/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko */ #pragma once #include "stg/settings.h" #include "stg/common.h" #include "stg/module_settings.h" #include #include class DOTCONFDocumentNode; namespace STG { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum DETAIL_STAT_PERIOD { dsPeriod_1, dsPeriod_1_2, dsPeriod_1_4, dsPeriod_1_6 }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SettingsImpl : public Settings { public: explicit SettingsImpl(const std::string &); SettingsImpl(const SettingsImpl&) = default; SettingsImpl& operator=(const SettingsImpl&) = default; SettingsImpl(SettingsImpl&&) = default; SettingsImpl& operator=(SettingsImpl&&) = default; int Reload() { return ReadSettings(); } int ReadSettings(); std::string GetStrError() const { return strError; } int GetExecMsgKey() const { return stgExecMsgKey; } unsigned GetExecutersNum() const { return executersNum; } const std::string & GetDirName(size_t num) const { return dirName[num]; } const std::string & GetConfDir() const { return confDir; } const std::string & GetScriptsDir() const { return scriptsDir; } const std::string & GetRulesFileName() const { return rules; } const std::string & GetLogFileName() const { return logFile; } const std::string & GetPIDFileName() const { return pidFile; } unsigned GetDetailStatWritePeriod() const { return detailStatWritePeriod; } unsigned GetStatWritePeriod() const { return statWritePeriod * 60; } unsigned GetDayFee() const { return dayFee; } bool GetFullFee() const { return fullFee; } unsigned GetDayResetTraff() const { return dayResetTraff; } bool GetSpreadFee() const { return spreadFee; } bool GetFreeMbAllowInet() const { return freeMbAllowInet; } bool GetDayFeeIsLastDay() const { return dayFeeIsLastDay; } bool GetStopOnError() const { return stopOnError; } bool GetWriteFreeMbTraffCost() const { return writeFreeMbTraffCost; } bool GetShowFeeInCash() const { return showFeeInCash; } const std::string & GetMonitorDir() const { return monitorDir; } bool GetMonitoring() const { return monitoring; } unsigned GetMessageTimeout() const { return messageTimeout * 3600 * 24; } unsigned GetFeeChargeType() const { return feeChargeType; } bool GetReconnectOnTariffChange() const { return reconnectOnTariffChange; } bool GetDisableSessionLog() const { return disableSessionLog; } const std::vector & GetFilterParamsLog() const { return filterParamsLog; } const std::string & GetModulesPath() const { return modulesPath; } const ModuleSettings & GetStoreModuleSettings() const { return storeModuleSettings; } const std::vector & GetModulesSettings() const { return modulesSettings; } const std::vector & GetScriptParams() const { return scriptParams; } private: std::string strError; //////////settings std::string modulesPath; std::vector dirName; std::string confDir; std::string scriptsDir; std::string rules; std::string logFile; std::string pidFile; std::string monitorDir; std::vector scriptParams; bool monitoring; unsigned detailStatWritePeriod; unsigned statWritePeriod; int stgExecMsgKey; unsigned executersNum; bool fullFee; unsigned dayFee; unsigned dayResetTraff; bool spreadFee; bool freeMbAllowInet; bool dayFeeIsLastDay; bool stopOnError; bool writeFreeMbTraffCost; bool showFeeInCash; unsigned messageTimeout; unsigned feeChargeType; bool reconnectOnTariffChange; bool disableSessionLog; std::vector filterParamsLog; std::vector modulesSettings; ModuleSettings storeModuleSettings; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }