/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> * Author : Maxim Mamontov <faust@stargazer.dp.ua> */ #include "parser_users.h" #include "stg/users.h" #include "stg/tariffs.h" #include "stg/user_property.h" #include "stg/user_conf.h" #include "stg/user_stat.h" #include <cstdio> #include <cassert> using STG::PARSER::GET_USERS; using STG::PARSER::GET_USER; using STG::PARSER::ADD_USER; using STG::PARSER::DEL_USER; using STG::PARSER::CHG_USER; using STG::PARSER::CHECK_USER; const char * GET_USERS::tag = "GetUsers"; const char * GET_USER::tag = "GetUser"; const char * ADD_USER::tag = "AddUser"; const char * CHG_USER::tag = "SetUser"; const char * DEL_USER::tag = "DelUser"; const char * CHECK_USER::tag = "CheckUser"; namespace { std::string UserToXML(const USER & user, bool loginInStart, bool showPass, time_t lastTime = 0) { std::string answer; if (loginInStart) answer += "<User result=\"ok\">"; else answer += "<User result=\"ok\" login=\"" + user.GetLogin() + "\">"; answer += "<Login value=\"" + user.GetLogin() + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().password.ModificationTime() > lastTime) { if (showPass) answer += "<Password value=\"" + user.GetProperty().password.Get() + "\" />"; else answer += "<Password value=\"++++++\"/>"; } if (user.GetProperty().cash.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Cash value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().cash.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().freeMb.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<FreeMb value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().freeMb.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().credit.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Credit value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().credit.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().nextTariff.Get() != "") { if (user.GetProperty().tariffName.ModificationTime() > lastTime || user.GetProperty().nextTariff.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Tariff value=\"" + user.GetProperty().tariffName.Get() + "/" + user.GetProperty().nextTariff.Get() + "\"/>"; } else { if (user.GetProperty().tariffName.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Tariff value=\"" + user.GetProperty().tariffName.Get() + "\"/>"; } if (user.GetProperty().note.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Note value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().note) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().phone.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Phone value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().phone) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().address.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Address value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().address) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().email.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Email value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().email) + "\"/>"; std::vector<const USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<std::string> *> userdata; userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata0.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata1.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata2.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata3.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata4.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata5.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata6.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata7.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata8.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(user.GetProperty().userdata9.GetPointer()); for (size_t i = 0; i < userdata.size(); i++) if (userdata[i]->ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<UserData" + x2str(i) + " value=\"" + Encode12str(userdata[i]->Get()) + "\" />"; if (user.GetProperty().realName.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Name value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().realName) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().group.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<Group value=\"" + Encode12str(user.GetProperty().group) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetConnectedModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += std::string("<Status value=\"") + (user.GetConnected() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().alwaysOnline.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += std::string("<AOnline value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().alwaysOnline.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>"; if (user.GetCurrIPModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<CurrIP value=\"" + inet_ntostring(user.GetCurrIP()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetPingTime() > lastTime) answer += "<PingTime value=\"" + x2str(user.GetPingTime()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().ips.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<IP value=\"" + user.GetProperty().ips.Get().GetIpStr() + "\"/>"; answer += "<Traff"; const DIR_TRAFF & upload(user.GetProperty().down.Get()); const DIR_TRAFF & download(user.GetProperty().up.Get()); if (user.GetProperty().up.ModificationTime() > lastTime) for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++) answer += " MU" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(upload[j]) + "\""; if (user.GetProperty().down.ModificationTime() > lastTime) for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++) answer += " MD" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(download[j]) + "\""; if (user.GetSessionUploadModificationTime() > lastTime) for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++) answer += " SU" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(user.GetSessionUpload()[j]) + "\""; if (user.GetSessionDownloadModificationTime() > lastTime) for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_NUM; j++) answer += " SD" + x2str(j) + "=\"" + x2str(user.GetSessionDownload()[j]) + "\""; answer += "/>"; if (user.GetProperty().disabled.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += std::string("<Down value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().disabled.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += std::string("<DisableDetailStat value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().passive.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += std::string("<Passive value=\"") + (user.GetProperty().passive.Get() ? "1" : "0") + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().lastCashAdd.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<LastCash value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().lastCashAdd.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<LastTimeCash value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().lastCashAddTime.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().lastActivityTime.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<LastActivityTime value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().lastActivityTime.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (user.GetProperty().creditExpire.ModificationTime() > lastTime) answer += "<CreditExpire value=\"" + x2str(user.GetProperty().creditExpire.Get()) + "\"/>"; if (lastTime == 0) { answer += "<AuthorizedBy>"; std::vector<std::string> list(user.GetAuthorizers()); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) answer += "<Auth name=\"" + *it + "\"/>"; answer += "</AuthorizedBy>"; } answer += "</User>"; return answer; } } // namespace anonymous int GET_USERS::Start(void *, const char * el, const char ** attr) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) != 0) { printfd(__FILE__, "Got wrong tag: '%s' instead of '%s'\n", el, m_tag.c_str()); return -1; } while (attr && *attr && *(attr + 1)) { if (strcasecmp(*attr, "LastUpdate") == 0) str2x(*(attr + 1), m_lastUserUpdateTime); ++attr; } return 0; } void GET_USERS::CreateAnswer() { int h = m_users.OpenSearch(); assert(h); if (m_lastUserUpdateTime > 0) m_answer = "<Users LastUpdate=\"" + x2str(time(NULL)) + "\">"; else m_answer = "<Users>"; USER_PTR u; while (m_users.SearchNext(h, &u) == 0) m_answer += UserToXML(*u, true, m_currAdmin.GetPriv()->userConf || m_currAdmin.GetPriv()->userPasswd, m_lastUserUpdateTime); m_users.CloseSearch(h); m_answer += "</Users>"; } int GET_USER::Start(void *, const char * el, const char ** attr) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) != 0) return -1; if (attr[1] == NULL) return -1; m_login = attr[1]; return 0; } void GET_USER::CreateAnswer() { CONST_USER_PTR u; if (m_users.FindByName(m_login, &u)) m_answer = "<User result=\"error\" reason=\"User not found.\"/>"; else m_answer = UserToXML(*u, false, m_currAdmin.GetPriv()->userConf || m_currAdmin.GetPriv()->userPasswd); } int ADD_USER::Start(void *, const char * el, const char ** attr) { m_depth++; if (m_depth == 1) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) == 0) return 0; } else { if (strcasecmp(el, "login") == 0) { m_login = attr[1]; return 0; } } return -1; } void ADD_USER::CreateAnswer() { if (m_users.Exists(m_login)) m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " result=\"error\" reason=\"User '" + m_login + "' exists.\"/>"; else if (m_users.Add(m_login, &m_currAdmin) == 0) m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " result=\"ok\"/>"; else m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " result=\"error\" reason=\"Access denied\"/>"; } int CHG_USER::Start(void *, const char * el, const char ** attr) { m_depth++; if (m_depth == 1) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) == 0) return 0; } else { if (strcasecmp(el, "login") == 0) { m_login = attr[1]; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "ip") == 0) { m_ucr.ips = StrToIPS(attr[1]); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "password") == 0) { m_ucr.password = attr[1]; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "address") == 0) { m_ucr.address = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "aonline") == 0) { m_ucr.alwaysOnline = (*(attr[1]) != '0'); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "cash") == 0) { if (attr[2] && (strcasecmp(attr[2], "msg") == 0)) m_cashMsg = Decode21str(attr[3]); double cash = 0; if (strtodouble2(attr[1], cash) == 0) m_usr.cash = cash; m_cashMustBeAdded = (strcasecmp(attr[0], "add") == 0); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "CreditExpire") == 0) { long int creditExpire = 0; if (str2x(attr[1], creditExpire) == 0) m_ucr.creditExpire = (time_t)creditExpire; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "credit") == 0) { double credit = 0; if (strtodouble2(attr[1], credit) == 0) m_ucr.credit = credit; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "freemb") == 0) { double freeMb = 0; if (strtodouble2(attr[1], freeMb) == 0) m_usr.freeMb = freeMb; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "down") == 0) { int down = 0; if (str2x(attr[1], down) == 0) m_ucr.disabled = down; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "DisableDetailStat") == 0) { int disabledDetailStat = 0; if (str2x(attr[1], disabledDetailStat) == 0) m_ucr.disabledDetailStat = disabledDetailStat; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "email") == 0) { m_ucr.email = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; i++) { char name[15]; sprintf(name, "userdata%d", i); if (strcasecmp(el, name) == 0) { m_ucr.userdata[i] = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } } if (strcasecmp(el, "group") == 0) { m_ucr.group = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "note") == 0) { m_ucr.note = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "passive") == 0) { int passive = 0; if (str2x(attr[1], passive) == 0) m_ucr.passive = passive; return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "phone") == 0) { m_ucr.phone = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "Name") == 0) { m_ucr.realName = Decode21str(attr[1]); return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "traff") == 0) { int j = 0; while (attr[j]) { int dir = attr[j][2] - '0'; if (strncasecmp(attr[j], "md", 2) == 0) { uint64_t t = 0; str2x(attr[j + 1], t); m_downr[dir] = t; } if (strncasecmp(attr[j], "mu", 2) == 0) { uint64_t t = 0; str2x(attr[j + 1], t); m_upr[dir] = t; } j += 2; } return 0; } if (strcasecmp(el, "tariff") == 0) { if (strcasecmp(attr[0], "now") == 0) m_ucr.tariffName = attr[1]; if (strcasecmp(attr[0], "delayed") == 0) m_ucr.nextTariff = attr[1]; return 0; } } return -1; } void CHG_USER::CreateAnswer() { if (ApplyChanges() == 0) m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " result=\"ok\"/>"; else m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " result=\"error\"/>"; } int CHG_USER::ApplyChanges() { printfd(__FILE__, "PARSER_CHG_USER::ApplyChanges()\n"); USER_PTR u; if (m_users.FindByName(m_login, &u)) return -1; bool check = false; bool alwaysOnline = u->GetProperty().alwaysOnline; if (!m_ucr.alwaysOnline.empty()) { check = true; alwaysOnline = m_ucr.alwaysOnline.const_data(); } bool onlyOneIP = u->GetProperty().ips.ConstData().OnlyOneIP(); if (!m_ucr.ips.empty()) { check = true; onlyOneIP = m_ucr.ips.const_data().OnlyOneIP(); } if (check && alwaysOnline && !onlyOneIP) { printfd(__FILE__, "Requested change leads to a forbidden state: AlwaysOnline with multiple IP's\n"); GetStgLogger()("%s Requested change leads to a forbidden state: AlwaysOnline with multiple IP's", m_currAdmin.GetLogStr().c_str()); return -1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ucr.ips.const_data().Count(); ++i) { CONST_USER_PTR user; uint32_t ip = m_ucr.ips.const_data().operator[](i).ip; if (m_users.IsIPInUse(ip, m_login, &user)) { printfd(__FILE__, "Trying to assign an IP %s to '%s' that is already in use by '%s'\n", inet_ntostring(ip).c_str(), m_login.c_str(), user->GetLogin().c_str()); GetStgLogger()("%s trying to assign an IP %s to '%s' that is currently in use by '%s'", m_currAdmin.GetLogStr().c_str(), inet_ntostring(ip).c_str(), m_login.c_str(), user->GetLogin().c_str()); return -1; } } if (!m_ucr.ips.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().ips.Set(m_ucr.ips.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.alwaysOnline.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().alwaysOnline.Set(m_ucr.alwaysOnline.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.address.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().address.Set(m_ucr.address.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.creditExpire.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().creditExpire.Set(m_ucr.creditExpire.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.credit.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().credit.Set(m_ucr.credit.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_usr.freeMb.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().freeMb.Set(m_usr.freeMb.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.disabled.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().disabled.Set(m_ucr.disabled.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.disabledDetailStat.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().disabledDetailStat.Set(m_ucr.disabledDetailStat.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.email.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().email.Set(m_ucr.email.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.group.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().group.Set(m_ucr.group.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.note.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().note.Set(m_ucr.note.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; std::vector<USER_PROPERTY_LOGGED<std::string> *> userdata; userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata0.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata1.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata2.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata3.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata4.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata5.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata6.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata7.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata8.GetPointer()); userdata.push_back(u->GetProperty().userdata9.GetPointer()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)userdata.size(); i++) if (!m_ucr.userdata[i].empty()) if(!userdata[i]->Set(m_ucr.userdata[i].const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.passive.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().passive.Set(m_ucr.passive.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.password.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().password.Set(m_ucr.password.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.phone.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().phone.Set(m_ucr.phone.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_ucr.realName.empty()) if (!u->GetProperty().realName.Set(m_ucr.realName.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (!m_usr.cash.empty()) if (m_cashMustBeAdded) { if (!u->GetProperty().cash.Set(m_usr.cash.const_data() + u->GetProperty().cash, &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store, m_cashMsg)) return -1; else if (!u->GetProperty().cash.Set(m_usr.cash.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store, m_cashMsg)) return -1; } if (!m_ucr.tariffName.empty()) { if (m_tariffs.FindByName(m_ucr.tariffName.const_data())) { if (!u->GetProperty().tariffName.Set(m_ucr.tariffName.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; u->ResetNextTariff(); } else { //WriteServLog("SetUser: Tariff %s not found", ud.conf.tariffName.c_str()); return -1; } } if (!m_ucr.nextTariff.empty()) { if (m_tariffs.FindByName(m_ucr.nextTariff.const_data())) { if (!u->GetProperty().nextTariff.Set(m_ucr.nextTariff.const_data(), &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; } else { //WriteServLog("SetUser: Tariff %s not found", ud.conf.tariffName.c_str()); return -1; } } DIR_TRAFF up = u->GetProperty().up; DIR_TRAFF down = u->GetProperty().down; int upCount = 0; int downCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++) { if (!m_upr[i].empty()) { up[i] = m_upr[i].data(); upCount++; } if (!m_downr[i].empty()) { down[i] = m_downr[i].data(); downCount++; } } if (upCount) if (!u->GetProperty().up.Set(up, &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; if (downCount) if (!u->GetProperty().down.Set(down, &m_currAdmin, m_login, &m_store)) return -1; u->WriteConf(); u->WriteStat(); return 0; } int DEL_USER::Start(void *, const char *el, const char **attr) { res = 0; if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) == 0) { if (attr[0] == NULL || attr[1] == NULL) { //CreateAnswer("Parameters error!"); CreateAnswer(); return 0; } if (m_users.FindByName(attr[1], &u)) { res = 1; CreateAnswer(); return 0; } CreateAnswer(); return 0; } return -1; } int DEL_USER::End(void *, const char *el) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) == 0) { if (!res) m_users.Del(u->GetLogin(), &m_currAdmin); return 0; } return -1; } void DEL_USER::CreateAnswer() { if (res) m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " value=\"error\" reason=\"User not found\"/>"; else m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " value=\"ok\"/>"; } int CHECK_USER::Start(void *, const char *el, const char **attr) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) == 0) { if (attr[0] == NULL || attr[1] == NULL || attr[2] == NULL || attr[3] == NULL) { CreateAnswer("Invalid parameters."); printfd(__FILE__, "PARSER_CHECK_USER - attr err\n"); return 0; } CONST_USER_PTR user; if (m_users.FindByName(attr[1], &user)) { CreateAnswer("User not found."); printfd(__FILE__, "PARSER_CHECK_USER - login err\n"); return 0; } if (strcmp(user->GetProperty().password.Get().c_str(), attr[3])) { CreateAnswer("Wrong password."); printfd(__FILE__, "PARSER_CHECK_USER - passwd err\n"); return 0; } CreateAnswer(NULL); return 0; } return -1; } int CHECK_USER::End(void *, const char *el) { if (strcasecmp(el, m_tag.c_str()) == 0) return 0; return -1; } void CHECK_USER::CreateAnswer(const char * error) { if (error) m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " value=\"Err\" reason=\"" + error + "\"/>"; else m_answer = "<" + m_tag + " value=\"Ok\"/>"; }