_cast<USERSTAT *>(t); pthread_t thread; int outerSocket; struct sockaddr_in outerAddr; socklen_t outerAddrLen; THREAD_INFO info; us->isRunning = true; while (us->nonstop) { outerSocket = accept(us->listenSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&outerAddr, &outerAddrLen); if (outerSocket > 0) { std::vector<THREAD_INFO>::iterator it; us->pool.erase(remove_if(us->pool.begin(), us->pool.end(), USERSTAT::IsDone()), us->pool.end()); while (us->pool.size() >= us->maxThreads) usleep(200000); info.users = us->users; info.store = us->store; info.outerSocket = outerSocket; info.done = false; info.request.Reset(); us->pool.push_back(info); it = us->pool.end(); --it; if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, Operate, &(*it))) { us->errorStr = "Cannot create thread"; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Run() %s\n", us->errorStr.c_str()); } it->thread = thread; } } us->isRunning = false; return NULL; } void * USERSTAT::Operate(void * i) { THREAD_INFO * info = reinterpret_cast<THREAD_INFO *>(i); unsigned char * buf; int32_t size; char * login; int res = read(info->outerSocket, &size, sizeof(size)); if (res != sizeof(size)) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Reading stream size failed! Wanted %d bytes, got %d bytes.\n", sizeof(size), res); info->done = true; return NULL; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() size = %d\n", size); if (size < 0) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Invalid data size.\n"); info->done = true; return NULL; } login = new char[size]; res = read(info->outerSocket, login, size); if (res != size) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Reading login failed! Wanted %d bytes, got %d bytes.\n", 32, res); info->done = true; return NULL; } std::string l; l.assign(login, size); res = read(info->outerSocket, &size, sizeof(size)); if (res != sizeof(size)) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Reading stream size failed! Wanted %d bytes, got %d bytes.\n", sizeof(size), res); info->done = true; return NULL; } printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() size = %d\n", size); if (size < 0) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Invalid data size.\n"); info->done = true; return NULL; } buf = new unsigned char[size]; res = read(info->outerSocket, buf, size); if (res != size) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Reading stream failed! Wanted %d bytes, got %d bytes.\n", size, res); info->done = true; return NULL; } buf[res] = 0; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Received data: %s\n", buf); if (info->users->FindByName(l, &(info->uit))) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() User '%s' not found.\n", login); info->done = true; return NULL; } std::string password = info->uit->property.password; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Requested user: '%s'\n", login); printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Encription init using password: '%s'\n", password.c_str()); BLOWFISH_CTX ctx; char * key = new char[password.length()]; strncpy(key, password.c_str(), password.length()); Blowfish_Init(&ctx, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(key), password.length()); for (int i = 0; i < size / 8; ++i) { uint32_t a; uint32_t b; a = n2l(buf + i * 8); b = n2l(buf + i * 8 + 4); Blowfish_Decrypt(&ctx, &a, &b); l2n(a, buf + i * 8); l2n(b, buf + i * 8 + 4); } delete[] key; printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Received XML: %s\n", buf); if (XML_Parse(info->xmlParser, reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf), size, 1) != XML_STATUS_OK) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Invalid password\n", login); info->done = true; delete[] buf; return NULL; } if (!info->request.isOk) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Operate() Malformed XML\n"); info->done = true; delete[] buf; return NULL; } info->Handle(); std::cout << "USERSTAT::Operate() Request:" << std::endl; std::for_each(info->request.conf.begin(), info->request.conf.end(), THREAD_INFO::LinePrinter()); std::for_each(info->request.stat.begin(), info->request.stat.end(), THREAD_INFO::LinePrinter()); info->done = true; delete[] buf; return NULL; } void TIParseXMLStart(void * data, const char * name, const char ** attr) { THREAD_INFO * ti = reinterpret_cast<THREAD_INFO *>(data); if (strncmp(name, "request", 7) == 0) { if (attr == NULL) { printfd(__FILE__, "ParseXMLStart() 'reqest' tag require a 'login' parameter\n"); ti->request.isOk |= false; return; } else { ti->request.login = *attr; } } else if (strncmp(name, "stat", 4)) { ti->pvList = &(ti->request.stat); } else if (strncmp(name, "conf", 4)) { ti->pvList = &(ti->request.conf); } else { if (ti->pvList == NULL) { printfd(__FILE__, "ParseXMLStart() Unexpected tag: '%s'\n", name); ti->request.isOk |= false; return; } (*ti->pvList)[name]; } } void TIParseXMLEnd(void * data, const char * name) { THREAD_INFO * ti = reinterpret_cast<THREAD_INFO *>(data); if (strncmp(name, "stat", 4) == 0) { ti->pvList = NULL; } else if (strncmp(name, "conf", 4) == 0) { ti->pvList = NULL; } else if (strncmp(name, "request", 7) == 0) { } } THREAD_INFO::THREAD_INFO() : pvList(NULL), users(NULL), store(NULL), outerSocket(-1), done(true) { printfd(__FILE__, "THREAD_INFO::THREAD_INFO()\n"); xmlParser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); if (!xmlParser) { printfd(__FILE__, "USERSTAT::Run() Couldn't allocate memory for parser\n"); } XML_ParserReset(xmlParser, NULL); XML_SetElementHandler(xmlParser, TIParseXMLStart, TIParseXMLEnd); XML_SetUserData(xmlParser, this); } THREAD_INFO::~THREAD_INFO() { printfd(__FILE__, "THREAD_INFO::~THREAD_INFO()\n"); XML_ParserFree(xmlParser); } int THREAD_INFO::Handle() { if (!request.isOk) return -1; if (HandleStat()) return -1; if (HandleConf()) return -1; return 0; } int THREAD_INFO::HandleConf() { PV_LIST::iterator it(request.conf.begin()); for (; it != request.conf.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "password") { it->second = uit->property.password; } else if (it->first == "passive") { it->second = uit->property.passive; } else if (it->first == "disabled") { it->second = uit->property.disabled; } else if (it->first == "disabledDetailStat") { it->second = uit->property.disabledDetailStat; } else if (it->first == "alwaysOnline") { it->second = uit->property.alwaysOnline; } else if (it->first == "tariffName") { it->second = uit->property.tariffName; } else if (it->first == "address") { it->second = uit->property.address; } else if (it->first == "phone") { it->second = uit->property.phone; } else if (it->first == "email") { it->second = uit->property.email; } else if (it->first == "note") { it->second = uit->property.note; } else if (it->first == "realName") { it->second = uit->property.realName; } else if (it->first == "group") { it->second = uit->property.group; } else if (it->first == "credit") { it->second = uit->property.credit; } else if (it->first == "creditExpire") { it->second = uit->property.creditExpire; } else if (it->first == "nextTariff") { it->second = uit->property.nextTariff; } else { printfd(__FILE__, "THREAD_INFO::HandleConf() Invalid param: '%s'\n", it->first.c_str()); } } return 0; } int THREAD_INFO::HandleStat() { PV_LIST::iterator it(request.conf.begin()); for (; it != request.conf.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "cash") { it->second = uit->property.password; } else { printfd(__FILE__, "THREAD_INFO::HandleConf() Invalid param: '%s'\n", it->first.c_str()); } } return 0; }