#include "stg/user_stat.h"
#include "stg/blowfish.h"
#include "stg/plugin_creator.h"
+#include "stg/logger.h"
#include "mysql_store.h"
#define adm_enc_passwd "cjeifY8m3"
ret = CheckAllTables(sock);
- }
- else
- ret = CheckAllTables(sock);
- mysql_close(sock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret = CheckAllTables(sock);
+ }
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ logger("MYSQL_STORE: Current DB schema version: %d", schemaVersion);
+ MakeUpdates(sock);
+ }
+ mysql_close(sock);
return ret;
int MYSQL_STORE::CheckAllTables(MYSQL * sock)
+ sprintf(qbuf,"CREATE TABLE info (version INTEGER NOT NULL)");
+ if(MysqlQuery(qbuf,sock))
+ {
+ errorStr = "Couldn't create info table With error:\n";
+ errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
+ mysql_close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ sprintf(qbuf,"INSERT INTO info SET version=0");
+ if(MysqlQuery(qbuf,sock))
+ {
+ errorStr = "Couldn't write default version. With error:\n";
+ errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
+ mysql_close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ schemaVersion = 0;
+ std::vector<std::string> info;
+ if (GetAllParams(&info, "info", "version"))
+ schemaVersion = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ if (info.empty())
+ schemaVersion = 0;
+ else
+ GetInt(info.front(), &schemaVersion, 0);
+ }
res += param;
- res += "PassiveCost DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0, Fee DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0,"\
- "Free DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0, TraffType VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '')";
+ res += "PassiveCost DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0, Fee DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0,"
+ "Free DOUBLE DEFAULT 0.0, TraffType VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '',"
+ "period VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'month')";
res += "PassiveCost=0.0, Fee=10.0, Free=0,"\
"SinglePrice0=1, SinglePrice1=1,PriceDayA1=0.75,PriceDayB1=0.75,"\
- "PriceNightA0=1.0,PriceNightB0=1.0,TraffType='up+down'";
+ "PriceNightA0=1.0,PriceNightB0=1.0,TraffType='up+down',period='month'";
return -1;
+ sprintf(qbuf,"UPDATE info SET version=1");
+ if(MysqlQuery(qbuf,sock))
+ {
+ errorStr = "Couldn't write default version. With error:\n";
+ errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
+ mysql_close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ schemaVersion = 1;
res = "INSERT INTO users SET login='test',Address='',AlwaysOnline=0,"\
- "Phone='', RealName='',Tariff='tariff',TariffChange='',Userdata0='',"\
- "Userdata1='',";
+ "Phone='', RealName='',Tariff='tariff',TariffChange='',NAS='',";
+ for (int i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ strprintf(¶m, " Userdata%d='',", i);
+ res += param;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++)
return 0;
+int MYSQL_STORE::MakeUpdates(MYSQL * sock)
+if (schemaVersion < 1)
+ {
+ if (MysqlQuery("ALTER TABLE tariffs ADD period VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'month'", sock))
+ {
+ errorStr = "Couldn't update tariffs table to version 1. With error:\n";
+ errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
+ mysql_close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (MysqlQuery("UPDATE info SET version = 1", sock))
+ {
+ errorStr = "Couldn't update DB schema version to 1. With error:\n";
+ errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
+ mysql_close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ schemaVersion = 1;
+ logger("MYSQL_STORE: Updated DB schema to version %d", schemaVersion);
+ }
+return 0;
int MYSQL_STORE::GetAllParams(std::vector<std::string> * ParamList,
int MYSQL_STORE::AddUser(const std::string & login) const
-sprintf(qbuf,"INSERT INTO users SET login='%s'", login.c_str());
+std::string query = "INSERT INTO users SET login='" + login + "',Note='',NAS=''";
+for (int i = 0; i < USERDATA_NUM; i++)
+ query += ",Userdata" + x2str(i) + "=''";
errorStr = "Couldn't add user:\n";
//errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
return -1;
- stat->down[i] = traff;
+ stat->monthDown[i] = traff;
sprintf(s, "U%d", i);
if (GetULongLongInt(row[startPos+i*2+1], &traff, 0) != 0)
return -1;
- stat->up[i] = traff;
+ stat->monthUp[i] = traff;
startPos += (2*DIR_NUM);
for (int i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++)
- strprintf(¶m, " D%d=%lld,", i, stat.down[i]);
+ strprintf(¶m, " D%d=%lld,", i, stat.monthDown[i]);
res += param;
- strprintf(¶m, " U%d=%lld,", i, stat.up[i]);
+ strprintf(¶m, " U%d=%lld,", i, stat.monthUp[i]);
res += param;
for (int i = 0; i < DIR_NUM; i++)
- strprintf(¶m, " U%d=%lld,", i, stat.up[i]);
+ strprintf(¶m, " U%d=%lld,", i, stat.monthUp[i]);
res += param;
- strprintf(¶m, " D%d=%lld,", i, stat.down[i]);
+ strprintf(¶m, " D%d=%lld,", i, stat.monthDown[i]);
res += param;
return -1;
+if (schemaVersion > 0)
+ str = row[5+8*DIR_NUM];
+ param = "Period";
+ if (str.length() == 0)
+ {
+ mysql_free_result(res);
+ errorStr = "Cannot read tariff " + tariffName + ". Parameter " + param;
+ mysql_close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ td->tariffConf.period = TARIFF::StringToPeriod(str);
+ }
+ {
+ td->tariffConf.period = TARIFF::MONTH;
+ }
return 0;
res += " TraffType='max'";
+if (schemaVersion > 0)
+ res += ", Period='" + TARIFF::PeriodToString(td.tariffConf.period) + "'";
strprintf(¶m, " WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1", tariffName.c_str());
res += param;
- errorStr = "Couldn't save admin:\n";
+ errorStr = "Couldn't save tariff:\n";
//errorStr += mysql_error(sock);
return -1;