/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* $Author: faust $ $Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2009/06/08 10:02:28 $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <locale.h> #include <langinfo.h> #include <iostream> #include <iconv.h> #include "stg/common.h" #include "sg_error_codes.h" #include "common_sg.h" #include "version_sg.h" using namespace std; const int usageConf = 0; const int usageInfo = 1; const int TO_KOI8 = 0; const int FROM_KOI8 = 1; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct GetUserCbData { void * data; bool * result; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct HelpParams { string setActionName; string getActionName; string valueName; string valueParam; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Usage(int usageType) { printf("Sgconf version: %s\n\n", VERSION_SG); char action[4]; if (usageType == usageConf) strcpy(action, "set"); else strcpy(action, "get"); printf("To add or to set cash use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> -c <add_cash[:log message]>\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> -v <set_cash[:log message]>\n"); printf("To get cash use:\n"); printf("sgconf get -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> -c\n\n"); HelpParams hp[] = { {"set tariff", "get tariff", "-t", "<tariff:now|delayed>"}, {"set credit", "get credit", "-r", "<credit>"}, {"set credit expire", "get credit expire", "-E", "<credit_expire_date>"}, {"set password", "get password", "-o", "<new_password>"}, {"set prepaid traffic", "get prepaid traffic", "-e", "<prepaid>"}, {"set IP-addresses", "get IP-addresses", "-I", "<*|ip_addr[,ip_addr...]>"}, {"set name", "get name", "-A", "<name>"}, {"set note", "get note", "-N", "<note>"}, {"set street address", "get street address", "-D", "<address>"}, {"set email", "get email", "-L", "<email>"}, {"set phone", "get phone", "-P", "<phone>"}, {"set group", "get group", "-G", "<group>"}, {"set/unset down", "get down", "-d", "<0/1>"}, {"set/unset \'passive\'", "get \'passive\'", "-i", "<0/1>"}, {"set/unset \'disableDetailStat\'", "get \'disableDetailStat\'", "--disable-stat", "<0/1>"}, {"set/unset \'alwaysOnline\'", "get \'alwaysOnline\'", "--always-online", "<0/1>"}, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(hp) / sizeof(HelpParams); i++) { printf("To %s use:\n", hp[i].setActionName.c_str()); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> %s %s\n", hp[i].valueName.c_str(), hp[i].valueParam.c_str()); printf("To %s use:\n", hp[i].getActionName.c_str()); printf("sgconf get -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> %s\n\n", hp[i].valueName.c_str()); } printf("To set user\'s upload traffic value use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> --u0 <traff> [--u1<traff> ...]\n"); printf("To get user\'s upload traffic value use:\n"); printf("sgconf get -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> --u0 [--u1 ...]\n\n"); printf("To set user\'s download traffic value use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> --d0 <traff> [--d1<traff> ...]\n"); printf("To get user\'s download traffic value use:\n"); printf("sgconf get -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> --d0 [--d1 ...]\n\n"); printf("To set userdata<0...9> use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> --ud0 <userdata> [--ud1<userdata> ...]\n"); printf("To get userdata<0...9> use:\n"); printf("sgconf get -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> --ud0 [--ud1 ...]\n\n"); printf("To send message use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> -m <message>\n\n"); printf("To create user use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> -n\n\n"); printf("To delete user use:\n"); printf("sgconf set -s <server> -p <port> -a <admin> -w <admin_pass> -u <user> -l\n\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UsageConf() { Usage(usageConf); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void UsageInfo() { Usage(usageInfo); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CheckLogin(const char * login) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(login); i++) { if (!(( login[i] >= 'a' && login[i] <= 'z') || (login[i] >= 'A' && login[i] <= 'Z') || (login[i] >= '0' && login[i] <= '9') || login[i] == '_' || login[i] == '-')) { return 1; } } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- short int ParseServerPort(const char * p) { int port; if (str2x(p, port) != 0) { printf("Incorresct server port %s\n", p); exit(NETWORK_ERR_CODE); } return (short)port; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char * ParseAdminLogin(char * adm) { if (CheckLogin(adm)) { printf("Incorresct admin login %s\n", adm); exit(PARAMETER_PARSING_ERR_CODE); } return adm; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char * ParsePassword(char * pass) { if (strlen(pass) >= ADM_PASSWD_LEN) { printf("Password too big %s\n", pass); exit(PARAMETER_PARSING_ERR_CODE); } return pass; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char * ParseUser(char * usr) { if (CheckLogin(usr)) { printf("Incorresct user login %s\n", usr); exit(PARAMETER_PARSING_ERR_CODE); } return usr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConvertKOI8(const string & src, string * dst, int encType) { iconv_t cd; char * ob = new char[src.size() * 2 + 1]; char * ib = new char[src.size() + 1]; strcpy(ib, src.c_str()); char * outbuf = ob; char * inbuf = ib; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); char charsetF[100]; char charsetT[100]; if (encType == TO_KOI8) { strcpy(charsetF, nl_langinfo(CODESET)); strcpy(charsetT, "koi8-ru"); } else { strcpy(charsetT, nl_langinfo(CODESET)); strcpy(charsetF, "koi8-ru"); } size_t nconv = 1; size_t insize = strlen(ib); size_t outsize = insize * 2 + 1; insize = src.size(); cd = iconv_open(charsetT, charsetF); if (cd == (iconv_t) -1) { if (errno != EINVAL) printf("error iconv_open\n"); else { printf("Warning: iconv from %s to %s failed\n", charsetF, charsetT); *dst = src; return; } exit(ICONV_ERR_CODE); } #if defined(FREE_BSD) || defined(FREE_BSD5) nconv = iconv(cd, (const char **)&inbuf, &insize, &outbuf, &outsize); #else nconv = iconv(cd, &inbuf, &insize, &outbuf, &outsize); #endif //printf("charsetT=%s charsetF=%s\n", charsetT, charsetF); //printf("ib=%s ob=%s\n", ib, ob); //printf("nconv=%d outsize=%d\n", nconv, outsize); if (nconv == (size_t) -1) { if (errno != EINVAL) { printf("iconv error\n"); exit(ICONV_ERR_CODE); } } *outbuf = L'\0'; iconv_close(cd); *dst = ob; delete[] ob; delete[] ib; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConvertFromKOI8(const string & src, string * dst) { ConvertKOI8(src, dst, FROM_KOI8); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConvertToKOI8(const string & src, string * dst) { ConvertKOI8(src, dst, TO_KOI8); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RecvSetUserAnswer(const char * ans, void * d) { GetUserCbData * gucbd; gucbd = (GetUserCbData *)d; bool * result = gucbd->result; //REQUEST * req = (REQUEST *)gucbd->data; //printf("ans=%s\n", ans); if (strcasecmp("Ok", ans) == 0) *result = true; else *result = false; return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct StringReqParams { string name; RESETABLE<string> reqParam; string * value; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RecvUserData(USERDATA * ud, void * d) { GetUserCbData * gucbd; gucbd = (GetUserCbData *)d; bool * result = gucbd->result; REQUEST * req = (REQUEST *)gucbd->data; if (ud->login == "") { *result = false; return; } if (!req->cash.res_empty()) cout << "cash=" << ud->cash << endl; if (!req->credit.res_empty()) cout << "credit=" << ud->credit << endl; if (!req->creditExpire.res_empty()) { char buf[32]; struct tm brokenTime; time_t tt = ud->creditExpire; brokenTime.tm_wday = 0; brokenTime.tm_yday = 0; brokenTime.tm_isdst = 0; brokenTime.tm_hour = 0; brokenTime.tm_min = 0; brokenTime.tm_sec = 0; gmtime_r(&tt, &brokenTime); strftime(buf, 32, "%Y-%m-%d", &brokenTime); cout << "creditExpire=" << buf << endl; } if (!req->down.res_empty()) cout << "down=" << ud->down << endl; if (!req->passive.res_empty()) cout << "passive=" << ud->passive << endl; if (!req->disableDetailStat.res_empty()) cout << "disableDetailStat=" << ud->disableDetailStat << endl; if (!req->alwaysOnline.res_empty()) cout << "alwaysOnline=" << ud->alwaysOnline << endl; if (!req->prepaidTraff.res_empty()) cout << "prepaidTraff=" << ud->prepaidTraff << endl; for (int i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++) { if (!req->u[i].res_empty()) cout << "u" << i << "=" << ud->stat.mu[i] << endl; if (!req->d[i].res_empty()) cout << "d" << i << "=" << ud->stat.md[i] << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; i++) { if (!req->ud[i].res_empty()) { string str; ConvertFromKOI8(ud->userData[i], &str); cout << "userdata" << i << "=" << str << endl; } } StringReqParams strReqParams[] = { {"note", req->note, &ud->note}, {"name", req->name, &ud->name}, {"address", req->address, &ud->address}, {"email", req->email, &ud->email}, {"phone", req->phone, &ud->phone}, {"group", req->group, &ud->group}, {"tariff", req->tariff, &ud->tariff}, {"password", req->usrPasswd, &ud->password}, {"ip", req->ips, &ud->ips} // IP-address of user }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(strReqParams) / sizeof(StringReqParams); i++) { if (!strReqParams[i].reqParam.res_empty()) { string str; ConvertFromKOI8(*strReqParams[i].value, &str); cout << strReqParams[i].name << "=" << str << endl; } } *result = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ProcessSetUser(const std::string &server, int port, const std::string &admLogin, const std::string &admPasswd, const std::string &str, void * data, bool isMessage) { SERVCONF sc; bool result = false; sc.SetServer(server.c_str()); // õÓÔÁÎÁ×ÌÉ×ÁÅÍ ÉÍÑ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ Ó ËÏÔÏÒÇÏ ÚÁÂÉÒÁÔØ ÉÎÆÕ sc.SetPort(port); // ÁÄÍÉÎÓËÉÊ ÐÏÒÔ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁÐÏÒÔ sc.SetAdmLogin(admLogin.c_str()); // ÷ÙÓÔÁ×ÌÑÅÍ ÌÏÇÉÎ É ÐÁÒÏÌØ ÁÄÍÉÎÁ sc.SetAdmPassword(admPasswd.c_str()); // TODO Good variable name :) GetUserCbData gucbd; gucbd.data = data; gucbd.result = &result; if (isMessage) { sc.SetSendMessageCb(RecvSetUserAnswer, &gucbd); sc.MsgUser(str.c_str()); } else { sc.SetChgUserCb(RecvSetUserAnswer, &gucbd); sc.ChgUser(str.c_str()); } if (result) { printf("Ok\n"); return 0; } else { printf("Error\n"); return -1; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ProcessGetUser(const std::string &server, int port, const std::string &admLogin, const std::string &admPasswd, const std::string &login, void * data) { SERVCONF sc; bool result = false; sc.SetServer(server.c_str()); // õÓÔÁÎÁ×ÌÉ×ÁÅÍ ÉÍÑ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ Ó ËÏÔÏÒÇÏ ÚÁÂÉÒÁÔØ ÉÎÆÕ sc.SetPort(port); // ÁÄÍÉÎÓËÉÊ ÐÏÒÔ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁÐÏÒÔ sc.SetAdmLogin(admLogin.c_str()); // ÷ÙÓÔÁ×ÌÑÅÍ ÌÏÇÉÎ É ÐÁÒÏÌØ ÁÄÍÉÎÁ sc.SetAdmPassword(admPasswd.c_str()); // TODO Good variable name :) GetUserCbData gucbd; gucbd.data = data; gucbd.result = &result; sc.SetGetUserDataRecvCb(RecvUserData, &gucbd); sc.GetUser(login.c_str()); if (result) { printf("Ok\n"); return 0; } else { printf("Error\n"); return -1; } return 0; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------