 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2005 Lev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>. All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license.
#ifndef	_INTEGER_H_
#define	_INTEGER_H_

#include <asn_application.h>
#include <asn_codecs_prim.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


extern asn_TYPE_descriptor_t asn_DEF_INTEGER;

/* Map with <tag> to integer value association */
typedef struct asn_INTEGER_enum_map_s {
	long		 nat_value;	/* associated native integer value */
	size_t		 enum_len;	/* strlen("tag") */
	const char	*enum_name;	/* "tag" */
} asn_INTEGER_enum_map_t;

/* This type describes an enumeration for INTEGER and ENUMERATED types */
typedef struct asn_INTEGER_specifics_s {
	asn_INTEGER_enum_map_t *value2enum;	/* N -> "tag"; sorted by N */
	unsigned int *enum2value;		/* "tag" => N; sorted by tag */
	int map_count;				/* Elements in either map */
	int extension;				/* This map is extensible */
	int strict_enumeration;			/* Enumeration set is fixed */
} asn_INTEGER_specifics_t;

asn_struct_print_f INTEGER_print;
ber_type_decoder_f INTEGER_decode_ber;
der_type_encoder_f INTEGER_encode_der;
xer_type_decoder_f INTEGER_decode_xer;
xer_type_encoder_f INTEGER_encode_xer;
per_type_decoder_f INTEGER_decode_uper;
per_type_encoder_f INTEGER_encode_uper;

 * Some handy conversion routines. *

 * Returns 0 if it was possible to convert, -1 otherwise.
 * -1/EINVAL: Mandatory argument missing
 * -1/ERANGE: Value encoded is out of range for long representation
 * -1/ENOMEM: Memory allocation failed (in asn_long2INTEGER()).
int asn_INTEGER2long(const INTEGER_t *i, long *l);
int asn_long2INTEGER(INTEGER_t *i, long l);

 * Convert the integer value into the corresponding enumeration map entry.
const asn_INTEGER_enum_map_t *INTEGER_map_value2enum(asn_INTEGER_specifics_t *specs, long value);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif	/* _INTEGER_H_ */