/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Author : Boris Mikhailenko <stg34@stargazer.dp.ua> */ /* $Revision: 1.31 $ $Date: 2010/10/07 20:04:48 $ $Author: faust $ */ #ifndef USERS_H #define USERS_H #include <pthread.h> #include <ctime> #include <string> #include <map> #include <list> #include <set> #include "os_int.h" #include "settings.h" #include "user.h" #include "tariffs.h" #include "stg_logger.h" #include "notifer.h" #include "actions.h" #include "noncopyable.h" #include "eventloop.h" const int userDeleteDelayTime = 120; using namespace std; class USERS; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE: public PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<uint32_t> { public: PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE(USERS & us, user_iter u) : users(us), user(u) {}; void Notify(const uint32_t & oldValue, const uint32_t & newValue); user_iter GetUser() { return user; }; private: USERS & users; user_iter user; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER: public PROPERTY_NOTIFIER_BASE<uint32_t> { public: PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER(USERS & us, user_iter u) : users(us), user(u) {}; void Notify(const uint32_t & oldValue, const uint32_t & newValue); user_iter GetUser() { return user; }; private: USERS & users; user_iter user; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct USER_TO_DEL { USER_TO_DEL() : iter(), delTime(0) {}; list<USER>::iterator iter; time_t delTime; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class USERS : private NONCOPYABLE { friend class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE; friend class PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER; public: USERS(SETTINGS * s, BASE_STORE * store, TARIFFS * tariffs, const ADMIN & sysAdmin); ~USERS(); int FindByName(const string & login, user_iter * user) const; int FindByID(int id, user_iter * user); bool TariffInUse(const string & tariffName); void AddNotifierUserAdd(NOTIFIER_BASE<user_iter> *); void DelNotifierUserAdd(NOTIFIER_BASE<user_iter> *); void AddNotifierUserDel(NOTIFIER_BASE<user_iter> *); void DelNotifierUserDel(NOTIFIER_BASE<user_iter> *); int Add(const string & login, const ADMIN & admin); void Del(const string & login, const ADMIN & admin); int ReadUsers(); int GetUserNum(); int FindByIPIdx(uint32_t ip, user_iter * user); int OpenSearch(); int SearchNext(int handler, user_iter * u); int CloseSearch(int handler); int Start(); int Stop(); int SendMessage(const string & login, time_t sndTtime, time_t showTime, char type, const string & text) const; private: void AddToIPIdx(user_iter); void DelFromIPIdx(uint32_t ip); int FindByNameNonLock(const string & login, user_iter * user) const; int FindByIDNonLock(int id, user_iter * user); void RealDelUser(); void ProcessActions(); void SetUserNotifiers(user_iter user); void UnSetUserNotifiers(user_iter user); void AddUserIntoIndexes(user_iter user); void DelUserFromIndexes(user_iter user); static void * Run(void *); void NewMinute(const struct tm * t); void NewDay(const struct tm * t); void DayResetTraff(const struct tm * t); bool TimeToWriteDetailStat(const struct tm * t); list<USER> users; list<USER_TO_DEL> usersToDelete; list<PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE> userIPNotifiersBefore; list<PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER> userIPNotifiersAfter; map<uint32_t, user_iter> ipIndex; map<string, user_iter> loginIndex; SETTINGS * settings; TARIFFS * tariffs; BASE_STORE * store; const ADMIN sysAdmin; STG_LOGGER & WriteServLog; bool nonstop; bool isRunning; mutable pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_t thread; mutable unsigned int handle; mutable map<int, user_iter> searchDescriptors; set <NOTIFIER_BASE<user_iter>*> onAddNotifiers; set <NOTIFIER_BASE<user_iter>*> onDelNotifiers; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_BEFORE::Notify(const uint32_t & oldValue, const uint32_t &) { if (!oldValue) return; //EVENT_LOOP_SINGLETON::GetInstance().Enqueue(users, &USERS::DelFromIPIdx, oldValue); // Using explicit call to assure that index is valid, because fast reconnect with delayed call can result in authorization error users.DelFromIPIdx(oldValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void PROPERTY_NOTIFER_IP_AFTER::Notify(const uint32_t &, const uint32_t & newValue) { if (!newValue) return; //EVENT_LOOP_SINGLETON::GetInstance().Enqueue(users, &USERS::AddToIPIdx, user); // Using explicit call to assure that index is valid, because fast reconnect with delayed call can result in authorization error users.AddToIPIdx(user); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif