 *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

 *    Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua>
 *    Author : Maxim Mamontov <faust@stargazer.dp.ua>

#include "xml.h"
#include "admins.h"
#include "tariffs.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "services.h"
#include "corps.h"

#include "api_action.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "actions.h"
#include "config.h"

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib> // getenv
#include <cstring> // str*

#include <unistd.h> // access
#include <libgen.h> // basename


template <typename T>
struct nullary_function
typedef T result_type;

template <typename F>
class binder0 : public nullary_function<typename F::result_type>
        binder0(const F & func, const typename F::argument_type & arg)
            : m_func(func), m_arg(arg) {}
        typename F::result_type operator()() const { return m_func(m_arg); }
        F m_func;
        typename F::argument_type m_arg;

template <typename F>
binder0<F> bind0(const F & func, const typename F::argument_type & arg)
return binder0<F>(func, arg);

template <typename A, typename R>
class FUNC1_ADAPTER : public std::unary_function<A, R>
        FUNC1_ADAPTER(R (*func)(A)) : m_func(func) {}
        const R operator()(A arg) const { return (m_func)(arg); }
        R (*m_func)(A);

template <typename C, typename A, typename R>
class METHOD1_ADAPTER : public std::unary_function<A, R>
        METHOD1_ADAPTER(R (C::* func)(A), C & obj) : m_func(func), m_obj(obj) {}
        R operator()(A arg) { return (m_obj.*m_func)(arg); }
        R (C::* m_func)(A);
        C & m_obj;

template <typename C, typename A, typename R>
class CONST_METHOD1_ADAPTER : public std::unary_function<A, R>
        CONST_METHOD1_ADAPTER(R (C::* func)(A) const, C & obj) : m_func(func), m_obj(obj) {}
        R operator()(A arg) const { return (m_obj.*m_func)(arg); }
        R (C::* m_func)(A) const;
        C & m_obj;

template <typename A, typename R>
FUNC1_ADAPTER<A, R> Func1Adapt(R (func)(A))
return FUNC1_ADAPTER<A, R>(func);

template <typename C, typename A, typename R>
METHOD1_ADAPTER<C, A, R> Method1Adapt(R (C::* func)(A), C & obj)
return METHOD1_ADAPTER<C, A, R>(func, obj);

template <typename C, typename A, typename R>
CONST_METHOD1_ADAPTER<C, A, R> Method1Adapt(R (C::* func)(A) const, C & obj)
return CONST_METHOD1_ADAPTER<C, A, R>(func, obj);

void Version(const std::string & self)
std::cout << self << ", version: 2.0.0-alpha.\n";

void ReadUserConfigFile(SGCONF::OPTION_BLOCK & block)
std::vector<std::string> paths;
const char * configHome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (configHome == NULL)
    const char * home = getenv("HOME");
    if (home == NULL)
    paths.push_back(std::string(home) + "/.config/sgconf/sgconf.conf");
    paths.push_back(std::string(home) + "/.sgconf/sgconf.conf");
    paths.push_back(std::string(configHome) + "/sgconf/sgconf.conf");
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = paths.begin(); it != paths.end(); ++it)
    if (access(it->c_str(), R_OK) == 0)

} // namespace anonymous

namespace SGCONF

                      const std::string & paramDescription)
            : m_config(config),

        virtual ACTION * Clone() const { return new CONFIG_ACTION(*this); }

        virtual std::string ParamDescription() const { return m_description; }
        virtual std::string DefaultDescription() const { return ""; }
        virtual OPTION_BLOCK & Suboptions() { return m_suboptions; }
        virtual PARSER_STATE Parse(int argc, char ** argv, void * /*data*/);

        SGCONF::CONFIG & m_config;
        std::string m_description;
        OPTION_BLOCK m_suboptions;

        void ParseCredentials(const std::string & credentials);
        void ParseHostAndPort(const std::string & hostAndPort);

PARSER_STATE CONFIG_ACTION::Parse(int argc, char ** argv, void * /*data*/)
if (argc == 0 ||
    argv == NULL ||
    *argv == NULL)
    throw ERROR("Missing argument.");
char * pos = strchr(*argv, '@');
if (pos != NULL)
    ParseCredentials(std::string(*argv, pos));
    ParseHostAndPort(std::string(pos + 1));
return PARSER_STATE(false, --argc, ++argv);

void CONFIG_ACTION::ParseCredentials(const std::string & credentials)
std::string::size_type pos = credentials.find_first_of(':');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
    m_config.userName = credentials.substr(0, pos);
    m_config.userPass = credentials.substr(pos + 1);
    m_config.userName = credentials;

void CONFIG_ACTION::ParseHostAndPort(const std::string & hostAndPort)
std::string::size_type pos = hostAndPort.find_first_of(':');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
    m_config.server = hostAndPort.substr(0, pos);
    uint16_t port = 0;
    if (str2x(hostAndPort.substr(pos + 1), port))
        throw ERROR("Invalid port value: '" + hostAndPort.substr(pos + 1) + "'");
    m_config.port = port;
    m_config.server = hostAndPort;

CONFIG_ACTION * MakeParamAction(SGCONF::CONFIG & config,
                                const std::string & paramDescription)
return new CONFIG_ACTION(config, paramDescription);

} // namespace SGCONF

int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string self(basename(argv[0]));

blocks.Add("General options")
      .Add("c", "config", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.configFile, std::string("~/.config/stg/sgconf.conf"), "<config file>"), "override default config file")
      .Add("h", "help", SGCONF::MakeFunc0Action(bind0(Method1Adapt(&SGCONF::OPTION_BLOCKS::Help, blocks), 0)), "\t\tshow this help and exit")
      //.Add("help-all", SGCONF::MakeFunc0Action(UsageAll), "\t\tshow full help and exit")
      .Add("v", "version", SGCONF::MakeFunc0Action(bind0(Func1Adapt(Version), self)), "\t\tshow version information and exit");
SGCONF::OPTION_BLOCK & block = blocks.Add("Connection options")
      .Add("s", "server", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.server, std::string("localhost"), "<address>"), "\t\thost to connect")
      .Add("p", "port", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.port, uint16_t(5555), "<port>"), "\t\tport to connect")
      .Add("local-address", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.localAddress, std::string(""), "<address>"), "\tlocal address to bind")
      .Add("local-port", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.localPort, uint16_t(0), "<port>"), "\t\tlocal port to bind")
      .Add("u", "username", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.userName, std::string("admin"), "<username>"), "\tadministrative login")
      .Add("w", "userpass", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config.userPass, "<password>"), "\tpassword for the administrative login")
      .Add("a", "address", SGCONF::MakeParamAction(config, "<connection string>"), "connection params as a single string in format: <login>:<password>@<host>:<port>");
SGCONF::AppendXMLOptionBlock(commands, blocks);
SGCONF::AppendAdminsOptionBlock(commands, blocks);
SGCONF::AppendTariffsOptionBlock(commands, blocks);
SGCONF::AppendUsersOptionBlock(commands, blocks);
SGCONF::AppendServicesOptionBlock(commands, blocks);
SGCONF::AppendCorpsOptionBlock(commands, blocks);

SGCONF::PARSER_STATE state(false, argc, argv);

state = blocks.Parse(--argc, ++argv); // Skipping self name
catch (const SGCONF::OPTION::ERROR& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
return -1;

if (state.stop)
    return 0;

if (state.argc > 0)
    std::cerr << "Unknown option: '" << *state.argv << "'\n";
    return -1;

SGCONF::CONFIG configOverride(config);

if (config.configFile.empty())
    const char * mainConfigFile = "/etc/sgconf/sgconf.conf";
    if (access(mainConfigFile, R_OK) == 0)

config = configOverride;

std::cerr << "Config: " << config.Serialize() << std::endl;
return commands.Execute(config) ? 0 : -1;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
return -1;


/*void UsageTariffs(bool full)
std::cout << "Tariffs management options:\n"
          << "\t--get-tariffs\t\t\t\tget a list of tariffs (subsequent options will define what to show)\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name\t\t\t\tshow tariff's name\n"
              << "\t\t--fee\t\t\t\tshow tariff's fee\n"
              << "\t\t--free\t\t\t\tshow tariff's prepaid traffic in terms of cost\n"
              << "\t\t--passive-cost\t\t\tshow tariff's cost of \"freeze\"\n"
              << "\t\t--traff-type\t\t\tshow what type of traffix will be accounted by the tariff\n"
              << "\t\t--dirs\t\t\t\tshow tarification rules for directions\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--get-tariff\t\t\t\tget the information about tariff\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the tariff to show\n"
              << "\t\t--fee\t\t\t\tshow tariff's fee\n"
              << "\t\t--free\t\t\t\tshow tariff's prepaid traffic in terms of cost\n"
              << "\t\t--passive-cost\t\t\tshow tariff's cost of \"freeze\"\n"
              << "\t\t--traff-type\t\t\tshow what type of traffix will be accounted by the tariff\n"
              << "\t\t--dirs\t\t\t\tshow tarification rules for directions\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--add-tariff\t\t\t\tadd a new tariff\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the tariff to add\n"
              << "\t\t--fee <fee>\t\t\tstariff's fee\n"
              << "\t\t--free <free>\t\t\ttariff's prepaid traffic in terms of cost\n"
              << "\t\t--passive-cost <cost>\t\ttariff's cost of \"freeze\"\n"
              << "\t\t--traff-type <type>\t\twhat type of traffi will be accounted by the tariff\n"
              << "\t\t--times <times>\t\t\tslash-separated list of \"day\" time-spans (in form \"hh:mm-hh:mm\") for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--prices-day-a <prices>\t\tslash-separated list of prices for \"day\" traffic before threshold for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--prices-night-a <prices>\tslash-separated list of prices for \"night\" traffic before threshold for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--prices-day-b <prices>\t\tslash-separated list of prices for \"day\" traffic after threshold for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--prices-night-b <prices>\tslash-separated list of prices for \"night\" traffic after threshold for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--single-prices <yes|no>\tslash-separated list of \"single price\" flags for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--no-discounts <yes|no>\t\tslash-separated list of \"no discount\" flags for each direction\n"
              << "\t\t--thresholds <thresholds>\tslash-separated list of thresholds (in Mb) for each direction\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--del-tariff\t\t\t\tdelete an existing tariff\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the tariff to delete\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--chg-tariff\t\t\t\tchange an existing tariff\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the tariff to change\n"
              << "\t\t--fee <fee>\t\t\tstariff's fee\n"
              << "\t\t--free <free>\t\t\ttariff's prepaid traffic in terms of cost\n"
              << "\t\t--passive-cost <cost>\t\ttariff's cost of \"freeze\"\n"
              << "\t\t--traff-type <type>\t\twhat type of traffix will be accounted by the tariff\n"
              << "\t\t--dir <N>\t\t\tnumber of direction data to change\n"
              << "\t\t\t--time <time>\t\t\"day\" time-span (in form \"hh:mm-hh:mm\")\n"
              << "\t\t\t--price-day-a <price>\tprice for \"day\" traffic before threshold\n"
              << "\t\t\t--price-night-a <price>\tprice for \"night\" traffic before threshold\n"
              << "\t\t\t--price-day-b <price>\tprice for \"day\" traffic after threshold\n"
              << "\t\t\t--price-night-b <price>\tprice for \"night\" traffic after threshold\n"
              << "\t\t\t--single-price <yes|no>\t\"single price\" flag\n"
              << "\t\t\t--no-discount <yes|no>\t\"no discount\" flag\n"
              << "\t\t\t--threshold <threshold>\tthreshold (in Mb)\n\n";
void UsageUsers(bool full)
std::cout << "Users management options:\n"
          << "\t--get-users\t\t\t\tget a list of users (subsequent options will define what to show)\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--get-user\t\t\t\tget the information about user\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--add-user\t\t\t\tadd a new user\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--del-user\t\t\t\tdelete an existing user\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--chg-user\t\t\t\tchange an existing user\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--check-user\t\t\t\tcheck credentials is valid\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--send-message\t\t\t\tsend a message to a user\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\n\n";
void UsageServices(bool full)
std::cout << "Services management options:\n"
          << "\t--get-services\t\t\t\tget a list of services (subsequent options will define what to show)\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name\t\t\t\tshow service's name\n"
              << "\t\t--comment\t\t\tshow a comment to the service\n"
              << "\t\t--cost\t\t\t\tshow service's cost\n"
              << "\t\t--pay-day\t\t\tshow service's pay day\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--get-service\t\t\t\tget the information about service\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the service to show\n"
              << "\t\t--comment\t\t\tshow a comment to the service\n"
              << "\t\t--cost\t\t\t\tshow service's cost\n"
              << "\t\t--pay-day\t\t\tshow service's pay day\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--add-service\t\t\t\tadd a new service\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the service to add\n"
              << "\t\t--comment <comment>\t\ta comment to the service\n"
              << "\t\t--cost <cost>\t\t\tservice's cost\n"
              << "\t\t--pay-day <day>\t\t\tservice's pay day\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--del-service\t\t\t\tdelete an existing service\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the service to delete\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--chg-service\t\t\t\tchange an existing service\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the service to change\n"
              << "\t\t--comment <comment>\t\ta comment to the service\n"
              << "\t\t--cost <cost>\t\t\tservice's cost\n"
              << "\t\t--pay-day <day>\t\t\tservice's pay day\n\n";
void UsageCorporations(bool full)
std::cout << "Corporations management options:\n"
          << "\t--get-corporations\t\t\tget a list of corporations (subsequent options will define what to show)\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name\t\t\t\tshow corporation's name\n"
              << "\t\t--cash\t\t\t\tshow corporation's cash\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--get-corp\t\t\t\tget the information about corporation\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the corporation to show\n"
              << "\t\t--cash\t\t\t\tshow corporation's cash\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--add-corp\t\t\t\tadd a new corporation\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the corporation to add\n"
              << "\t\t--cash <cash>\t\t\tinitial corporation's cash (default: \"0\")\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--del-corp\t\t\t\tdelete an existing corporation\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the corporation to delete\n\n";
std::cout << "\t--chg-corp\t\t\t\tchange an existing corporation\n";
if (full)
    std::cout << "\t\t--name <name>\t\t\tname of the corporation to change\n"
              << "\t\t--add-cash <amount>[:<message>]\tadd cash to the corporation's account and optional comment message\n"
              << "\t\t--set-cash <cash>[:<message>]\tnew corporation's cash and optional comment message\n\n";

} // namespace anonymous